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does it mean that there’s no interest in DDD?
M1G1 just take damage from undying wolf. You go to 1 instead of going to 2 and win on the crack back. Didn’t matter obviously as he had a trick to save the recluse.
This new set has so many grizzly bears it isn’t funny, than it is. 3 mana grizzlies, 4 mana lifelink grizzlies. Zombie grizzlies, undying grizzlies and in the air grizzlies that fly. I wonder if in development they realized how many 2/2s are in this set, because it’s absurd.
Thanks for the set breakdown. I realize now why triple DKA drafts lead to such strange board states. Certain popular color combos (UB, UW) have no way to reasonably interact with the giant horde of 2 drop dorks in red and green. By the time seakite, caress or griptide can come out, the game is over.
Why does nobody like Jar of Eyeballs? I’ve found it to be quite an awesome card. I mean, you get to draw a filtered card virtually every time one of your creatures dies.
M1G1 Who cares if he had a trick to save the recluse? You could have drawn a lot of cards that would win you the game. But you need to draw your card. You let it tilt you and you gave up a game you had at least 4 outs to win. Never concede until you at least draw for your turn man.
thraben heretic is crazy good.
1. Great display of this set. I am dissappoint that there is no ghost of Darth Vader.
2. Who won the Hot or Not contests?
I couldn’t watch after you wild hungered to try to save deserter from the captain.
DDD is kind of an unfun format. (It helps that I’ve had almost no success with it.) The tricks at common show up way too often, especially oppressive ones like wild hunger. Blue doesn’t get access to some of its key elements. (cheap bounce, a hard counter, good card draw, defensive creatures) The pieces aren’t really there to draft control. No pryoclasm effect for red. Undying which is fun and flavorful when it shows up a couple times a match gets dumb when you have to kill EVERY creature twice. The removal is basically all slow(And often only kills half a creature) All this basically boils down to the fatal flaw: aggro is the only viable strategy, which makes the format dull and unfun.
DII is pretty sweet though…Its almost like that’s the format WOTC put effort into designing. Every strategy gets some sweet new toys and some new archetypes become more viable, and since you also get to open ISD packs, it actually lets you fill out your deck with the pieces it needs for non-aggro strategies.
@Apaulogy: We are currently processing the data for the contest and will make an announcement as soon as the data is in.
Thanks, Plejades. Just wondering and didn’t particularly want to troll Chris’ draft vid for this…
But it is probably the only one I can get away with trolling…I <3 Chris Kool
This draft was a bit painful to watch for someone who has already done a ton of dka/dka/dka drafts. You undervalued a lot of really good cards (thraben heretic for example) and overvalued some really bad ones. I’m sure some people enjoy watching someone learn a format but if you’ve already played it a bunch, it’s really hard watching some of your picks.
In general, the format is crazy fast and if you’re drafting r/g you don’t really want anything over 4-drops at most, and even then, only a couple. R/G wins by drafting a swarm of 1, 2, and 3 drops coupled with all the wild hungers, flings, and even hunger of the howlpack you can find. Morbid is pretty easy to trigger if you draft it right, especially since you should have a few young wolves and a strangleroot geist or two, so cards like ulvenwald bear and hunger of the howlpack become unusually strong. I think r/g is the strongest deck in the format, and as another poster remarked, is borderline oppressive due to its all star wild-hunger.
The first few days of DDD drafts people hadn’t quite figured this out so I had decks with 4+ wild hunger, loads of young wolves/strangleroot geist/pyreheart wolf/immerwolves, and all the flings I wanted. I 3-0′d draft after draft (with most matches ending in a few minutes since the deck was so consistent and fast) just forcing r/g until people eventually figured it out, and now enough people try to draft it that its power cards get thinned out. I then decided to figure out what I could draft that beats it, and I’ve had some success doing r/w or u/w aggro with as many loyal cathars and thraben heretics as you can find (both those cards are really oppressive against the deck).
GR Werewolfs is by far the best archetype in this format.
You get good creatures and burn/removal. The lack of real and goodremoval in all other colors makes picking up red removal early a solid choice.
Also, there are only few ways to deal with +1/+1 counters, which is why Hunger of the Howlpack and Ulvenwald Bear (!!) are so good. Griptide? Sure. But no real removal, and the decks that play U aren’t very interested in tempo plays – there might be good blue tempo creatures, but they are mostly uc and rare. I think even picking your second warlord over Hunger was wrong.
Another thing is Scorned villager, I think she demonstrates best why green is so good against non-green decks. Just play it t2 if you started, and if your opponent plays UB or some crazy brew you most likely will end up with a 2/2 vigilance and 5 mana on turn 3. Backbreaking for most decks, if you can curve out.
Long story short: force RG. Laugh about the idiots who think overpriced flashback cards (hello there, reap the seagraf) are value and good and just bash their faces in.
And I’m not even speaking about my favorite card here, Flayer of the Hatebound. Or Increasing Savagery. Wolfbitten Captive. Vorapede. Huntmaster. Magehunter. Generic Firebreathing Dragon #224. Basically all the rares in G/R are playable and very, very good.
The other thing is white. I think it’s underrated. Problem is, it has the good stuff at uncommon, but god do they beat. I mean, just look at the newest hatebear white got, it just hoses the new undying mechanic completely on its own. You got it right, but picked the wrong card eventually imho. Annihilating their overpriced undying creatures is huge, if you go into white.
i struggled a bit first DDD-drafts until i got to redgreen, but won one yesterday in redwhite with 4 loyal cathars and 2 Feuds as main thing… it was indeed a bit painfull watching this video when you allready know the format