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Academy REActor or Rector??!?
Thanks Owen, Your videos are as amazing as always and i look forward to seeing your next one. I’m still hoping to see new horizons, but out of the list i hope thresh wins. I have never seen it played. It must not be that popular. Again thank you your videos are always appreciated!
Unless I’m missing something…At the end of round 1 you should have gotten the Hulk instead of Progenitus. You would win by killing the Hulk during your upkeep with Go For the Throat while the Pact trigger is on the stack. Wins a turn faster and also wouldn’t die to a random Wasteland.
Very nice, can’t wait for the next episode.
Round 2 game 1: Turn 3…Instead of Scrubland you should play Gaea’s Cradle tap for 2 green, sac swarm to Phyrexian Tower and then put Pattern on Tinder Wall. Whether you sac Tinder Wall immediately would be up to you since you would combo out next upkeep regardless. I haven’t watched the round 3 or 4 videos yet, but I’ll save any other tighter plays for others to point out. I really enjoyed watching this deck in action…thanks!
Round 3 game 1 turn 3: Why not just play wall, sac wall for mana, pattern swarm, sac swarm with feeder?
nice video there killerowen now i know how to work out this reveillark deck cuz our meta here doesnt play reveillark, looking forward for the next article
Love this series! I voted for Dredge (non LED, 8x 1 drop discard outlets)
btw, what state is your car being inspected in? I just got my Maryland Inspection done and it was a major pain, has to be the worst in the country.
i guess thats another reason to love Ohio, They only checked my drivers license and the VIN then let me go on my way.
Keep in mind this was when the car has a busted windshield, no exhaust to speak of and my passenger door had signs of forced entry from when my stereo had been stolen. O.o
Dobby is a house elf.
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the comments
@ confused: You are correct Rector! Thanks for pointing that out I have always called that card Reactor, but now that you point it out I’m kicking myself for never catching that. Guess it helps to read
@ Zac: Not a problem mate I enjoy bringing you guys these videos. I feel that this one wasn’t very good quality, and the fault is mine. I will make sure to do better in my next video for you all. It was just a very stressful time for me when I filmed this episode, and my mind was elsewhere instead of fully on the game. Also Thresh seems to be in the lead right now so make sure to get your friends to vote for it if you want it to win
@ Chippi: My first thought was to go for the Hulk play, but after thinking it through for a moment I was actually concerned that my opponent would use Swords to the Plowshares or Path to Exile on the Hulk before I got a chance to play Go for the Throat. I didn’t mention it in the video, but that is the main reason I decided to go to Progenitus.
I totally missed that in Round 2 game 1 turn 3! In my mind I was thinking I would have to sacrafice the Tinder Wall and I would have to attach Pattern to the Swarm, but I was scared of the Fanatic. Thank you for pointing it out it’s so obvious once someone else point it out to you.
@ Eighty-Es: Thanks mate it will be here in a couple of weeks keep checking back.
@ Private_Dream: To simply put it I was playing way too hastily. Once again that would be the obvious choice in that situation, and would have gave me the game right there.
@ ryn ball: Tanks bud glad you continue to enjoy these articles
@ Rick: It’s in Utah and since my car is pre 2000 I have to get both a safety and emissions inspection every year which ends up being a pain.
Thanks again everyone for the comments I really do appreciate them. Remember to get your votes in now for the next deck before voting closes.