Hello all and welcome to the one-year anniversary edition of Forcing the Will, and what better way to celebrate than covering a deck full of Legendary Eldrazi behemoths! I would like to take a moment to thank all of my readers for all the comments, criticisms, kind words, thanks, and encouragement I’ve received over the past year on all 17 (and now 18!) articles I’ve done here on MTGO Academy. I hope to continue to bring more exciting and informative articles to all of my readers. Today I will be covering the MTGO Legacy Metagame, and if you haven’t already figured it out by now, the Legacy deck known as Turbo Drazi. So let’s not waste any more time and get things rolling with the MTGO Legacy Metagame. (If you’d like to get straight to Turbo Drazi, you may have to scroll for quite a bit.)
MTGO Legacy Metagame
- (4-0) Three-color Threshold (3C Thresh)
- (3-1) Ad Nauseam Tendrils (ANT)
- (3-1) Death and Taxes (DnT)
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Red Deck Wins (RDW)
- (4-0) Zoo
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) CounterTop
- (3-1) New Horizons
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (4-0) DnT
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Goblins
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (4-0) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Landstill
- (3-1) Natural Order/Show and Tell
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Elves
- (4-0) Bant
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (4-0) Zoo
- (3-1) StifleNought
- (3-1) Natural Order
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (4-0) Natural Order
- (3-1) Natural Order/Show and Tell
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Enchantress
- (4-0) Deadguy Ale
- (4-0) Turbo Drazi
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) Goblins
- (3-1) Mono Black Control
- (3-1) Elves
- (4-0) ANT
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) Bant
- (4-0) Baneslayer Control
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Aluren
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (4-0) Goblins
- (3-1) Team America
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Show and Tell/StifleNought
- (4-0) Bant
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Team America
- (4-0) Stax
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Landstill
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Stax
- (4-0) Dark Depths
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Natural Order
- (3-1) Merfolk
- (4-0) Elves
- (4-0) Team America
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Dark Depths
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (3-1) UB Merfolk
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Bant
- (3-1) Affinity
- (4-0) Team America
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (3-1) Team America
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Dredge
- (3-1) Landstill
- (3-1) Dark Depths
- (3-1) Team America
- (3-1) Stax/Tezzeret
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (4-0) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Dark Depths
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (4-0) CounterTop
- (4-0) New Horizons
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) Team America
- (3-1) Aluren
- (3-1) RDW
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) UW Control
- (3-1) Merfolk
- (3-1) Dark Depths
- (3-1) Dredge
- (4-0) Dark Horizons
- (4-0) Team America
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) Show and Tell
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Dark Depths
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (4-0) Landstill
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Lands
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) UW Control
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (4-0) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Imperial Painter
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (3-1) Hypergenesis/Show and Tell
- (3-1) RDW
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) Team America
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Team America
- (3-1) Dark Depths
- (3-1) Enchantress
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) DnT
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (4-0) Dark Horizons
- (4-0) Dredge
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Team America
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) CounterTop/Natural Order
- (3-1) RDW
- (4-0) Dredge
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Bant
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Deadguy Ale
- (4-0) Team America
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) Aluren
- (3-1) Jacerator
- (3-1) Elves
- (4-0) ANT
- (4-0) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Enchantress
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Hypergenesis/Show and Tell
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (4-0) Baneslayer Control
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Goblins
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (4-0) ANT
- (3-1) Merfolk
- (3-1) Show and Tell
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (4-0) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Aluren
- (3-1) RDW
- (4-0) ANT
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Aluren
- (3-1) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Reanimator/Show and Tell
- (4-0) CounterTop/Natural Order
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) Aluren
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Doomsday Tendrils
- (3-1) Goblins
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Natural Order
