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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “If You Build It…: The Sweepah (Finalysis)”.
Awesome vid to see all the complainers..but what can ya do. Where’s the last vid of the second game? Didn’t work out well?
PS..i look forward to these vids every week..always hoping it’s the night for you to post..if you’re done with EDH hopefully you got some sweet 100cs brews for us to watch as well.
Yeah I’d like to see some good videos in 2 player games as these 4 player matchup are quite a time commitment.
That being said I’ll watch these after work now as I don’t have hours to spare in the morning =)
Oh I love you to Trav (especially for being early) and you finally said my name on tape!
Really like the changes this time around. Although one should never cut Jace TMS, the other planeswalker was right to cut.
Most of the cards you added I tried out in my UW aswell and the Archmage is just a friggin staple!
You should poop out more stuff if possible anyways. Like just some random drafting cuz I can tell your doing a friggin lot of it, having seen your pool.
Oh and I just remembered: I really liked it when your where talking about your favourite cartoons, especially Thundercats. This you could do more often
In a format with singles, Jace’s potential to provide multiple brainstorms is enough to warran the 1 slot he takes. At the very least, I would cut Lu Xun before Jace.
You can not get a borderpost with trinket mage, CMC is 3
I type the comment as I watch the video so I don’t forget what I want to say. You do end up cutting the 1/3, (which is not a big enough butt to do much at all) so after that I think I would cut something like the aura of silence, which as a singleton probably will not make it on the board in time to make it matter enough games…
Anzsilly: try using Tezzeret for one and notice that your able to tutor borderposts. I am still waiting for you to make a comment that is something beyond pontificating. While I enjoy criticism, you seem to dedicate an inordinate amount of time pointing a stick on here. Perhaps you need a hug? A laxative? I am offering you the Pepsi challenge to out some content out there and see how other people react to it. Sure, be critical, but can the nitpicking, flaw witchhunting, know-it-not routine. (And if you are suggesting cutting Aura of Silence in this format, in this deck…)
Sadies: I am well into covering my 100cs gearshift for next month. The videos will be much shorter, far less entertaining as I actually have to play and use my head for something more than a place to hang my turban, and I will also share multiple games every week while I am evolving the deck.
eXXa: I am glad you enjoyed my last little romp in this format. I intend to write an article on the chief complaint from the “Casual” players soon, as I find it preposterous enough to warrant addressing.
Playing a planeswalker in this format is like being noisy in a 28 Days Later style zombie flick and making a ton noise: the second it hits the table, mouths begin frothing, and every resource at your opponents’ disposal is dedicated toward the removal of that card. And, yes, while it is a far superior card to the General Scholar, it also has a giant bullseye on it. Sometimes something less innocuous is the better call. These cards have a longer lifespan. I do not regret this cut, even for the utility he provides on multiple fronts. I needed kill cons, not more pilfering/stalling, even if it could provide me with the opportunity to perhaps garner a duder.
I want planeswalkers to rule in this format, but unfortunately I have found them to be one-shot pistols will all these dragon generals in the air and triple to removal with which to contend. So if you only get a single chance to activate them, better to have something like Sorin, no?
Also, there was a second game. I will see if we can insert it after the fact, but I’m not so sure that it transferred correctly.
While I agree on the not being an actual kill con side of Jace (allthough it’s a great one in 100CS) I do not necessarily aggre on your bullseye argument.
Planeswalkers are in fact giant bullseyes, but your playing Armageddon, which is a titanic bullseye for that matter.
Sure Jace does not win you the game right away as geddon does usually, but Travi ain’t neva afraid to play bullseyes (remember the Big Eldrazi built).
So all I’m saying is: don’t cut cards because theyre bullseyes.
Cut Jace because it doesn’t win you the game
=> Now wating for the lost chapter.
I have even found that even Liliana Vess is just a one time Demonic Collusion…You play it as your 5th drop and it usually dies to a 1/1 utility creature from one of your 3 opponents. If you go the other way, and make an opponent discard and you lose it. Then you successfully spent your 5th drop to make target player discard a card.
