Labor Day Announcement

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  1. I actually remember playing that game for a while – it was pretty fun to play decks with half a dozen Black Loti and Ancestral Recalls, as there was no 4x restriction.
    As goofy as the graphics look, the game was pretty fun to play when it did not crash…

  2. There was a restriction while walking around in Shandalar, 3x for decks under 60 cards and 4x for 60, eased by 1 after purchasing a World Magic.

    The deck builder/duelling did not have such a restriction though, as my 20 Lotus/20 Timetwister/20 Lightning Bolt deck could attest to =p

    Loved that game, and still fire it up about once a year for a quick romp.

    There’s a whole modding community, they even added a whole bunch of recent cards and a Sealed Deck tournament mode.
    I’m not sure what the rules are here about linking to other sites, so I’ll just say it’s pretty easy to google. I personally never had any virus problems with them, but I’m not affiliated with them so pursue at your own risk.

  3. I actually learned to play the game through Shandalar. The game was actually pretty good for teaching you timing rules. I remember when I first actually went to a store to play in real life I was about the only one who really understood spell layering even though I still was pretty bad at playing and constructing decks.