- (4-0) RDW
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Reanimator/Show and Tell
- (4-0) Sneak Show
- (3-1) UW Control
- (3-1) Ub Merfolk
- (3-1) Natural Order
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Reanimator/Show and Tell
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Enchantress
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Elves
- (4-0) Merfolk
- (3-1) Reanimator
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Enchantress
- (4-0) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Mono Black Control
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Show and Tell/StifleNought
- (3-1) RDW
- (4-0) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Countertop/Thopter
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) UW Control
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (4-0) Mono Black Control
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Lands
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (4-0) RDW
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Doomsday Tendrils
- (4-0) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Hypergenesis/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Stax
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (3-1) Rock
- (4-0) High Tide
- (4-0) Dredge
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Elves
- (4-0) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) UW Control
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) RDW
- (4-0) Elves
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) Jund
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) RDW
- (3-1) Mono Black Control
- (3-1) Enchantress
- (3-1) Merfolk
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Reanimator
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Doomsday Tendrils
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) Elves
- (4-0) Doomsday Tendrils
- (4-0) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) URG Control
- (3-1) Rw Goblins
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Affinity
- (4-0) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Baneslayer Control
- (4-0) Zoo
- (4-0) Affinity
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Reanimator
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (4-0) Hypergenesis/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) UW Control
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (4-0) ANT
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Elves
- (3-1) Painter’s Servant/Show and Tell
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) UW Aggro
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
4/10/2011 (Event #2255975) Premier Event
- 1st CounterTop/Thopter
- 2nd UWR Control
- 3rd Imperial Painter
- 4th Elves
- 5th Dredge
- 6th Affinity
- 7th High Tide
- 8th Deadguy Ale
- (4-0) Elves
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) Painter’s Servant
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) UBW Control
- (3-1) UW Aggro
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Affinity
- (4-0) Painter’s Servant
- (4-0) High Tide
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Infect Berserk
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (4-0) Bant/Natural Order
- (4-0) RDW
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (4-0) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) UBW Control
- (3-1) Welder
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Infect Berserk
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Aggro Loam
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Doomsday Tendrils
- (4-0) Team America
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Zoo
- (4-0) CounterTop/StifleNought
- (3-1) Doomsday Tendrils
- (3-1) DnT
- (3-1) BG Control
- (3-1) CounterTop
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Lands
- (3-1) Affinity
- (4-0) ANT
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) UW Control
- (4-0) Lands
- (4-0) Rb Goblins
- (3-1) BG Control
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) UB Control
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Rb Goblins
- (4-0) Elves
- (4-0) URG Control
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Jund
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Cephalid Breakfast
- (4-0) UBW Control
- (4-0) Zoo
- (3-1) Dredge
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) URG Control
- (3-1) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Reanimator/Show and Tell
- (4-0) Zoo
- (4-0) CounterTop/StifleNought
- (3-1) Landstill
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Bant
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Lands
- (4-0) DnT
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (3-1) CounterTop/StifleNought
- (3-1) Bant
- (3-1) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) Reanimator
- (4-0) Team America
- (4-0) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Sneak Show
- (3-1) High Tide
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Landstill
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) ANT
- (4-0) ANT
- (4-0) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (4-0) Hive Mind/Show and Tell
- (4-0) UBW Control
- (3-1) Team America
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Affinity
- (4-0) Zoo
- (4-0) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) UBW Control
- (3-1) Turbo Tooth and Nail
- (3-1) UBW control
- (4-0) Dredge
- (4-0) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Landstill
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Dark Horizons
- (3-1) Turbo Drazi
- (4-0) GW Haterade
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) Landstill
