Kool Runnings: MTGO 11th Anniversary Sealed #1

  1. It was exciting watching Chekov’s Gun go off in round 4.

    At the beginning of round 2: “Would I like to mulligan? No. I like to ask myself out loud so I don’t click the wrong button.”

    Later: “Final round. Should we keep this hand? …gasp”

    Aside from that, super good games. It’s always fun to watch how a simple limited control deck can go a long way with the right spells, and the right pilot.

  2. Great vids. Gotta love the anti-intuitive keep/mull option on current modo.

  3. Good videos, your everlasting positive attitude is really fun to experience..

    MODO should really change those buttons to say “Mulligan” and “don’t mulligan”. Just yesterday I had the same mistake.

  4. I’m glad that everyone enjoyed the videos and my, uh, lapse of reading capability. I’d like to thank Magic Online Version 3 for the chance to make such a fantastic blunder “on camera”. Maybe, it’s time to move to the Wide Beta for recording, where the mulligan buttons are more intuitive : ]