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To me, straight RG was the way to play (Maybe RG splash Vendetta)
The ramp is just too insane not to play
Here’s how I would’ve built it
Explosive Revelation
Emrakul’s hatcher
Lord of Shatterskull Pass
Battlerattle Shaman
Pelakka Wurm
Jaddi Lifestrider
Growth Spasm
Overgrown Battlement
Nest invader
Nest invader
Might of the Masses
Joraga Treespeaker
Artisan of Kozilek
Ulamog’s Crusher
World at War
Vent Sentinel
Battle Rampart
Spawning Breath
Induce Despair
Last Kiss
18 Lands
Rough luck on the games though. Nice article, interesting read
Tough pool to build, lots of nice options. I think I might have gone for three colors myself, RG splashing black for the removal.
I don’t think vendetta on the Bramblesnap was a great play, but might of the masses would have probably wrecked you regardless.
Definitely Red/Green ramp + splash black for vendetta + induce despair (maybe last kiss). you have good fixing (growth spasm, evolving wilds) and sweet finishers (artisan of kozilek, lord of shatterskull pass, ulamog’s crusher) and sick ramp.
havent watched the games yet, but when i do i will comment! however, I also misbuilt when i played my first ROE release sealed, and it is tough when the set is new/if one doesn’t have that much experience with that particular sealed format yet
i realized that they were screenshots not videos. anyway, after having time to look at them, i don’t think it was particularly a bad play, though it is pretty hard to tell what he has there, especially since he is tapped out for mana except for the treespeaker. if you vendetta anything, at any point later in the game, he still has the might of the masses and you die (unless you vendetta the treespeaker which turns into a 7/8 and you are at 1). then there is the case that you could get him to play the might of the masses, and vendetta in response. however, assuming that he mights either the bramble snap or the rapacious one (since they have trample) then you will lose either 4, or up to 7 life. but since you wanted to cast artisan on your turn, you would be tapped out (plus -2 spawn, or 1 spawn if you draw a land), which means he will be able to swing and kill you (i dont see a creature in your graveyard, so playing artisan doesnt net you another blocker (and you will have 3 blockers to his 4 attackers worth blocking)
Thanks for the comments guys! Yup, RG or RGb for the 2 good removal spells was def the way to go. Ah well…I really think it was that Corpsehatch that sucked me in to heavy black.
I have had somewhat similar problems in sealed events. What colors should i actually be playing. It boggles the mind at times. Nice article.