Eternal Conflict – A Mixed Bag

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  1. I agree that Classic is heading towards a worst of both worlds scenario. Classic is allowed to play 4 of too many cards. Legacy won’t allow you play Bazaar of Baghdad, Black Vise, Goblin Recruiter, or Oath of Druids. And Vintage won’t allow you play 4x Brainstorm, 4x Burning Wish, 4x Gifts Ungiven, 4x Lion’s Eye Diamond, 4x Lotus Petal, 4x Mystical Tutor, or 4x Trinisphere. But in Classic all of those cards are totally free! What is it saying about the format that no one is taking advantage of anything except Bazaar or Oath? We have a lot of nearly viable Legacy decks such as Goblins, storm combo, and your reanimator deck, which are 300% more powerful than they should be, but yet they still can’t compete. No one’s playing Land Tax! It’s so sick. Gush is banned in Legacy and restricted in Vintage, but you can run four in Classic! Minds Desire is free, too. Want to build a Mind’s Desire deck with 1x Mana Crypt, 1x Demonic Tutor, 1x Vampiric Tutor, and four of everything else you should have only 1 copy of? Go nuts! You won’t beat Dredge.

    So even though I just complained about it, your Oath deck looks really cool. I love highly modular decks. Besides Oath you’ve got an ‘accidental’ Tinker victory, a copy Balance to tutor for, and 3 land destruction lands + Thoughtseize. Not that is special to your build or anything. Just saying.

    I wrote “OK”, “Wait?”, and “Done?” on masking tape and stuck it next to my F2-F4 keys. It’ll help me remember. Thank you mentioning those.

    Don’t forget there’s a page 2 everyone!

  2. Steve, you stole my thunder. I have several builds of the sad sac deck on modo and i’ll just say that although sad sac is 100% awesome against oath, it doesn’t cut the mustard in classic yet. Try going down to 2 copies and more targeted discard. The discard and the tutors will help you find it in time.

  3. Looking forward to “Cracking the Code” – I’ve recently come to realize that there is a fair amount I have never explored fully.

  4. whiffy -

    I’m looking forward to see what you came up with for the Sadistic Sacrament deck. I just couldn’t make it work out… it just didn’t seem like the deck’s time had come – just too many clunky draws and decks that don’t care so much about Sadistic Sacrament.

    Even against Oath a resolved Sacrament isn’t totally game over. Often Oath decks can move up to four total Oath targets after sideboarding… and even if they don’t then it’s not the end. I got hit with Sacrament earlier today from Storm Combo in a 2-man, but won via control with Mana Crypt in play.

  5. Also what do you mean by “more targeted discard”? I’ve got 4x Duress and 4x Thoughtseize in there. Cabal Therapy?