Forcing the Will: The Shifting Meta

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  1. Interesting stats. I look forward to seeing some of these decks play out. The meta has really been moving around a lot.

  2. i really like landstill a lot if i was gonna run anything id run that … what happen to Reanimator how good is it these days? I would like to see you go deeper on landstill strategies

  3. Thanks for the comments guys!

    @ Giovanni – The Reanimator deck did really well. I only did one daily event, but did manage to win a few 2 man ques before my account temp ban. Reanimator has been struggling a bit these last couple of weeks, but it is still a viable deck. The reason I didn’t go too deep into Landstill was that when I get back online Monday I plan on going over the deck and jumping into some events to show how the deck works for you guys :)!