Eternal Warrior #6: Whitey Ford Sings the Blues

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  1. Stopped after the first game, you are too close to your mic and the breathing is too loud and you continue to tongue click even though I have seen people mention this to you before. I know it’s hard to suppress habits but if you want to make videos for entertainment you should try harder or spend the time editing you audio. You may be a great player but people will not learn anything from you if you don’t make it less painful to sit though you videos.

  2. Somehow I do not understand why did you concede round 4 game 1. He was at 2 life, you should have tried to edict his emmy. Sure, he play another turn, but you were 19 he was 2 life. I think this was an error.

  3. I had the same problem as another commenter I didn’t make it through the first game because of the breathing and other noises. Instead of watching the play I was wondering if you had a deviated septum because in your picture you don’t seem anywhere near fat enough to breathe that way. I would definitely watch with cleaner audio.

  4. Round 4 game 2, why didn’t you in leylines of the void? His plan is seriously hindered if he doesn’t have loam active. Also, I think it might have been better to pitch spell pierce to force of will when you countered his first crop rotation. That way even if you don’t draw top (which you want to tap out for), you can still play key with force of will back up. Thank you for the content, I really like the deck!

  5. I agree with the heaving breathing, tongue clicking comments. I made it 54 seconds in before deciding not to watch :(

  6. About the audio:

    I’m sorry there are some audio distractions, but I’m glad it has been brought to my attention. I’ve been recording audio/video content for about a year now on another site, and I’m going to go back and check some of my other recent videos to compare. I suspect that I simply had the microphone too close to my mouth, and I can fix that in my next round of videos. I usually do a short audio test before the proper recording, and I may have failed to do so, or bumped the mic afterwards.

    Until I began writing for Academy, I never recorded audio *during* the match as I played it, always doing replays instead. In a replay, you know what you intend to talk about, you can just say it and move the match along at your own pace, there’s no dead air to fill and you’re not thinking through everything in real-time. Recording live is an entirely different animal, and the mic is apparently picking up my “tongue-clicking” as I’m thinking through a play. I will make an effort to limit this in the next batch of videos. I will also get some suggestions on any reasonable and efficient technological solutions on cleaning up audio.

  7. In the round 5 video, why did you concede when he cast Emrakul game 1? You had Diabolic Edict in your hand. You could have made him sac Emrakul. He may have had a counterspell in hand, but it’s worth it to try.