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Quite like what you did there, esp. since I have a liking to budget/rogue decks!
I’d have been curious to see the results against some more “competitive” matchups (like mono red aggro/burn, white/blue control, RG monsters and the likes), but the results in game 1 and 2 show already some potential even in “more serious” matches! I like!
Looking forward to see some other of these! Good work
That was really cool! And it ties into what the Starter Decks are supposed to do, which is only a very underwhelming basis for a real Magic deck.
Gosh, the opponents played some odd cards, especially in the initial three matches. But it was interesting to see a deck that costs less than 1/60th of one of theirs, and actually win! The latter changes really buffed it up as well, even if it did become more expensive than a Double-tall Mocha Latte.
Thank you for the neat article!
Thank you very much for the appreciation and kind words!
Nice series! I like the way you describe your thoughts and reasoning on which cards to replace. Also, the short descriptions of the matches make for a very pleasent read.
I would have also enjoyed it if the deck had gone a more controlish route, e.g. add some Divinations, Jace’s Ingenuity, Lightning Strikes, Arc Lightning (KTK), maybe Polymorphist’s Jest + Barrage of Boulders (KTK) / Circle of Flame / Scouring Sands (albeit a bit awkward mass removal), Cone of Flame and possibly another win condition next to Darksteel Citadel + Ensoul Artifact such as Stormtide Leviathan.
This approach would mean cutting on the early aggression (e.g. Ornithopter) and would probably not be as beginner friendly as the Ensoul beatdown plan. Anyway, if you feel like exploring the deck in this direction, I would certainly enjoy reading your ideas.
Keep up the good work!
Great column, reminds me of the old Building on a Budget that they had on the Wizards site. Keep it going!
Hey Kolazomai,
nice suggestions there! I can certainly see the deck going into this direction. But I really wanted to try out Ornithopter/Ensoul Artifact and it is very fun to play if it works.
thanks for the appreciation! Building on a Budget is actually where my inspiration came from. Good to see other people who are so old, that they can remember that one.
Stay tuned for Monday when we will look at a new deck.