I do not own a Jace, so no EXP points using it, but against it. I don’t know. There is too many answers I play in every color against walkers, so it really doesn’t bother me and even a 4 cent Mold Shambler takes down a might Jace.
Tezzeret is sort of strong in this format too, but he is just an expensive utility/tutor thank can swing the game in the right deck near the end game..
BUUUUUTTTT yes, Sorin Markov is the best one shot walker, but using it on a player is like putting a newborn kitten with the bum leg and one eye in a box the back alley and jumping in your car “riding off into the day” because nobody wanted him and you can’t afford the medical finances, nor do you have the time in your busy work schedule to properly care for it.
Needs an edit comment function for these posts. J/s
I really do know english and proper grammar I swear.
Sorry about that guys, I edited this 2 weeks ago and completely forgot about the 3rd video
Third video up people! How anticlimactic! Apologies. Zwick, our most humble video editor was shaving his back, hit his face on a bassinet, and suffered a mild concussion, thereby forgetting to post the last match! Don’t judge him; he’s actually pretty formidable in stature and could easily kill most average women with one punch. I call him Daddy; you shall call him “sir.”
Hahaha gay walker conversations made me piss myself literally. Opens all possibilities really, as y’all mentioned in the video.
Tribal decks will benefit from this new knight; Order of the Crossed Swords.
Wotc can even release two more versions of Jace!!! Top and Bottom Jace.
You used the technical term, therefor I will allow it this time! And thanks for the back up on the ‘walkers aren’t so hot in this format.
Ahhh game two.
First of all: your German sounds like Italian, but you wouldn’t know, cause your… well… American
Second: I think Germans overall got more love for the US than any other country in the world (except Americans themselves of course).
So a Gaynswalker eh?
His prename has to be Gaylord then, classical and elegant.
Maybe Gaylord of the Spears even.
Or he could just be a Purple Knight, cast with purple mana…
Anyways, nice to see the lost chapter and the real finale, which was way more interesting than game 1.
Looking forward to read your article and see you rock the 100 CS again.
Sorry, eXXa, I always get my Mussolini and my Adolf mixed up; i think I have gentrification tyrant dyslexia or something.
And why doesn’t Anzsilly ever rebuke? I should go in and change his GI JOE Rise of Cobra designer turtleneck just to spite him.
Well Germans don’t talk like Adolf Hitler either, because he was an Austrian
I used to be
Carried in the arms of cheerleaders
Entertaining vids, but for sure the CMC of borderposts is 3 and you can’t tutor them up with Trinket Mage or Tezzeret on less than 3…
I def enjoyed vid 3 the best..shows the power of the lockdown for sure..not sure why zoltan or whatever his name was didn’t play any threats.. Seems like no one did anything that game except you. Looking forward to the next chapter in Travis vids!
Sorry I don’t rebuke fast enough for you, I am not always on the site. In fact, I am in Japan so my hours are way different, so sorry if it isn’t timely enough for you. I try to make my posts constructive criticism if it is criticism. you can choose to ignore it if it offends you or you think it is wrong, but that doesn’t mean I am trying to troll.
“Anzsilly: try using Tezzeret for one and notice that your able to tutor borderposts. I am still waiting for you to make a comment that is something beyond pontificating. While I enjoy criticism, you seem to dedicate an inordinate amount of time pointing a stick on here. Perhaps you need a hug? A laxative? I am offering you the Pepsi challenge to out some content out there and see how other people react to it. Sure, be critical, but can the nitpicking, flaw witchhunting, know-it-not routine. (And if you are suggesting cutting Aura of Silence in this format, in this deckā¦) ”
Not playing a card because there are answers to said card is just flawed logic. There are answers to all cards, and there are a lot less cards that can kill planeswalkers (not counting creatures attacking) than other types of cards. Playing a must kill threat will at least make them have the answer or fall behind a lot (and yes in a 4 player game the presence of an answer is greater at any given time, but also it’s a format of singletons and the other players have to decide on what threat they want to answer if there are already other must answer cards on the board) Many creatures (all 1 ofs) you play are removed and with the exception of recursion (or the creature being your commander) you most likely will not be able to play it again. If a creature you play sticks, it is because nobody cares enough about it to remove it or it is one that is really hard to remove (which would usually mean it is hard to get into play as well). Therefore, even if you get to use a planeswalker only 1-2 times after you get it into play, wouldn’t you want to be able to do something powerful like brainstorm + fog and have the ability to possibly brainstorm again? also jace in play after a land sweeper spell can bounce creatures and double as removal.
