Downtime Dilly-Dally #1: Introduction and Spelunky

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  1. you are one greedy motherfucker planetwalls
    it’s impressive that you’ve produced 1 article and 2 videos that all say the exact same things about the game.
    please plan out your introductions better, as these vids do an abyssmal job of introducing the game.

    even still, it doesn’t really matter how poor your commentary is. this game is mega-exceptional for videos, and your cute/awkward attitude lets this stay entertaining. I would watch more videos for this game if you made them.

    please remove your beard

  2. I think the commentary is great for someone playing such a difficult game.

    The game looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for trying something different.

  3. Cock horse, I’m sorry my redundancy disappointed you. :( Next time I’ll edit together a compact intro vid.

    Also, I don’t have a beard like that anymore. That was just the photo I submitted for my school ID in 2010.

  4. “Always sacrifice corpses when you can”

    That’s from Problema II of Fear and Trembling, right?

  5. @mathisje: I’m Donald Sutherland, and I like to imagine myself younger than I am.

    @69Xerxes69: I was paraphrasing, but yes, that’s in Problema II. I’m not entirely sure who you are, but I’ll guess: Justin, why were you watching this instead of at the ingathering?

  6. honestly?
    I really enjoyed those vids! Please keep some coming – I really wanna see dat secret level :)

    Great stuff

  7. It’s a curse. It only happens when I don’t record. Last night I made it pretty high up on the leader boards after winning the game on a Daily Challenge but elected not to record it. :( (Took a screen shot for proof, though :/)

    Just a reminder, there are more of these episodes on our Youtube channel than there are available above. Episode #5 has been especially popular, despite consistently bad play.