In this installment of Let’s Play, you’ll find our regular Draft videos coupled with some bonus videos of us playing a casual deck in the Legacy Two-Man Queue. If you don’t want to be spoiled on how our Draft turned out, make sure to watch the Draft before watching the Legacy videos; this M12 Draft has some pretty exciting moments. Finally, if you’d like to be surprised by the deck we chose to play in Legacy, you can skip over the decklist, which we’ve put in spoiler tags. Happy viewing!
~~~<3 Click ‘play’ below to watch us draft a sick deck! ~~~<3
~~~<3 Click ‘play’ below to watch Round 1! ~~~<3
Bonus Legacy Two-Man Vids with a MYSTERY DECK
Click here to see our decklist. »
Mono-Blue Aggro Illusions for Legacy, with black splash for "Spectral Procession"
The deck is fairly obvious for the most part. Strategically, it’s probably just a worse decision to play than Fish. Its lord is worse, and the lords don’t pump one another. Also, there’s no Cursecatcher, etc., to add to the disruption suite.
What the deck does offer is a potentially quicker clock. Krovikan Mist can grow out of control quickly, and the board state really swings into the Illusionist’s favor when he can cast or ‘Vial out’ a Phantasmal Image or two, or, hopefully, cast a Buried Alive to put three Narcomoeba into the graveyard and then onto the battlefield. With Vial, Krovikan Mist, and Buried Alive, it’s possible to put your opponent on an awfully quick clock, and an unexpectedly funny one, too. Furthermore, Phantasmal Image has the awesome ability of being able to copy your opponent’s best creature, which then counts as an illusion, too! Or it can copy Lord of the Unreal and pump itself. Pretty fun. Other things worth mentioning include Dream Stalker, Shapesharer, and Stifle. Stifle is cool in that it can mana screw an opponent by targeting a fetch activation, or it can save an illusion from its own sacrifice trigger (just imagine if your opponent wanted to kill your Phantasmal Bear with a Rancor). Shapesharer is kind of a cute card that has some flexibility. It obviously won’t target any of your other creatures with target-sacrifice triggers, but it will change itself into a lord, a Krovikan Mist, or one of your opponent’s best creatures. It also serves as a ‘miser’ one-of in case your Hive Mind opponent tries to force an Emrakul into play. Legendary? Sounds good to me! Last, the Dream Stalker looks underwhelming but can actually reset a land, allowing the Illusions pilot to keep open Spell Snare mana, etc. Alternatively, it can be put onto the battlefield with Aether Vial to save a creature or reset a Phantasmal Image. It’s in the sideboard because these utility effects, while useful, come second in usefulness to its 5 points of toughness. It’s hard for aggro to get around that guy!
Well, that’s all for this deck. Hope you enjoy the videos!
pretty brave trying to get cute with “spectral procession” in an already cute deck. though i honestly don’t think the illusions deck is plain terrible, in order to make it work it just needs infinite counterspells in the maindeck.
With hindsight, I wish we had taken a Divine Favor P3P3 instead of hating a Goblin Arsonist: a little bit embarrassing with the discussion of taking playables over hating cards earlier in the draft :]
AJ: “It turns your Runeclaw Bear into a Siege Mastodon!”
Agreed on Divine Favor— with Auramancer it should be awesome with your flyers. I’m also wondering if you had taken Aether Adept Pick 2 how the deck would have turned out. With quite a few merfolk looters,etc. it would have been a sick deck. I’m wondering which is better though, considering how well Giant Spider seems to stave off the beats.
I have to say I really like the Illusion deck though I would like to see it as a modern deck instead of legacy and I might use a version of the narcomeba buried alive for my Tribal deck.
Otherwise with the draft I thought it was fun to watch and
Grats guys, you draw like champs!
I love your guys videos, do you post in the thread in TG?
Because now I kind of assume you might be two specific Elesh Norn fans, and I never put it together before.
While I have become giddy on several instances involving Elesh Norn, I do not think we are the persons you are referring to
AJ can comment more on SA forums (as he is active–i’ve only used my account to play a Goon League and Lurk).
@Malum and @shrip
I hate the Illusions deck :]
RE: Stairs — GZA, I’m, of course, protected, but I’m not either of those posters (though I do know to whom you’re referring). I’ve played in the 1st recent Goon League (it was Scars Block Sealed), and though I’ve posted a couple of times (I think) in the TG thread, I don’t post frequently. Some plans are in the works to post a Let’s Play thread on SA, though.
Yeah, after posting that I realized you two seem too friendly to be those guys. But I do think they’re midwesternish, so that’s why I took a guess. It would be pretty sweet to see whatever you guys decide to do with an LP; I thought about starting one myself but I’m extremely lazy and also not quite a good enough player.
Great draft! The best thus far.
