Let’s Play Magic Online: Innistrad 64-Person Draft

~~~<3 Click 'play' below to watch us draft a sweet deck! ~~~<3

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~~~<3 Click 'play' below to watch Round 1 ~~~<3

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  1. I think taking Reaper in draft 2 was the pick, you only had two green playables at that point and a bunch of black came around afterwards as well.

  2. thx for the vids.
    but man you always overvalue crap-cards so much! for example: manor skeleton over vampire interloper???
    for the poeple watching this: don’t try this at home!

  3. The first deck was hilarious with the variety of win conditions you had.

    Sour about that white color screw. =(

    You never finished the story about your belt-loop thing!

  4. first draft – wow, i have never seen so many bombs in one deck and u even did not take the sturmgeist!

  5. In hindsight, I think any color but the colors we were in would have resulted in a better deck for draft 2. I had pretty bad Tunnel Vision in the beginning, and I think AJ joined the club around the pack 1 late Pitchburn Devils (which would have put us in a better direction, I think). (I wish that I had taken the Battleground Geist p1p1.) The Reaper from the Abyss should have probably been taken given that we had only a few green and a few white playables.

    We should have drafted pack 1 more on power level after the first few picks, and then we would have had some options going into pack 2.

  6. Bloodline Keeper counts itself as well as other vampires, and it still get to create dudes when it is flipped. Unsure why you guys didn’t flip it in round 3.

  7. Fair enough, I felt pretty sure he didn’t have more than 1 real card in his hand at that point and going for it with the vamp denies him a card… but without a real wrath he was basically on no outs anyway.

  8. I actually think for draft 2 that you were in the right colors the whole time, they were just really shitty packs for everyone. Unrealistic shuffle strikes again.