The reason I said you could consider cutting the aura of silence is because in the games I have watched, it has not made significant impact on the board and as a singleton in a 100 card deck you would not see if often enough in situations where it WOULD matter to make it that good. You can tutor it with enlightened tutor, but will almost always have another target you’d prefer more to use the tutor on, or you can look for it with your 1 ponder 1 brainstorm and 1 top. However, if you think the aura is such an important card (and I don’t play the format so I’ll roll with you here) then consider taking out the rhystic study instead, as when I saw you play it it seemed easy to play around if they cared to.
Also, I don’t own a tezzeret online so I can’t tell you whether it works on 1 or not, however I can tell you for sure that the CMC of a borderpost is 3 and if it works on MTGO then it is a bug. Godot seems to agree that you can’t tutor it up with trinket mage so take that for what its worth. I just noticed what I thought was a mistake and pointed it out.
Lastly, I commented on the making content thing in the other post
You just don’t cut Aura of Silence because a CC3 artifact/enchantment removal ist playable in itself (every deck needs removal of that kind).
Also you may tutor for it if you really need an answer for something like Future Sight or Mind’s Eye. Then of course, if it comes down early, you’ll be able to stop your opponents from casting artifact mana so he won’t be having any when the big bang comes.
And afterwards he won’t be getting any for sure.
The last reason, why you wouldn’t cut the aura, is that it’s more or less uncounterable,
if you play it before a target for it is on the board (which you usually do).
So it will be able to keep harmful enchants and artifacts of the board, even if they could cast it, cause no one will want to get his stuff destroyed by it.
This dude knows nothing about this format, clearly. Pls read the additional clause on Borderposts (as I have tutored for them at alt cat more than once, which can be seen in my vids on the UW deck I played.
And don’t play the “I don;t have time” card… you are on every piece of content, doing the same thing: pretending hindsight is foresight. It’s taken a few a slew of your note-taking condescension for me to finally say something, but you, in no way, encourage any sort of interaction beyond pointing a stick and saying, “you did this wrong.” And, before you assume you’re correct, try it. Play the format, as I learned in my months of dedicated play, a lot things simply do not work/apply. I am coming from a place of experience, and I am demonstrating that in a public forum, not playing the omnipotent critic who conveniently has all the answers after the fact.
Just sayin…
Feel free to send content. We are always looking for new talent. But, at the moment, your only skills seem to be relegated to stirring the pot.
I have talent, where do i sign up?
Aura of Silence is a staple and in this particular deck fends off annoying artifacts/enchantments at instant speed, slows down the amount that are played in a given amount of rounds, and is a “defense grid” against mana artifacts post Arnageddon.
Rhystic Study is a non-mana intensive card advantage machine…and UNLESS is payed for can get out of hand. Which many do not, due to worrying about their own board position and dropping spells.
What Travis is trying to say is these videos are supposed to be entertainment first and seriousness next to last because he tries to fit roommates jumping off buildings, Sandy Hook, NJ, and club music somewhere in the videos. So, criticism is great, but analyzing makes you look like a silly asian.
The borderpost tutoring thing seems strange to me, so I tried it out. MTGO currently does not allow you to tutor for any of the Borderposts with Trinket Mage, Dizzy Spell, Artificer’s Intuition, or Tezzeret (X=1). Perhaps they changed that in the most recent build, even though it wasn’t listed among the bug fixes.
