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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Extended PTQ Season: All You Need to Know”.
Extended has such a fabulous metagame this season. Decks have so many ways to attack each other. As it turns out not having the fetches rotate may have been for the best.
I agree. The fetches provide so much mana flexibility that it allows for all kinds of decks to show. The most recent online PTQ had a Living End deck in the finals. The guy cycled Deadshot Minotaurs and the other cycling creatures from Alara block and then cascaded into Living End. Pretty funny rogue build.
Cheers for reading and commenting guys! I agree that Extended is a really good format at the moment and it is so much the better for having fetchlands. Fetch-driven manabases are the foundation of extended and it really lets people do all sorts of crazy stuff.
Should you add ELVES! under the combo section now? Deck seems like it may be real in the coming weeks….maybe this article was written before it won the PTQ, etc.