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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Kool Runnings: MTGO 11th Anniversary Sealed #1”.
It was exciting watching Chekov’s Gun go off in round 4.
At the beginning of round 2: “Would I like to mulligan? No. I like to ask myself out loud so I don’t click the wrong button.”
Later: “Final round. Should we keep this hand? …gasp”
Aside from that, super good games. It’s always fun to watch how a simple limited control deck can go a long way with the right spells, and the right pilot.
Great vids. Gotta love the anti-intuitive keep/mull option on current modo.
Good videos, your everlasting positive attitude is really fun to experience..
MODO should really change those buttons to say “Mulligan” and “don’t mulligan”. Just yesterday I had the same mistake.
I’m glad that everyone enjoyed the videos and my, uh, lapse of reading capability. I’d like to thank Magic Online Version 3 for the chance to make such a fantastic blunder “on camera”. Maybe, it’s time to move to the Wide Beta for recording, where the mulligan buttons are more intuitive : ]