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Hell of an article Owen! Nicely done!
Thanks for the nice tournament report! I really like the structure.
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Why not run Chalice or Pithing Needle?
Chalice could take care of Ritual (Ad Nausem) and Crypt, but it’s probably too much of a liability with how many 1-casts you have.
But Pithing Needle seems really good–It prevents Tormod’s Crypt from doing anything, and it can also stop Karakas. Can’t search for it, though.
Maybe Stifle?
I didn’t play chalice since my deck isn’t really mana heavy and like you said a lot of decks I want to shut down will also shut my own down. I do think pithing needle needs to be in the sideboard. The white deck has been gaining popularity and its even more important than before. I might take out a trap, deeds, or duress and add 2 needles in. I was not too worried about it at the time of this daily, but now I think it would be more versatile.
Nice videos, I like that you took the time to analyse your play afterwards.
- byertron
p.s. you should check the batteries in your smoke detector.
Round 3, Game 1 there were quite a number of mistakes; Exhuming Empyrial Archangel instead of Inkwell Leviathan was the first. Archangel’s ability wouldn’t save you from a lethal Tendrils, as it is life loss, not damage. The extra 2 points of damage are quite important against ANT, as it gets him down to ~5 sooner, and thus gives him less cards before he has to start worrying about flipping a lethal Ad Nauseam.
That’s not the worst play, though, which was Entombing after whiffing with your Brainstorm and before Ad Nauseam resolves. This gives him an extra Storm +1 for absolutely no gain on your part besides being able to be lazy and F6.
Definitely appreciate the effort put into doing these kinds of articles, though.
Snafu964 the detector is just that way I didn’t choose to have them installed I am so used to it I don’t even notice it anymore.
Zeitgeist thank you for clearing that up. I did not fully read the text and after doing some digging you are correct in that play since the angel would not prevent the life loss and only damage. You are also correct about the entombing before he ad nauseam for a lazy f6 I was rather beat that day and just taking it easy for the most part. That is my bad and I will correct that, and once again thank you for pointing out any flaws I missed. I appreciate it and I can become a better player because of this.
Bro i love ya but seriously at times…Sigh…Echoing truth is your friend..psst it can bounce a leyline!!
Lol Ranth I know that, but I was in a position where that was not beneficial for me to do so. I normally would, but when I am behind I need to pull ahead in other ways. Like I stated above I should have got the trapped and got rid of his grave and that would have prevented him from gaining board position.
Great article owen!
Haha, I loved the way you introduced terrastadon.
If they play chalice for 1 and 4 of your 6 answers cost one how does that work out? (nature’s claim, chain of vapor)
Rd 3 Game 1, when you brainstorm the turn before he tried to go off, you could have put the exhume back to the library instead of the mystical tutor. This way, you have a blue card for the force of will when you brainstorm. If he has nothing, u can entomb for iona and mystical tutor for the exhume anyway.
Love it, good stuff.
Blue we have rushing river, echoing truth, and the 2 deads that can also get rid of the chalices. We can also hold say mystical tutor in our hand and when they cast it we can tutor up a spell to deal with the chalice.
ChonG that probably would have been the best situation for me, but I was pretty much banking on hitting a blue card+FoW or a daze. You are correct in that I could have tutored for the exhume, which makes your version of the play optimal in that situation.
Hot damn!
Man your plan of fetching then hardcasting the trap at 11:03. U still have IONA on black so u did the right thing gettin truth.
Danne great observation. I can’t say weather or not I knew that at the time, but you are correct. At least I know I didn’t misplay actually even though I wasn’t sure of it at the time. Thanks for all the input and feedback guys I appreciate it!
Actually I was right the first time Iona only shuts down the opponent and not myself, therefore I would still be able to cast the trap.