Welcome back to another edition of Forcing the Will. In today’s article, I will be covering the Legacy metagame, an exciting Legacy promo card, and the Enchantress deck. There is a lot to go over in this edition, so let’s not waste any more time and get right into the Legacy metagame.
Legacy Metagame
- (4-0) Affinity
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) UR Landstill
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Dark Horizon
- (4-0) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Aggro Loam
- (4-0) Show and Tell
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) Countertop/Bant
- (4-0) Dredge
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Aluren
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Ub Merfolk
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Countertop/Bant
- (3-1) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
- (3-1) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
- (4-0) Aluren
- (3-1) Merfolk
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Countertop/Bant
- (3-1) Uw Merfolk
- (4-0) Stiflenought
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Enchantress
- (4-0) Zoo
- (3-1) Merfolk
- (3-1) Enchantress
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Countertop/Bant
- (3-1) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Affinity
- (4-0) Zoo
- (3-1) Uw Merfolk
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Ub Merfolk
- (3-1) Countertop/Thopter
- (3-1) UR Landstill
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (4-0) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) Stiflenought
- (3-1) Uw Merfolk
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (4-0) UR Landstill
- (3-1) Eva Green (GB)
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) Show and Tell
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Elves
- (4-0) UBG Control
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) Affinity
- (4-0) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) UBG Control
- (3-1) Uw Merfolk
- (4-0) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) Rg Goblins
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (4-0) UBG Control
- (3-1) Belcher
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Stiflenought
- (4-0) Reanimator
- (3-1) Bant
- (3-1) Reanimator/Ooze
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Zoo
- (3-1) UBG Control
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (4-0) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) UR Landstill
- (3-1) Countertop/Bant
- (4-0) Rg Goblins
- (4-0) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (3-1) UBG Control
- (3-1) Merfolk
- (3-1) Vengevine Survival
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Countertop/Bant
Top winning Legacy Decks Breakdown
1. Zoo |
14 |
12.39% |
2. Goblins |
10 |
8.85% |
3. Affinity |
9 |
7.96% |
4. Merfolk |
9 |
7.96% |
5. Red Deck Wins (RDW) |
9 |
7.96% |
6. Death and Taxes (DnT) |
8 |
7.08% |
7. Dredge |
8 |
7.08% |
8. Countertop |
7 |
6.19% |
9. Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT) |
6 |
5.31% |
10. UBG Control |
5 |
4.42% |
11. Elves |
4 |
3.54% |
12. Landstill |
4 |
3.54% |
13. Sneak Show |
4 |
3.54% |
14. Stiflenought |
3 |
2.65% |
15. Enchantress |
2 |
1.77% |
16. Reanimator |
2 |
1.77% |
17. Show and Tell |
2 |
1.77% |
18. Aggro Loam |
1 |
0.88% |
19. Aluren |
1 |
0.88% |
20. Bant |
1 |
0.88% |
21. Belcher |
1 |
0.88% |
22. Dark Horizon |
1 |
0.88% |
23. Eva Green |
1 |
0.88% |
24. Survival |
1 |
0.88% |
113 |
What a great turnaround from my last article. The Legacy events have picked back up as I had predicted- thanks to the initial excitement of Scars of Mirrodin dying down some. Looking through the stats, we can see that aggro decks take control of the top played decks in the format once again. To combat this, I would suggest playing a combo deck or a control deck that plays some type of board sweeper… like Pernicious Deed! Affinity has gained popularity thanks to Scars, but if Affinity players start running into Deeds, they will quickly become overwhelmed (just some food for thought). In paper Legacy, Survival decks are taking control of the format, but if you look at the stats in the past month, only a single Survival deck has even been successful! This could be that most players have sold off their Survival of the Fittest in fear that the card will be banned from the format on the 20th of this month, or that players simply don’t enjoy playing the deck. Either way, the difference between the paper and online format is quite shocking.
