GP Boston-Worcester Prep: M13 Sealed Deck DE with PlanetWalls

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NOTE: It appears, unfortunately, that only part of Round 3 successfully uploaded to Youtube with commentary the first time (which is unfortunate because it was exciting). MTGO did, however, save replays of Games 2 and 3, which I’ve recorded as replays without audio and posted at the following Youtube addresses: and I apologize for the inconvenience and wish that the second and third games had been recorded with audio, but watching should be easy since the replays are short. –PlanetWalls.

  1. R1G2 : he can’t attack with the 5/5 lifelinker into the Gorgon all day and getting 5 life cause the Gorgon has deathtouch… very strange you didn’t notice that

  2. I didn’t hear that atm so i watched that part again… missed it again first time because it’s mumbled, only after second time i could make ‘o this guy has deathtouch’ from it, because i expected it this time… so after all you were right about it, my bad

  3. R4G3: When you produced Bloodhunter bat: Switch places for a moment. You see your opponent at minimal time and you suddenly realise you might lose the game. I know it’s not a nice tactic, but for a win, would you make moves to attempt to time out your opponent?

    I dare say if he went all in at the end, it would have taken longer than the 7 seconds you had left on the clock to sort out the defenders…

    And Slatorade deserves a medal for not playing that tactic :)

  4. I’m curious as to why mog flunkies didnt make the cut. It seemed as though it would have made a good replacement for the bloodthorne vampire. Whish was a questionable mainboard from the start and the flunkies would have had synergy with the rekless brute and the arms dealer.

  5. R1G1 you have servant and walking corpse he has the phoenix on board:

    Why aint u just attacking with both? If he lets both through hes at 4 health and Volcanic is lethal. If he has any sort of trick you can just geyser his phoenix and 2for1 him. If he trades with the servant youre at 7 and can play alot postcombat e.g. rise his phoenix from the grave