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Just wanted to mention that the intro video looks like it’s been cut short.
Zendikar full art Islands are strictly better than Ravnica Islands.
Great title for a great article. Love Miles.
Joey – Which one is your favorite? I like the one that’s pouring out water. Some people disagree with me though.
Diego – Thanks! I’m bad at naming things, so sometimes I borrow.
Just finished watching Round 1. It’s a bit early in the morning for me, so I hope I didn’t miss something while holding back from screaming at the screen as he has 5 cards in library, and you saying that 2 curses will kill him. Mills 4, with 1 card in library. Draws 1. 0 cards. The game isn’t over when you have no cards. You lose when you try to draw a card and can’t due to an empty library. Or did I miss a way you had to make him draw another card?
RedEyedSoul – I probably just miscounted. Nothing to scream about though, it’s a game.
No you didn’t miss something, he missed that he doesn’t win with him at 0 cards ^^
Imho, when he fought over your curses with 2 cards left, you have to fight over the last curse. If he has another counter, he can play it anyway so he will always resolve roling thunder (you are at 7 life after his attack, he needs 9 mana to play Thunder for leathal which leaves him with 10 mana to counter your counterspell anyway). The way you played it, you gave him the out of the last 2 cards beeing a counter or burn.
Neon – Makes sense. Thanks for watching!
Really enjoy your videos, thanks =]
Aidan – It’s my pleasure. Any suggestions for the future?
If I may I know you are going the control route with delver as the win condition. I play delver regularly in the Blue Aggro deck. I can’t help but feel this control falls a little short in the mid game. To me this is the result of so many draw spells and that much land.
but that is just me your highest CC is 4 for cards that are not always useful IE serrated and deep analysis,
would this deck function better going aggro using the Faerie pack of spellstutter cloud and ninjas instead of the arrows gate warden ect.
I mostly just want to get your input over playing delver control vers aggro
I know in my aggro i run 15 lands this seems steep but i rather miss my 3rd land drop then go 4 turns with no flip to delver.
and PS Guru Islands all the way baby
Malum – Hi and thanks for your questions. I think the two decks operate differently depsite playing a number of the same cards.
I don’t have enough experience with Fae to really comment on its advantages/disadvantages, but it is more popular/puts up better results than MUC. Perhaps I would do better with Fae since it can be more proactive than this list.
The goal of this MUC is to beat Stompy, have > 50% vs. Storm and WW, be even-ish vs. Affinity and occasionally scrape past Post. It might need more tweaking (or maybe just more practice), but I think it can do that.
Pick which version you want to play based on your style, because Fae plays a better pressure/tempo game, but this one can go bigger.
this deck did not seem great, playing delver in a defensive deck is probably a mistake, the tempo shell looks much stronger than the control shell and takes much better advantage of the card delver of secrets which is probably what you want to be doing..
Love the videos though, maybe tryout combo next? infect or storm?
dfgbdfgdsf – Do you think there is something that could replace Delver in this list? Not sure what I’ll do next, but I’ll keep those both in mind!
The introduction video is now fixed. Thanks, Jason, for working with me on that. (Sorry, everyone — it was my fault!)
Gotta love the people who think they know how to play better than you. lol. I am not a huge fan of pauper, but I enjoy your videos. You are one of the better commentators of any format, so hats off to you. I tried pauper after watching a mikey k video, have you ever played him? I had fun with it, but just don’t like constructed I guess.
This is just a follow up to what dfgbdfgdsf said
I think Delver alone is the problem if you more threats even a late game threat like a crusher.
You have 8 creatures essentially so any removal heavy deck is gonna just shut down your win con.
I wonder how this deck would run making mill your main win con using RTR deffender mills. just spitballing ideas
as for a pauper deck I would love to see played is BuG control
Bobreal – I appreciate the vote of confidence. I have played Mikey K a couple times, and we chat every once in a while too. Hope to hear more from you in the future!
Malum – Can you elaborate on what you mean by BUG Control? Is that the deck that plays Mystical Teachings and Sprout Swarm?
In r1g3 you had a counter war over a capsize on the curse of the bloody tome and used deprive as your first counter instead of counterspell.
It probably doesn’t come up in that game but you should sandbag deprive vs capsize. If he capsizes a land you can counter the capsize with a deprive and as part of the cost return the land he’s targeting. He is then free to counter your deprive but the damage is done and the capsize will be countered for no legal targets (the target land got returned as part of the cost to cast deprive). You can make the same play with daze. The post matchup is so hard with midrange / control blue that you really need all the edges you can get and that’s one of them.
newplan – Great point! I completely forgot about that.
I want to Appologize I put BuG but the deck breakdown is more closer to uGR
This decks main goal is to build up quick mana with snap and fearies with the green land acceleration for a ever turn temporal fissure or grapeshot
3 Ninja of the Deep Hours
4 Utopia Sprawl
2 Archaeomancer
1 Coiling Oracle
2 Overgrowth
3 Sea Gate Oracle
3 Preordain
1 Foresee
2 Fertile Ground
2 Compulsive Research
1 Evolving Wilds
2 Deep Analysis
4 Cloud of Faeries
1 Ghostly Flicker
3 Island
3 Island
2 Forest
5 Forest
1 Mnemonic Wall
4 Simic Growth Chamber
2 Temporal Fissure
1 Arbor Elf
4 Snap
1 Grapeshot
3 Mulldrifter
2 Grapeshot
2 Turn Aside
1 Turn Aside
3 Hydroblast
1 Serrated Arrows
1 Ghostly Flicker
1 Foresee
1 Temporal Fissure
3 Echoing Truth
Malum – OIC, I thought you were referring to a different deck. I feel like this is a combo deck more than a control deck though.
I understand that completely and was going off the name that was given to me. you can create and infinite loop with it casting ghostly flicker. This loop can also build mana to obscene levels besides adding rolling thunder not really sure how to take advantage of all the mana
In g1r3I really feel that an early counterwar against capsize wouldve been idea (especially with a hand full of counters). If the capsize gets binned he doesn’t have too many outs to the game. Also in your last turn you should definitely have played both other curses; he didnt have mana to bounce all of them and you would still have had mana for your counterspell.
Mymmy – I appreciate the advice! Thanks for checking out the match.
Above comment is me. Thanks!
Wondering why in your match’s vs Storm you didn’t save the counters for the storm spells.
Hoju_ca – countering the storm spells doesn’t counter the storm triggers.
OP – I feel like this deck tries assuming the role of a control deck somewhere inbetween Cloudpost and Classic Delver. So in theory it will lose to Cloudpost and beat Classic Delver. It has the same problems against combo decks that Cloudpost does, but doesn’t have the quick clock of Classic Delver to try and pressure them.
As a note to why this is relevant: According to my own numbers, 46% of the matches I’ve played in 24 daily events during the past 2 months are against combo decks. This includes different varieties of Storm as well as Infect and GW Hexproof.
Also, I did enjoy seeing myself on camera.
Thanks for the content!