MOCS Promo
For those who want to play in the Legacy format, but find the prices quite steep (which it is in most cases), will be happy to hear that we will be receiving Pernicious Deed as a promo card in January. This has already started lowered the price of Deeds, and I would expect it to drop in the teens once the promos have hit the system. If you don’t have a set and are wanting to get your hands on some, right after the MOCS event will be the time to do so. I expect Deeds to jump back up into the 20′s once prices have settled.
Here it is the section that most of you have been waiting for- deck and video time! The deck voted in last time was Enchantress! The concept of Enchantress is pretty simple, but it has more than a few complex interactions. The basic concept is to lay down some type of fast accelerations, such as Wild Growth, and play some sort of card draw, such as Argothian Enchantress. Once you have a card drawing engine out on the battlefield, you can begin to lay down enchantments in order to find the cards you need to protect yourself as well as combo off and kill your opponent. I will cover the different cards in my Deck Tech video, but first let’s take a look at some alternate cards that you can play in an Enchantress deck that didn’t make the cut into my deck.
Chrome Mox – Legacy players should be familiar with this card by now. Its favorite place is to accelerate into extra mana early on in games and create a storm count for combo decks. In Enchantress, this cards can help accelerate into a Turn 1 Argothian Enchantress allowing you to start drawing extra cards on Turn 2. I found that Utopia Sprawl and Wild Growth was all the mana acceleration I needed. Casting Mox also forces us to get rid of a card in our hand which could have negative consequences later on in the game. Still getting that Turn 1 Enchantress could win you the game that much faster, and adding in 3-4 Mox might be a good idea if you are planning on playing Enchantress in a tournament against extremely aggressive decks.
Elvish Spirit Guide – One more type of mana acceleration, but only for a one time use. I’m not a big fan of Spirit Guide in Enchantress, but regardless I have seen Enchantress decks throwing down a Turn 1 Enchantress thanks to Spirit Guide. I would highly recommend choosing either Chrome Mox or Elvish Spirit Guide and not to try to play with both copies in your Enchantress deck.
Horizon Canopy – A different type of “acceleration”- hand acceleration! With Canopy, you can throw away your extra land and try to draw into something more useful. I chose not to run this card due to the fact that I would be taking extra damage from the Canopy, and I wanted to have more basic lands so that we could play around cards like Blood Moon, Wasteland, and Price of Progress without risking losing a land drop.
Mirris Guile – Guile is a card that functions just like Senseis Divining Top, but instead of being able to activate the ability whenever, you get one free ability at the beginning of your upkeep. This will allow you to accelerate into the cards you need at a much faster pace. While Guile is useful in certain situations, I often found that Sylvan Library has almsot the exact same impact but adds the benefit of allowing you to draw extra cards for merely an extra 4 life per card.
Verduran Enchantress — This (or Mesa Enchantress) is just an addition card draw engine. Very few decks choose to run Verduran Enchantress due to the fact that Argothian Enchantress and Enchantresss Presence are just plain better in every way. The only reason one would play Verduran Enchantress would be to ensure card draw, but after testing it out, I found it actually hindered the deck’s game plan. The reason being that Verduran Enchantress takes up slots that would normally be other enchantment cards, and when you cast Verduran Enchantress, you won’t be drawing any cards off of it immediately- our goal for Turn 3!
Circle of Protection Red — This is one of the best sideboard options against Goblins and Red Deck Wins (RDW). You would want to run this card in the sideboard if you think you’ll facing any of the decks previously mentioned. Once you are able to lay the Circle of Protection down, you can usually stop the opponent from dealing lethal damage until you have set up your combo pieces. I found that running Solitary Confinement did the trick for me by itself, but having extra options is never a bad idea.
Ghostly Prison — Here’s a card that will help us fight off the aggro decks such as Goblins and Zoo. By making our opponent tap out to attack, we will have a huge advantage in the early game which will allow us to set up and take control without dying to combat damage. If you pair up Prison with Elephant Grass, your Aggro opponent will have little choice but to allow you to piece together your combo. Board this in against any aggressive creature deck.