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (4-0) Imperial Painter
- (3-1) Zoo
- (3-1) CounterTop/Thopter
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Landstill
- (4-0) Team America
- (4-0) UW Control
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) Deadguy Ale
- (3-1) Cephalid Breakfast
- (3-1) GW Haterade
- (3-1) ANT
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) RDW
- (3-1) Bant/Natural Order
- (4-0) Team America
- (3-1) Elves
- (3-1) Tezzeret/Thopter
- (3-1) Affinity
- (3-1) 3C Thresh
Top Winning MTGO Legacy Decks Breakdown
1. ANT |
47 |
8.8% |
2. Bant |
35 |
6.5% |
3. Zoo |
35 |
6.5% |
4. GW Haterade |
29 |
5.4% |
5. Elves |
27 |
5.0% |
6. Affinity |
26 |
4.8% |
7. Deadguy Ale |
23 |
4.3% |
8. Dredge |
21 |
3.9% |
9. RDW |
20 |
3.7% |
10. CounterTop/Thopter |
18 |
3.4% |
11. Hive Mind |
17 |
3.2% |
12. Team America |
17 |
3.2% |
13. Thresh |
14 |
2.6% |
14. DnT |
13 |
2.4% |
15. Goblins |
13 |
2.4% |
16. High Tide |
13 |
2.4% |
17. Sneak Show |
13 |
2.4% |
18. Dark Horizons |
12 |
2.2% |
19. Turbo Drazi |
11 |
2.0% |
20. CounterTop |
9 |
1.8% |
21. Landstill |
9 |
1.8% |
22. Reanimator |
8 |
1.5% |
23. UW Control |
8 |
1.5% |
24. Dark Depths |
7 |
1.3% |
25. Merfolk |
7 |
1.3% |
26. Natural Order |
7 |
1.3% |
27. Aluren |
6 |
1.1% |
28. Doomsday Tendrils |
6 |
1.1% |
29. Enchantress |
6 |
1.1% |
30. UBW Control |
6 |
1.1% |
31. Lands |
5 |
0.9% |
32. Hypergenesis |
4 |
0.7% |
33. Mono Black Control |
4 |
0.7% |
34. Show and Tell |
4 |
0.7% |
35. Stax |
4 |
0.7% |
36. Baneslayer Control |
3 |
0.6% |
37. New Horizons |
3 |
0.6% |
38. Imperial Painter |
3 |
0.6% |
39. Painter’s Servant |
3 |
0.6% |
40. BG Control |
2 |
0.4% |
41. Cephalid Breakfast |
2 |
0.4% |
42. Infect Berserk |
2 |
0.4% |
43. Jund |
2 |
0.4% |
44. URG Control |
2 |
0.4% |
45. UW Aggro |
2 |
0.4% |
46. Aggro Loam |
1 |
0.1% |
47. Jacerator |
1 |
0.1% |
48. Rock |
1 |
0.1% |
49. StifleNought |
1 |
0.1% |
50. Tezzeret |
1 |
0.1% |
51. UB Control |
1 |
0.1% |
52. URG Control |
1 |
0.1% |
53. UWR Control |
1 |
0.1% |
54. Welder |
1 |
0.1% |
537 |
99.4% (with rounding) |
Legacy players have once again met my expectations of the format, and the number of players in events has continued to grow since my last article. If you are still on the fence about joining Legacy, I would suggest getting in sooner rather than later since the cost of joining the format has steadily been increasing. Looking at the top winning decks, we can see that there is a good combination of Storm, Aggro, and Control decks running around, but once again ANT is the dominating deck in the format. I would suggest packing some Chalice of the Voids or Mindbreak Traps into you sideboard if you haven’t already. Another thing to note is that Dredge is becoming less and less successful as of late. There are a number of reasons this could be happening, but this is usually the case with Dredge. Dredge decks will do well and gradually drop as the format packs hate for the deck, and once players stop playing Dredge, players stop packing hate. This will eventually lead to more players playing Dredge again, but for now it appears as though Dredge is leveling off. So you won’t likely need to pack as much hate as usual, but still expect to be facing the occasional Dredge deck now and then. Other than that, there is no further suggestion I have other than to play with the deck that you feel most comfortable with, and continue to grind those Legacy Events.
MVW and TSE Drafts
Official announcement from Wizards of the Coast:
Mirage and Tempest Blocks Return
These classic blocks will be available to play and purchase after we return from our scheduled maintenance on May 11 until the start of the following maintenance on May 18.
These blocks will only be up in the store and draft room for a week, so make sure you take advantage of that week to get the most you can out of these two sets. Both sets contain a large number of staple cards for the Eternal formats, and we need as many of these cards as we can in the system. In addition the value in these blocks is insane. Not only are there many rares well worth 20+ Tickets, but also there are plenty of uncommon and commons worth money. Take for instance Wasteland — how many other sets do you know with a 50-Ticket uncommon? Right, none! So make sure to mark your calendars, join these drafts, fill out your collection, make some Tickets, and if you’re lucky to crack a foil chase card, start a retirement fund.
Turbo Drazi
When the Eldrazi were first revealed, I knew they would have an impact on the Eternal formats. I expected Vintage/Classic Oath decks to utilize them, as well as Legacy Show and Tell builds, but if you were to tell me there would be a Legacy deck hard-casting Eldrazi, I would have laughed at you. Well, today I am laughing no more since Turbo Drazi does just that, and the scary part is that the deck is actually good at hard-casting them. The first time I saw the deck, I was skeptical, but after the deck started to win more and more, I decided to give Turbo Drazi a whirl.
I began by playing a Force of Will-and-Trinket Mage version of Turbo Drazi, and to my dismay, I couldn’t for the life of me win with the deck. I chose to test this version first since a number of buddies suggested it, but with no success I began to doubt the deck’s ability once more. I found that most of the time I wasn’t utilizing Force of Will‘s and Trinket Mage‘s full potential, so I decided to cut those two and try a Show and Tell-version of the deck. Once I started playing this version of the deck, I started sweeping matches left and right, only losing the occasional game or match.
