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I stopped watching after Gm 1 Match 1. You sound like me several years back “like yea.” “So, so, so, so” suck my toe. “So… ummm… yea…” You REALLY need to stop saying all those on a per/sec basis. Its more annoying than 3+ chinese girls chatting it up in Mandarin and Bunch of Japs saying “Ehhhhhhhhhhh” at the same time for no reason whatsoever and a bossy Korean.
Over the 2-3 years I have unconsciously corrected my habit of speaking (I spoke that way before). “But yea…” Its most likely due to doing study abroad several times. Point is- the manner at which you speak makes you sound like the standard 14-20 (maybe 21) year old.
Also, I made that mistake with Tbolt which cost me the game and match. I quickly realized its not a 1st pick anymore. In your grade scale of commons for Wlight you mention Firefiend being better than Tbolt but you dont take it P3P1. Am I missing something?
The format is not bad at all. Played 15x. Perhaps a bit too much and only cracked Dreadnought and Vamp Tutor. Its similar to Zen when one person is stuck on 3 lands they are most likely going to lose BADLY. Not being able to curve into a 4-5-x drop is VERY disappointing and will likely end in a loss when playing against the slightly more aggro colors.
Thanks for the Vids. Looking forward to some Legacy =)
First of yes I do say those fillers way to much, and that’s something I need to work on. By the way correct on the age 21. As for the rating of the commons before I go over the list I specifically said “I would like to note that these are based on overall drafts and not my personal picks.” I was simply showing you what players pick overall and not my own personal preferences. I also needed some removal for fliers so in that situation Tbolt was the best option for me I believe. Once I get my account back I can start focusing on Legacy videos, but until then I will be doing just plain articles. Thanks for the reply I will work on my videos more for you.
I love you, Owen. And I myself am prone to say the word “basically” on a more than frequent basis. At least you’re not dropping ‘f’ bombs while you search for something to say.
Nice article, btw!
Great article, love the MVW videos
Decent draft but poor deckbuilding. Gossammer chains and missionary are decent filler and annoying, but reusable fogs won’t win you the game when your opponent has better threats than you. Lightning cloud’s also quite mediocre in the deck. Mind stone, guided strike, and flare (any 2 for 1 cantrip essentially) are very good in this format.
Thanks for all the love Trav and Cbarg!
To geodishy I would beg to differ. I have played this format enough to know that yes Mind Stone, Guided Strike, and Flare are really good, but Chains and Missionary are very good cards. Those two have won me more games than I can tell you, and I used to have the same idea you did but after actually using them they are very underrated. If you watch the videos you will see the chains saves me from huge threats and fliers that I can’t block. Also Missionary allows me to gang up while blocking to kill a creature and leave my guys untouched and I can repeat this process which makes them superior to the other 3 cards in my opinion. I’m not using those cards to be a threat, but they allow me to build up enough to overtake my opponents, or keep them from attacking. I was also unsure of lightning Cloud when I played the deck, but I can tell you the card is good and it was very useful.
Thanks for all the comments guys!
Love the article, Just 1 question, kinda new to MTGO, was wondering where I could find MVW drafts at. I have been doing a lot of m10 drafts but can’t seem to find a location to do the MVW as I am very interested in drafting the set.
DRock10 the MVW block has rotated out of the regular draft, but it does come back time to time in the nix tix events. A full list of these can be found HERE. It looks like we won’t be having MVW for quite some time, but rest assured that it will be back, and I hope this article is useful for when it does come back.
Thanks for the MVW draftvideo, love those drafts!
None of these videos work for me, they all claim: “Video not found.”
Sure Mirage/Visions/Weatherlight isn’t really important right now, but I love draft videos, and videos that don’t work are always a sad sight.
Just a little heads up. If I am the only one with this problem I apologize -_-
It happened to all the the older videos when we updated the site I’ll have them look into it.
Videos are fixed. We tried to switch the embed code after the move but a few of the vids slipped through undetected. Enjoy!
They’re up and working now, great!