Open the Vaults – This card is no stranger to enchantment and artifact combo decks. Vaults will help us recover from any mass enchantment hate such as Back to Nature. If you believe your opponent is going to be boarding in a lot of enchantment hate, bring this is to recover from the carnage.
Rule of Law – This card will shut down pretty much any combo deck. I don’t think Rule of Law is an ideal choice for the Enchantress deck since we want to combo off, but when facing Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT), it can mean the difference between life and death. Once again, I prefer Solitary Confinement to protect me from an combo deck shenanigans.
Serenity – Serenity seems like an odd card to play in an Enchantress deck, but it allows you to combat other Enchantress decks as well as Affinity decks. This will take care of every artifact and enchantment on the board, and if you decide to run Open the Vaults you will find that you have a very nasty combo that is hard for other Enchantress decks to deal with. Board this in against Affinity and Enchantress and pair it up with Open the Vaults.
Suppression Field – Every wonder how to help fight of Survival of the Fittest (if that even matters as of this article going up)? Well, here is an answer! By playing Suppression Field, we are forcing our opponent to pay an extra 2 mana anytime they want to activate an ability, and after a turn or two, you should have stalled your opponent long enough to combo off yourself. Suppression Field has uses against a number of cards, but I find it most useful against Survival decks.
Warmth – Another card that helps us stave off our red opponents- which is what they’ll be after you play this card! Warmth is useful against all Red decks such as Goblins and Zoo variants, but I find it most useful (obviously) against Red Deck Wins (RDW). Casting Warmth against a Burn deck will allow you to stay at high enough life until you are able to find a way to deal with your opponent. Board this in against any Red deck- especially Burn.
Enlightened Tutor – The best tutor for decks that run enchantments and artifacts. I have seen many Enchantress decks that run Enlightened, but I decided against it. I found that running Enlightened ate into too many of my enchantment slots, and it often became a dead card that wouldn’t gain me any cards off of the drawing engines. After facing a few Enchantress decks that ran Enlightened, I quickly noticed that my build won games more consistently. Having 4 Sterling Grove in our the deck was more than enough of an enchantment tutor, and topdecking Enlightened in a clutch moment spelled “Good Game” for us. I would strongly encourage trying out each version of the deck and see what works for you best.
Win Condition
Sigil of the Empty Throne — Sigil is a great way to lock down the win once you start throwing out enchantments. Sigil will start pumping out a 4/4 flying threat every time you cast an enchantment spell. The reason I chose to run Hoofprints of the Stag over Sigil is because I can cast Hoofprints on Turn 2 instead of Turn 5 with Sigil. Hoofprints requires me to have counters on it to create 4/4 Fliers of its own, but you plan on having one of our many drawing engines out on the battlefield, so the counters shouldn’t be a problem to get. This will allow us to hold off some of the early aggression if need be, and with Sigil we would have to wait till Turn 5-6 before we got an Elemental. Also, by the time Turn 5 comes around, we want to be comboing off already making Sigil less important in the later stages of the game. Regardless, Sigil is a great cards and I would highly recommend trying it out in your build before you base your decision.
That’s all for the alternate card section. Let’s now take a look at the deck that I chose to play. I discuss the card choices for the deck in my Deck Tech video, so be sure to watch to find out what each of the cards purposes are in the deck!
Enchantress by KillerOwen
I will now discuss the card choices and provide game play of the deck in the videos below. Enjoy!
Enchantress Deck Tech
Legacy Match 1
Legacy Match 2
Legacy Match 3
Legacy Match 4
There you have it- 3-1 with Enchantress! As always, I hope you were able to find these videos both entertaining and useful. If you have any comments or questions about the deck or the videos, feel free to post a comment or contact me online at KillerOwen. I found Enchantress a lot of fun to pilot and was very successful in almost all of the games that I played with it, but it’s not a deck that I would normally play. Given that the current meta is full of aggro decks, it wouldn’t be a bad option if you wanted to give Enchantress a try.