The basic concept behind Turbo Drazi is to stall or delay your opponent, using a variety of cards, until you can either power out an Eldrazi or Primeval Titan with a combination of Cloudposts (or, Loci) and Candelabra of Tawnos or by casting Show and Tell. From there the game plan is pretty straightforward; just attack your opponent and win, in most cases. I will now show you three very different versions of Turbo Drazi and go over them.
The first deck was played by FoaguraFantasy, who went 3-1 with it in a Daily Event. It is an interesting take on Turbo Drazi since it doesn’t run Candelabra of Tawnos or Show and Tell, but instead uses a combination of Turbo Drazi, Workshop, and Tooth and Nail strategies to create a hybrid build. I have not played this version of the deck, but it seems like it has potential.
FoaguraFantasy's Tooth and Drazi
As you can see, this build varies greatly from the traditional types of Turbo Drazi that I will show you next. The deck relies on stalling opponents with Chalice of the Void and Trinisphere until its pilot can cast one of the 6-cost creatures or Tooth and Nail. To accelerate into these expensive spells, the deck uses lands that produce more than a single mana, along with Grim Monolith and Solemn Simulacrum.
The second version of Turbo Drazi I’m going to cover is a more common Force of Will-build of the deck, and was the first build I tested. I’ve used PTPaul’s version, played to a 3-1 record in this Daily Event, as my example.
PTPaul's Traditional Turbo Drazi
With this version of the deck, I often found that I had a Force of Will in my hand with no other blue cards, making Force of Will a dead card, and by the time I resolved a Trinket Mage, I was usually behind already. I won’t say the deck isn’t good, but I will say I had less success with this version than the next version I’m going to show you. Since this version of the deck is very similar to the one I played and discussed in my videos, I won’t break down the deck here. One comment I would like to make is that I like the lone copy of Pithing Needle and Hurkyl’s Recall, and if I were to redo the deck I played, I would switch out my Repeal with one of these two cards.
Here is the version of Turbo Drazi that I chose to run, the Show and Tell build.
KillerOwen's Show and Drazi
I’m sure you’re all itching to get to those videos by now so I now present the Turbo Drazi deck tech and Legacy Daily videos. Enjoy!
Turbo Drazi Deck Tech
Legacy Daily Event Round 1
Legacy Daily Event Round 2
Legacy Daily Event Round 3
Legacy Daily Event Round 4
Bonus Round
What do you think of those Eldrazi now? Much scarier than before, right? As you can tell, the Eldrazi don’t mess around. They expect to win by annihilating both your opponent and their board at the same time.
I hope you saw the power of Turbo Drazi and found these videos insightful and entertaining in some way. If you have any comments or questions about the deck or videos, feel free to post a comment below, or contact me either by email at ForcingtheWill@gmail.com or on MTGO at KillerOwen. Now it’s time for you to take control and vote on which deck I will be covering in my next article.
You Choose the Deck!
In this section I let you, the reader, choose which deck I will be covering in my next article! Here is a list of decks that you have to choose from, followed by a list of rules for voting.
I am testing something new this time and adding a few more deck choices. I will see how the results look after the voting has finished and decide whether or not I should keep the number of options or shorten the list.
What deck should KillerOwen do for his next episode?
- Hive Mind (29%, 33 Votes)
- GW Haterade (14%, 16 Votes)
- Team America (BUG) (12%, 14 Votes)
- Affinity (9%, 10 Votes)
- Sneak Show (8%, 9 Votes)
- Bant (6%, 7 Votes)
- Dredge (6%, 7 Votes)
- High Tide (6%, 7 Votes)
- ANT (6%, 7 Votes)
- Elves (4%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 114

Make sure to get your votes in fast, as I will only allow two to three days before choosing the winning deck to cover in my next article. The more votes, the better, so get your friends to log in and cast their votes, as well.
Also note that if there is a specific version of a deck you would like to see, include a link to the list if possible.
That’s all for this installment of Forcing the Will. I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave any comments, questions, or requests you have (positive or negative), and I will do my best to respond to them. And until next time, may the Force of Will be with you!
Owen Robbins
I do not play legacy (at all), but always thoroughly enjoy this series. Keep em’ coming!
