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I do not play legacy (at all), but always thoroughly enjoy this series. Keep em’ coming!
Same here as Zac. I don’t have the tix to make a legacy deck, but I enjoy these series quite a bit. Good to see you back in the saddle
Hello Owen,
great work as usual. It shows that you care about the series Looking forward to read and watch more about the various Legacy archetypes. I think watching all the diverse decks makes appetite for the format. Let’s just hope that it gets a little bit cheaper to play and I am sure we will see more players testing the water.
Is it me or is Emrakul immune to Swords to Plowshares?
I join the others here saying that the vids are awesome, espcially since it’s my only window to Legacy, a format way beyond my gaming budget.
Quite a lot of play errors and some pretty untight play dragged this down a bit, but was still nice to see some Legacy coverage.
+1 vote for Hive Mind
Oh, and just lol at your last opponent. What was going on there?
How do you arrange a split in an event like that? You all know each other or something? Hidden feature in the client?
Also, Emrakul fears not the Path, the Swords, the Doom Blades or almost any removal. Pro coloured spells is pretty sweet!
Hey All
@ Asd: fifthchild is correct about it being immune to colored spells, but Emrakul isn’t protected from effects such as Oblivion Ring and Journey to Nowhere.
@ Wyrath: My last opponent wasn’t very skilled at the deck he was playing for sure, but that could be for a number of different reasons. Also if you see any sloppy plays feel free to point them out so that I can learn from them. It’s hard to play 100% perfect when you continually pick up a new deck article to article. I try to play the decks as best as I can, but sometimes I haven’t tested enough to fully understand the deck. None the less I appreciate all feedback
@ fifthchild: Basically the client doesn’t support splits like it used to in the old days. Now you have to arrange it with the two players in a final round beforehand. About 80-90% of the time I split I don’t know the person. It’s a risk but so far I haven’t gotten burned from it. It also depends on who wants to get the Qualifier Points for taking 1st or packs for taking 2nd. This time I chose to take 2nd and pick up an extra pack in exchange for the Qualifier Points since I don’t really have the time to qualify for the MOCS events.
Thanks all for the comments, and keep those votes coming in! I’m glad so many of you have been enjoying these articles.
I’m not sure what to Thoughtseize when I see Eye of Ugin, Strand, Post, Candelabra Tawnos, C Rotation, Show & Tell, Emrakul. I picked Emrakul since you can either S&T it out or pay the mana. I think I messed up though because S&T also lets the opponent S&T out a Primeval Titan.
This is so far my favourite of the series and of all Legacy decks. And it seems to be quite cheap as well, with a standard legal card being the most expensive. Of course it’s still hundred times more than what I would spend on a deck, but still I guess it’s cheap for a legacy deck.
Wow, great job Sensei. It’s always to see a match from both sides. Also great job to you KillerOwen of course!
Really cool that we get to watch that match from Owen’s and The.Sensei’s perspectives. In the future, perhaps MTGO Academy will attempt something similar, so that people can see different matchups in different formats from both sides.
Awesome series, just recently found out about this site, gonna have to watch all the older videos.
Keep it up
i would like to see the deck vs Merfolk and TPS
Show and Tell into Primeval Titan in the second game was the worst. You could have just used Candelabra (get the one mana from the Glimmerpost) to make four mana with your Cloudpost, which would let you hardcast the Primeval Titan, allowing you to keep your Sensei’s Divining Top.
Thanks a lot for the videos, really awsome!
im new-ish to legacy, only played deadguy ale so far and has been months since i last played legacy.
i was thinking about returning to legacy and build a new deck, my choices were either eldrazi post or high tide, but i think ill go for the eldrazi. not only its a bit cheaper (no FoW) also nothing beats hardcasting emrakul
+1 high tide btw
@ Sensei: First of all let me just say I have been a big fan of your videos. I used to watch your videos way before I even began writing these articles. Also I love to see the other players point of views during a game, thanks for linking the videos for everyone. I definitely can see why you picked the Emrakul especially since you didn’t know which creatures I was running in the deck.
@ PlanetWalls: I would love to be able to do that, but playing in a Daily Event I don’t really get to pick the players I will be facing. It’s nice to choose the decks to play against, but I find that most viewers prefer the tournament games vs set up games. I am not opposed to doing this, but I would need to have the majority of the viewers wanting those types of videos.
@ BANE: You are correct the play you mentioned was the correct play. I should have seen if I could have sat back on my Show and Tell and hard cast the Titan instead. Sloppy play on my part indeed!
Thanks for the comments guys I appreciate it. I have already built the next deck and will be doing a Daily Event shortly in time for the next installment of Forcing the Will!