You Choose the Deck!
In this section I let you, the reader, choose which deck I will be covering in my next article! Here is a list of decks that you have to choose from, followed by a list of rules for voting.
#1. Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
#2. Goblins
#3. New Horizon
#4. Sneak and Show
#5. Dark Horizon
Be sure to post either the deck number or the name of the deck in the comment section. You can also send me a message on the boards or online at KillerOwen.
Please make sure to log in to cast your vote as I will ignore anonymous votes.
Make sure to only vote for one deck, so make your vote count. If you do vote for 2 decks, I will only be counting the first deck you listed.
Make sure to get your votes in fast, as I will only allow 2-3 days before choosing the winning deck to cover in my next article.
Also note if there is a specific version of a deck you would like to see, and if possible include a link.
That’s all that time for this article of Forcing the Will. I hope you all enjoyed it! Please leave any comments, questions, or requests you have positive or negative, and I will do my best to respond to them, and until next time may the Force of Will be with you!
Owen Robbins
Survival of the Fittest is banned.
Time Spiral is unbanned.
Apparently they don’t check the MTGO metagame to base their bannings, and if I remember correctly they based the banning of Mystical Tutor from a few Tournament Practice games. Oddly enough they saw Tom Lapelle playing Survival in the TP room hmm… I don’t think Survival was powerful enough to be banned, but I think that most paper players decided to run Survival making it the largest percentage of the field. Either way it’s fun to see Time Spiral back, but I doubt that it will do much to warp the meta.
Here is the explanation for the new BnR list:
#4 Sneak and Show
Ajani’s ultimate has to target you. You had shroud via Solitary Confinement. Right?
I vote #5, Dark Horizon
@ Slawd: You are correct! I didn’t even notice that while I was playing the game, and in that case ignore my rambling about him not destroying my lands with his Ajani :).
#3. New Horizon
#2. Goblins
Thnx for nice article.
I have played Enchantress and can argue about deck composition.
First of all i will begin with cards that are 1 of in main deck.
Card can be 1 copy in main deck if it is worth tutoring with sterling grove.
1) Leyline of Sanctity is good enought to be tutored only against one deck – Burn.
(it is usually too late to tutor for it and play on turn 3-4 against combo)
Burn is strongly favoured match up, because red has no answer to Confinement)
2) Lignify – i can imagine no real sittuations, when this card is better then Oblivion Ring.
The only advantage is mana cost. But if it was tutored with sterling grove you already have at least 3 mana.
3) Wheel of Sun and Moon. There is only one matchup, where this card is worth tutoring – ichorid.
But against ichorid you can go Elephant Grass / Solitary Confinement route and it will be as good as Wheel of Sun and Moon and usually better.
4) Karakas – good target for wasteland and for opposing Karakas
At second i will say, that 19 lands is too few and force too much mulligans. You need at least 3 mana sources and you need to drop land on each of your first 3 turns.
I play with 21 and still occasionaly get 0/1 land hands. I playtested a lot with 19 and 20 lands and it does not work well for me.
At third you need to reduce the amount of nonbasics to minimum. You do not want to lose game, because you kept nice hand with savannah, serras sanctum, utopia sprawl and Enchantress Presence and was wasted at the first turn.
1 Savannah, 1 Taiga, 2 Serras Sanctum are all nonbasics you really want to play.
As i think worst matchups are:
1) 4 x Force of Will, 4 x Daze/Spell Snare/Counterspell decks
2) Death and Taxes (3,4 maindeck Canonists)
3) Bridged Emrakul (and other combos, that are not stopped by confinement / leyline)
At last i want to say, that playing games in Tournament Practice can not show deck strengths / weaknesses. (2 of 4 games: against Mono B and Burried Alive i consider blanks, so you went 1-1)
#5. Dark Horizon
#3 New horizons please…
Anyways thanks for the vids i think i might try enchantress out it looks fun…
listening to you worry about ajani was making me ant to punch my monitor lol. Confinements gives you shroud so ajani is not blowing up your lands.