You can say bad things about me, but I think you are trying too hard to argue with me here. Please post a video of you fetching a borderpost with trinket Mage or tezzeret for 1 and you can then report it as a bug to the mtgo development team to be fixed in the next update. The alternate casting cost in no way affects the converted mana cost of the card, which is 3. I know for 100% sure that this SHOULD not work, in any format.
I didn’t say I don’t have time, I said sorry if I didn’t reply in time for you, as I am halfway across the world and subject to a large time difference.
I post on all the content for one reason and one reason only: because it benefits me to do so. I am pretty new to MTGO, although it’s been about 3 months now, and I was able to find this site while deciding whether to get started on mtgo or not. I have been able to learn about mtgo and different formats, which is cool because I like magic in general even though I am a spike at heart. Due to budget I can’t afford to spend more than 10-15 a month on mtgo, and this site offers something the others don’t, academy points. I get to post and login and accumulate points to get credits to buy some cards with. It’s not much, but it’s available and costs me nothing to take advantage of it so I do. Like I said, I don’t always post criticism, sometimes questions or just a “cool article” type of thing, but you are acting as if I do nothing but criticize.
I never doubted that you have more experience with the format than I do, however I gave reasons as to why I felt certain cards should or should not be played based on knowing magic. I ceded the point regarding aura of silence since several people have said that it is great/necessary in the format. Should we all only post useless comments like “good job bro”, or “wow, perfect again!” In addition, ad hominens and such are in fact not helpful comments in any way.
@thirdys33dd: I am able to read the cards, and I know how mechanics work. I have watched the games that he played so far, and after thinking about it, decided that they were not better than Jace so if he wanted to cut something, I would cut one of those over Jace first.
I never said or assumed that the videos themselves were supposed to be serious. I didn’t say anything about the quality of the video or his various gags and stories. He built this specific deck knowing that a) it would probably piss people off if he played it against them and b) it is probably more competitive than many of the decks he will face playing a casual game of EDH. I have no problems with either of those things, but since it is not a blatantly silly deck in the first place, I made a comment about a change that I didn’t agree with, and a suggestion for a replacement cut. That’s all. also, if I look like a silly asian, then…what do you know, I lived up to my name
Aznsilly, have you ever lived with a girl for more than 3 years, and had her pick up on little things you do that annoy her, and she tells you about it every time you do something? That’s called nitpicking, and as much as guys like us like constructive criticism, you do take it a bit overboard. I apologize if Trav has offended you in any way, but imagine if every time you wrote an article and had him take the stake to you on the littlest things. It’s just not fun(ny).
Anzsilly: I am in no way discouraging your from posting here, quite the contrary. I am merely trying to draw some attention to your “tone,” if you will. No, I do not want a bunch of gladhanding accolades; laurels thrown at my feet, and wet t-shirts torn asunder and flung into soggy airborne scraps by women with names like “Tiffany.” No, I get enough of this in my real life. But, after talking with various contribs and other site staff, some people are like, “who is this guy?” Just go back and read the way you talk AT people, and for someone new to the game and wanting to learn this confuses me even more.
With regard to the alt cast issue, perhaps it was a bug, but I distinctly remember a game where I tutored for one with Tezz with said UW deck and seeing it in my pile of candidates for play and thinking, “that’s strange.” Perhaps it was in fact a bug, and I wasn’t sure about Trinket Mage, hence why I did not confirm or deny the issue. Either way, I am wrong, whether it is a cataloged bug or bot. Werd. And thanks for the heads up, sincerely.
Noo, you missed the black Myojin with the Bribery in the second game. The game would probably have ended right there.
Also, the videos always stop loading for me at some point. If I’m lucky I might get 30mins in and then it fails. I rarely get to see the whole video on this site. Why does this player suck so much? Has anyone else had this problem and managed to fix it?
You have to cast it from your hand. Emrakul was the correct choice.
Anonymous: yes, please read Myojin (same as with Emrakul, you must hardcast them). Secondly, it is not our player, or our server: reset your memory cache. This is the issue: your browser.