Same here as Zac. I don’t have the tix to make a legacy deck, but I enjoy these series quite a bit. Good to see you back in the saddle
Hello Owen,
great work as usual. It shows that you care about the series Looking forward to read and watch more about the various Legacy archetypes. I think watching all the diverse decks makes appetite for the format. Let’s just hope that it gets a little bit cheaper to play and I am sure we will see more players testing the water.
Is it me or is Emrakul immune to Swords to Plowshares?
I join the others here saying that the vids are awesome, espcially since it’s my only window to Legacy, a format way beyond my gaming budget.
Quite a lot of play errors and some pretty untight play dragged this down a bit, but was still nice to see some Legacy coverage.
+1 vote for Hive Mind
Oh, and just lol at your last opponent. What was going on there?
How do you arrange a split in an event like that? You all know each other or something? Hidden feature in the client?
Also, Emrakul fears not the Path, the Swords, the Doom Blades or almost any removal. Pro coloured spells is pretty sweet!
Hey All
@ Asd: fifthchild is correct about it being immune to colored spells, but Emrakul isn’t protected from effects such as Oblivion Ring and Journey to Nowhere.
@ Wyrath: My last opponent wasn’t very skilled at the deck he was playing for sure, but that could be for a number of different reasons. Also if you see any sloppy plays feel free to point them out so that I can learn from them. It’s hard to play 100% perfect when you continually pick up a new deck article to article. I try to play the decks as best as I can, but sometimes I haven’t tested enough to fully understand the deck. None the less I appreciate all feedback
@ fifthchild: Basically the client doesn’t support splits like it used to in the old days. Now you have to arrange it with the two players in a final round beforehand. About 80-90% of the time I split I don’t know the person. It’s a risk but so far I haven’t gotten burned from it. It also depends on who wants to get the Qualifier Points for taking 1st or packs for taking 2nd. This time I chose to take 2nd and pick up an extra pack in exchange for the Qualifier Points since I don’t really have the time to qualify for the MOCS events.
Thanks all for the comments, and keep those votes coming in! I’m glad so many of you have been enjoying these articles.
I’m not sure what to Thoughtseize when I see Eye of Ugin, Strand, Post, Candelabra Tawnos, C Rotation, Show & Tell, Emrakul. I picked Emrakul since you can either S&T it out or pay the mana. I think I messed up though because S&T also lets the opponent S&T out a Primeval Titan.
This is so far my favourite of the series and of all Legacy decks. And it seems to be quite cheap as well, with a standard legal card being the most expensive. Of course it’s still hundred times more than what I would spend on a deck, but still I guess it’s cheap for a legacy deck.
Wow, great job Sensei. It’s always to see a match from both sides. Also great job to you KillerOwen of course!
Really cool that we get to watch that match from Owen’s and The.Sensei’s perspectives. In the future, perhaps MTGO Academy will attempt something similar, so that people can see different matchups in different formats from both sides.
Awesome series, just recently found out about this site, gonna have to watch all the older videos.
Keep it up
i would like to see the deck vs Merfolk and TPS
Show and Tell into Primeval Titan in the second game was the worst. You could have just used Candelabra (get the one mana from the Glimmerpost) to make four mana with your Cloudpost, which would let you hardcast the Primeval Titan, allowing you to keep your Sensei’s Divining Top.
Thanks a lot for the videos, really awsome!
im new-ish to legacy, only played deadguy ale so far and has been months since i last played legacy.
i was thinking about returning to legacy and build a new deck, my choices were either eldrazi post or high tide, but i think ill go for the eldrazi. not only its a bit cheaper (no FoW) also nothing beats hardcasting emrakul
+1 high tide btw
@ Sensei: First of all let me just say I have been a big fan of your videos. I used to watch your videos way before I even began writing these articles. Also I love to see the other players point of views during a game, thanks for linking the videos for everyone. I definitely can see why you picked the Emrakul especially since you didn’t know which creatures I was running in the deck.
@ PlanetWalls: I would love to be able to do that, but playing in a Daily Event I don’t really get to pick the players I will be facing. It’s nice to choose the decks to play against, but I find that most viewers prefer the tournament games vs set up games. I am not opposed to doing this, but I would need to have the majority of the viewers wanting those types of videos.
@ BANE: You are correct the play you mentioned was the correct play. I should have seen if I could have sat back on my Show and Tell and hard cast the Titan instead. Sloppy play on my part indeed!
Thanks for the comments guys I appreciate it. I have already built the next deck and will be doing a Daily Event shortly in time for the next installment of Forcing the Will!