@ Etriol: Wow thanks for the comments. You have a lot of experience with the deck is sounds like, and I definitely agree with you on many points. As far as the Burried Alive deck goes it has been doing rather well considering it a hybrid of Ooze and Show and Tell, but I respect your opinion. I can honestly say that I did struggle with my mana quite a bit, but I couldn’t really find much to take out in order to balance out the mana. I would probably take out the Lignify if I did decide to add more lands to teh deck. Enchantress struggles greatly vs Counterdecks and Emrakul decks like you states, but I found that Death and Taxes usually wasn’t that bad of a match up. I apologize for not providing game play of an actual event, but like I said I didn’t have time to enter into one. Keep up the good comments mate I’m sure other readers find them as insightful and useful as me :D.
@ zac: Always a pleasure mate, and I give it a try. You might be surprised at how much fun you can have with the deck.
@ ACP:
haha don’t break anything because of a silly error on my part. I even took something away from this article. I need to learn to reread cards I think I already know before I start fussing about them.
I thought the explanation for the Banned and Restricted list changes were pretty short. They really didn’t take the time to clarify their reasons. The last sentence of the ‘explanation’ really shows what I mean: “In balance, the DCI believes the benefits of unbanning Time Spiral outweigh the risks.”
Riiight. They could have just used two sentences, if that is the explanation they choose:
‘In balance, the DCI believes the benefits of banning Survival of the Fittest outweigh the downside. Also in balance, the DCI believes the benefits of unbanning Time Spiral outweigh the risks.”
Very disappointing to get a few paragraphs of nothing instead of using the BnR list update to make a good article.
Um, about the videos…I just watched two. I appreciate that you bring content even when pressed for time, but as Etriol says, Tournament Practice really isn’t actual tournament practice. I want to see you playing tournaments and kicking ass with 60 cards, any 10 of which equal the ticket cost of my entire online collection
No vote for decks, because I’m really not sure what most of them are.
#3. New Horizon + agree on the TP part, thats just to casual to say anything.
#5. Dark Horizon
Thanks for putting these up! They’re the only good legacy videos around, and have really made me love the format.
#1 ANT
enjoyed watching, real games are better, but if you don’t have time practise games were still fun to watch. thanks for the vids
#3 new horizon please
#3 New Horizons
#5 Dark Horizon
You got me shouting at the monitor G4M2 with the Ajani ultimate. Every time you said “he’s gonna destroy my lands” I was like: “NO, HE WON’T! You’ve got shroud, goddamit!” or “It says TARGET player!” aloud. It’s kind of funny how infuriating that was.
Anyway, great vids. This was the first time I stumbled upon your colum and I’m definitely coming back for more.
Thanks a lot for the videos Owen. Keep the good work up. Legacy is really interesting to watch and thats the all most of us can afford anyway^^
Think it was not mentioned that you were pretty close to handle Emrakul match 1: you can actually kill with Aura of Silence as it is not a spell anymore once its in play. Emrakul has no protection from effects.
@hanseman: Emrakul is colorless, but it isn’t an artifact.
I’ll vote for new horizons.
Hello Owen,
great article as always. If you like we can set up a poll next time so it’s easier to track the votes. It’s pretty easy to do. Just let us know! I agree that it would be great to track some tournaments but I understand that it is very time consuming.
I vote for “New Horizon”
#4 Sneak and Show
Oh yeah. My bad. Thought i was missing something
Better have Oring ready next time.
I vote for more legacy videos as i dont know most of the decks suggested.
