Getting Down With the Sickness: Pestilence in Pauper

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  1. i’m really enjoying this series, but it would be great if we could actually see the deck in action.

  2. Very good deck. Usually LD is one of the main things people seem to suggest when against 8-post decks. I’m loving this series of odd but, looks promising kind of decks. Can’t wait for the next one. Also I agree with sddsfev. Videos of it playing would be nice and preferably with commentary.

  3. I’ve spoken with Michael, and the goal is to have videos when he has a hardware-software setup that makes it worthwhile. In the meantime, test out these decks and let us know if they’re any good.

  4. Well thats good news to hear. Since I haven’t spent any additional money besides buying my account I’ve been trying to build up my collection which is a very slow process so I can’t test these decks out even though I would love to test them.

  5. Saw an old episode of Friends last week in which Ross teaches Rachel about your and you’re
    So :
    “You’re life total doesn’t matter ”

    A sentence like that really makes me question the author… what was he thinking when he wrote that, did he bother to re-read the article, did anyone else bother to read it before publishing…
    Perhaps it’s not relevant and perhaps I’m wining but this just hurts (and english isn’t even my native language) and it makes it impossible for me to take the content as serious as I should take it.

  6. knx, where does it say that in the article? I don’t see it anywhere in it, and I can’t find that selection after searching for it. As the editor, I’d like to know where it is so I can fix it, but for the record, I think that Michael’s writing is quite good.

  7. You didn’t even bother to mention mono black/ the mirror in your matchup ‘analysis’ at the end.

  8. Well either knx made a mistake, or the piece was edited and walls didn’t know/is lying. 1 of the 2.

  9. @Joey: I corrected the error when I saw knx’s comment while I was reading the article and forgot to let our editor know. Sorry for the confusion. I also believe that both our contributors as well as our editor are doing a great job – it’s hardly possible to catch every single error every single time.

  10. Regarding the UR Cloudpost not being a good matchup, what I’ve found is that in many cases, if you ramp up your life as much as possible and land Pestilence early before they take over the board and play FAST… you can beat this. The time it takes to play all the flickers, capsizes, etc. eats the clock. I’ve won several matches because the clock ran out. Or the player milled himself to death. Even after having every one of my lands capsized and not being able to play anything. Boring way to win, but hey, you need to play faster :-)