In the Beginning: All About Planeswalker Packs

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  1. I don’t see any point in doing this. I followed the suggestions and got started but what you find in planeswalker format is that people have build their decks from planeswalker cards that are crazy OP and they just kick your ass. There are no newbies in the new player room playing planeswalkers.

    I thought it would be a great way to start and maybe get some fun battles, but nope. 10/10 indestructible that doesn’t tap and forces you to destroy 4 permanents each attack… ARE YOU SERIOUS..

    anyway i wasted my money with the hopes that I could get some newbie level experience.

  2. This is actually a great introduction. You had me running to my list when you mentioned Mass Polymorph in your combo section (that card is not actually in PW), but other than that it was great.

    Despite what Someguy says PW really is a good place to start because of the low cost of entry. If you don’t like losing to big spells, Magic probably just isn’t the right game for you, in general.

    Thanks General. Any word on an updated 2013 pack list?? White weenie and goblins got quite a boost. Goblins didn’t need any help but white weenie did. Where’s Honor of the Pure?? And they really should give us the M10 dual lands. Then there would be some incentive to play allied colors. Green mana dorks would be good too. They are the core of any green deck. Some day…