Even tho you pulled a gideon and “wiped everyones face” with him, you guys talked about pretty much every possible lines of play and picks ( minus the divine favor pick).
Also the amount of technicality and chatter was perfect and also halarious.
A really funny thing is how everytime you said gideon, it felt like you were name-dropping. Just halarious, as a matter of fact this is one of the best drafts I watched in the past few weeks.
Thanks, keep it up.
Also, if you decide to get into modern can you make a gb rock deck?
I haven’t even finished watching your draft yet, but I think you are valuing Giant Spider too high in M12. It is a good card. It was great in M11. In M12 it is facing a lot more 4/4+ flyers that outclass it, along with things like bloodthirsted minotaurs. I have drafted green a lot and the spider has been less than stellar. The other two spiders, though, are muy bueno, especially Stingerfling.
Just finished. You guys are hysterical. I love to watch you draft. Especially when you waste time and have to go into quickplay mode. I guess those spiders are pretty damn good, but then you didn’t see to many big fliers. Very entertaining.
Thanks for the comments and compliments, guys. Troy, you make a good point about Giant Spider, but I think if you have a lot of low-cost guys and play defensively, you can keep bloodthirsters like the minotaurs from landing. Then you just have the uncommon 4/4 fliers to deal with, which, admittedly, aren’t easy to kill.
Since this Draft, Chris and I have drafted some really unique and entertaining decks, and I wish we’d recorded one. Chris picked up two Call to the Grave in the first pack and built his deck around it (drafting Mono-Black Zombies with two Reassembling Skeletons, the hexproof Greaves, and a Royal Assassin), and each of us has drafted decks with Dungrove Elder and tons of sick auras. This format is boss.
Apricio, we’re actually working on a Four-Color Doran build for Modern right now, which aims to run a ton of discard and disruptive beaters (Spellskite, Treefolk Harbinger, Doran, Meddling Mage, Tidehollow Sculler, etc.) to deal with both Zoo lists and blue-red combo lists. Doran even (hilariously) “counters” the Mono-Blue Infect build’s Blazing Shoal. The problem is the mana base, and you have to play around Blood Moon and Magus in Games 2 and 3 against most serious UR lists, and it’s just really rough. We might return to our Esper Hate Bears list (which we played two weeks ago in Let’s Play) now that the environment has settled a bit. Cards like Stillmoon Cavalier and Mirran Crusader likely won’t make the cut, though. Nor will Leonin Arbiter see play pre-board, I imagine. Trying to figure out a way to win with a deck that only runs hate bears is a bit of trouble.
Oh, and one more thing. If you like our drafts, then check out Simon Goertzen’s this coming Wednesday morning. He’s way, way better than us, and much more serious about it.
ha 4/4 spellkite? and countering blazing shoal, sounds like its found a slight niche in the meta.
against u/r, between meddling mage, sculler, and qasili pridemage, brave the elements seems good to protect your hate bears and your doran, and possibly a finks(in other matches).((firsespout that u/r runs and wrecks your day)).
If you run lotus cobra it might allow you to get around blood moon, and blow it up via landfall, krosan grip.
bbe on a red splash could be good, considering bosk already adds 3 of 4 colors.
cunning lethemancer is always a card I wanted to make work, if your running 8 1 drop ramp spells, you can t2 diminish their hand. It might be too slow vs combo, but lets say pitching vengivines or demigods of revenge in your gy is never too bad. If they dont remove it they have less resources to combo off with, also you will have other ways to disrupt them, like thoughtseize.
with further thought lethemancer seems bad.
Beast within is a good option vs blood moon/ mages/ and twin exarch.
dark confidant+ ravens crime( better than lethamancer)
and stupor just to be annoying.
good luck
Sundering Vitae is another nice way to get around Blood Moon, as long as you play enough green creatures. But if you are 4-color, shouldn’t you be running Birds of Paradise anyway?
Magus of the Moon is not as heavily played as Blood Moon, but you could always run 1-2 Slaughter Pacts in addition to other removal spells. It’s surprisingly good against a number of combo decks in the format.
Greets Simon,
A.J. and I have been discussing 4 Color Doran for a few weeks and have come to no consensus. We’ve been running a Green Sun’s Zenith, but beyond Doran, the Siege Tower fetching, it isn’t very remarkable–we always want to get Meddling Mage or Tidehollow Sculler with it. Currently, we only have one Birds of Paradise, but I think that I am going to update the list to three. The mana is pretty rough at three colors, so perhaps they will help. Do you have any suggestions to get more value out of BoPs in a Doran list? I was thinking Birthing Pod might be a nice inclusion in the number of one or two copies.
Additionally, we will test out the Sundering Vitae and Slaughter Pact; I forgot that convoke was an ability in Magic..