#5. Dark Horizon
New horizons has a pretty tough times in the current meta full of goblins and merfolk. Even zoo is a tough mu. For this reason I vote for:
#3 New Horizons
P.S. I wish you had suggested reanimator. I would’ve loved to see it on action
#5. Dark horizon
Just got to match 2 game 2, your only real out was to put in Sylvan Library off of the SnT to try and draw into Karakas. I guess technically you could also have seen Sanctum/Wild Growth/O-Ring off the Library as well, but that is waaaay less likely than hitting the Karakas.
Voting for Sneak/Show, because I wouldn’t wish playing New Horizons on anyone. The deck is BAD.
My vote goes to Dark Horizons, #5
First of all WOW I’d just like to say thank you all for the support you have given me it really means a lot. I have received so many positive comments not only on the posts here but online as well. I appreciate all the feedback I receive from my readers and am always looking for ways to improve these articles. I would also like to thank you all for understanding my situation in doing the TP games instead of a sanctioned tournament, but rest assured I will get more tournament articles up. I would also like to apologize about the Ajani mess up in my video. I am so used to playing against Armageddon that I forgot all about the wording and Ajani and figured it was just an ability that didn’t require targeting. Sometimes even the regulars need reminding of how cards function, or I could just take the time to reread the cards ;). I’ll continue to do my best for you guys.
@ Zage: A lot of players believe they didn’t go into great detail on the BnR so that WOTC could cover their tale if they needed to. I will be sure to bring more Legacy videos of actual Tournament play in the future, but thanks for understanding my situation this time around.
@ QuicksilverJohny: I am happy to hear that you enjoy the Legacy videos! I just hope that I can keep making them interesting enough for you to continue loving Legacy.
@ OmniSzron: I agree with you completely now that I know that the ability is target player I too am like stop saying that! If you would like to see some more of these articles I have done simply look under the article tab and go to the Legacy format. You should be able to find all of my previous Legacy articles there.
@ hanseman: Will do mate don’t you worry I’ll keep doing these videos for you guys! About the Emrakul situation with Aura of Silence looks like Chris cleared that up ;).
@ Plejade: A poll feature would be very nice to implement into future articles. With that I could require all votes to be from MTGO Academy, but this time around I will just have to do it the way I’ve been doing it. Thanks for all the support Marin I appreciate all that you have done for MTGO.
@ JPL: There are a few builds I have been testing that actually do fairly well vs those decks, but a lot of times it comes down to who goes first. As far as Reanimator goes I did an article on that earlier this year. In fact I believe it was my first set of MTGO Legacy videos. Check out the Articles/Constructed Formats/Legacy to find it as well as other Legacy decks you might find interesting.
@ Zeitgeist: I didn’t even think to try that in order to get Karakas. I will admit I got pretty discouraged once I saw Emrakul hit, and my mode totally went into concede mode. I should have thought about all the possibilities more. Thanks for pointing that out I appreciate any tips and feedback that I can get.
#5 Dark Horizons.
I still like the videos, but please don’t do them in TP. At least get your friends with tier 1 decks to do this with you.
Great article, I vote for new horizon.
Voting ends tonight so get those votes in. It’s a very close race hard to say which deck will win right now.
your photo kinda looks like Andy from the Office
great article again! my vote goes to Dark Horizon
awesome article!! i enjoy it a lot!!
for me next – 4 sneak and show
Isn’t Replenish strictly better than Open the Vaults for Enchantress? Two less mana, and it only affects your enchantments as opposed to everyone’s enchantments + artifacts.
@ ThrustVectoring: Correct Replenish is better than Open the Vaults, but Replenish isn’t available online yet. Once Urza’s Destiny is released Replenish will be an obvious choice for those looking to improve their Enchantress decks. Thanks for mentioning that I don’t usually list off cards that aren’t currently available online since these articles are focused on the online Legacy format rather than the paper format. If you look through my articles you will see quite a difference between online and paper Legacy.
Number 5 please!
New horizons Please
great enchantress video
I would like to see #3 new horizons
Sneak and Show