kaladesh sealed

Kaladesh sealed list

White (15)
Blue (13)
Black (12)
Red (13)
Green (12)
Gold (1)
Lands (8)
Artifacts (17)
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Panharmonicon was my foil prerelease promo. I did not even open it.

I should’ve maindecked artifact removal because sealed was so bomb-heavy. It was honestly not even fun to play sealed. First round opponent beat me game one with red gearhulk and then copied it with Saheeli Rai, milling a sword of light and shadow. ……. Game 2 he smashed me with Saheeli Rai copying a Fabricate dude every turn and I couldn’t break through. In round 3 game 3 my opponent top-decked Nissa and then cast a horrible +4/+4 sorc speed pump spell on the same turn, attacking for a total of 13 the turn before i was going to off him in the air. This was the same game that he used the 4-mana counterspell to redirect my burn spell to my own fairgrounds warden during combat, causing me to get 4-1ed or something

Bombs were depressing to play against. I presume it’ll be a little better in draft.

Vehicles are scary as fuck. It’s like everything has haste.


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