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Great article! I’m into this kind of stuff, especially the combo stuff. Maybe you’ll get me interested in casual Extended again.
Here are some enchantments that might be fun to mess with: Spellweaver Volute, Verdant Succession, Aggravated Assault, Wild Research, Symbiotic Deployment.
And if you want a challenge, you can show me what the hell Blood Funnel is useful for.
Great article.
I love the combo deck, I started playing magic around that time and remember the old KCI combo decks and had a variant myself. Good stuff to read and remember again.
I’ve never been to fond of control but you aggro deck seems fun as well, might give these a try and try a tweak if I can muster some tickets!
When you compare Battlegrace Angel to BSA in the first article, you talk about vigilance which BSA doesn’t have. It has first strike, just saying!
I think maybe you should put in 1 more land in the KCI deck, as well as cutting the sculptors and maybe a couple talismans for a playset of prophetic prism. I think the cantrip will be helpful while leaving you with 6-7 ways for turn 3 incubator still (if you wanted to).
enchantments: abundance, quest for renewal!
Nice job!
Man, I can’t even count how many times I have died to KCI Combo. I usually only beat it when my opponent misplays it, which happens far more often than it should
Thanks everyone. I’m glad you guys enjoyed what you read. I plan to have many more of these in the future.
Also I have a use for Blood Funnel I just cant play it til Urza’s Legacy comes out. So in time ZImbardo, in time.
Very nice article, I look forward to reading more.
I especially liked how cheap the decks were to build. As a new player to MTGO (I tried it ages ago without an account but I went back to paper until a few months ago) this is great for me.
The opposition you faced sounds a little disappointing though. Raging Goblin? -.-
But great decklists! Too bad you don’t like blue/control, it’s my personal favorite.
Great article, Shard! I’m going to have to give some of these decks a try! I’ve been wanting to try my hand at extended, and these decks seem very budget-friendly.
Nice Decklist