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Man, Cathar’s Crusade and Thatcher’s Revolt is a real combo finish. That one turn in round 2, had you played it and the 3/1, you would have killed his blocker, done 6 to his face, swung in for 24, and still had mana up for Restoration Angel.
R2 G1, if you cast tatcher revolt 1rst when you have both vigilante and cathar’s crusade on, it will put 3 +1/+1 counters on the angel, making the vigilante cost 1. you now have : 1 9/9 angel of war, 3 5/5 hasty tokens and 1 5/5.You do 4 dmg via justice and 4 via malcontents, killing him in 1 strike with a major overkill, since he only has 1 blocker.
Really enjoyed the draft – was banging my head on the desk during M3G2 when you made the little blunder.
This really showed me just how awesome R/W is in this format. I think I would try and draft it more often, but from what I’ve seen in my paper drafts to date, Red and White get cut really hard, where as Black seems to get left way open a lot of the time.
Again, thanks for the fun draft!
The finals with the two Lancers:
It just shows how easy it is to screw up with soulbonding in the horrible mtgo-interface =/.
Passed Goldnight Commander P1P2 (and moved into a second colour for no reason).
Stopped watching.
Nice video and a pretty sick deck. I think as aggressive as your deck was you should have been mainboarding the bracers over the Gang of Devils, which is a really slow, defensive card. It was basically a dead card in some of your hands. Didn’t matter too much though, since the power level of your deck was so high.
Awesome drafts and fun videos (except for the miss pairing). Great as always Marshall.
One of my favorite things about limited is that there is a lot of skill involved. Misplays can make or break a game, depending on what side of them you are on. While, at the same time, making the correct call can win what looks like an unwinable situation. I think this was greatly demonstrated in these vids. I dont think misplaying in Limited is an uncommon thing but def something to learn from.
Hey Marshall,
Love the vids as always. But R2G1 oh man! I was yelling at the screen! It’s even better than others have said.
Play the revolt for 2R: Crusades makes Angel 7/7 and hasty Humans 4/4, Justice deals 1 damage to blocker and 2 to opponents face. Opponent at 20.
Play Malcontents for R: Opponent takes 5 (4 from Malcontents and 1 from Justice) goes to 15. Crusades makes 8/8 Angel and 3 5/5 hasty Humans.
Play Restoration Angel for W blinking Malcontents: Opponent takes 5 (4 from Malcontents and 1 from Justice). Crusades makes 10/10 Angel and 3 7/7 hasty Humans.
Attack for 31 opponent goes to -21.
M3G2 you blocked incorrectly about you made your pair mistake. First strike the +2/+2 enabler and you eat his 3/3 for free with your angel.
Great to see you back!
Thanks for the vid, you da man!
Thank you for the video Marshall, that was an amazing deck you drafted there!
Two things that I wanted to point out.
First, the funny thing of R3G2 was that even that you did pair wrong, you could have still survived that game. If you double block the wolfir, and ‘chump’ the druids familiar, both the wolfir and the familiar plus your striker would die. You would go down to 1 due to 4 damage + 3 creatures dying. However next turn you could have killed the artist with your pillar, exiling it instead of killing it, and having a zealous strike to blow him out on his turn if he doesnt have any removal.
The other thing is about your picks. You counted on Thatchers revolt wielding, the problem with that is, its much higher rated then you think. Part of that is due to the credit pro’s and casters have been given it. Also if you aim for R/W, revolt is on a powerlevel than the geist (which is given way more credit then it should get).
In the last match you say your opponent will “probably block” your 2/1 with his 4/3 flying win condition, that can outrace your guy at a rate of 2 to 1. As it turns out, you were right, he did, and handed you the match! But I can’t understand why. Why did you believe he would block there, as it seems (and indeed was) utterly disastrous for him? It means he can’t play other creatures if he keeps the demon around, sure, but tossing away your 4/3 flyer so you can play your 2/1 ground creature seems strange.
Is”Really” really “derp”?
In any case, your deck is super sweet. Obviously you made a lot of mistakes that I won’t rehash. But I think you are right to value the Kruin Strikers so high (in reference to your tweet stuff) since two drops are so important, as evidenced in this draft. Restoration Angel is just insanely good. I thought that Tormentor’s Trident was interesting in how much work it ended up doing.
Welcome back from PTAVR!
^^^ This guy’s a total dick (for no reason)
Loved the draft Marshall
Sorry I didnt refresh my page for hours, was calling out Really
I love watching your drafts, I can’t wait to see you play some other color combo’s!
Actually, having done some thinking, Goldnight Commander is indeed a first pickable bomb, you should reevaluate your pick orders if you would go two colour pick 2 for no reason over that guy.
Lol maybe I coulda make Goldnight Commander my general in commander?? that’d be sweet, house rules of course cause he aren’t legendary.
I do appreciate the videos, they are a tremendous help.
1) They let me see that my draft choices aren’t far off someone able to go infinite.
2) Even if there are mistakes, I learn.
3) I can see the valuation differences when you pick something I wouldn’t… I don’t see that in my own drafts because I take what I would take.
Anyway… good stuff!
I like your drafts a lot, so thank you. I would suggest re-evaluating your opinion of Goldnight Commander. It’s actually insane. That is all.
Putting myself in your opponent’s shoes M1G1, if he had blocked correctly with his alchemist’s apprentice, he would have had one life point left, and another draw step. If I’ve learned anything from the podcast, is that this is a huge deal! Great to see a lesson in action!
Great draft, the only pick I didn’t like was p1p2 when you didn’t take the Commander and then watched 2 Thatcher Revolts go by. That’s one of the main reasons to draft RW!
However, well done sir!
Can’t believe how lucky you were getting a white insane rare in every pack… i did like 20 release drafts now and didn’t see any of these rares !
I won my first 4 drafts with the same blackgreen deck, perhaps you should try those colors sometimes, don’t think you do a lot of drafts without white.
Good vids, amazing deck. Missing the easy on board win in M2G1 was kinda painful but I think it stems from a mistake I’ve seen you make before in the past, and that is that you go to combat before thinking through your turn.
I suspect you don’t do this as much IRL and for that matter when you’re not recording, but still… there’s just no reason to ever be in a situation where you’re thinking about what to do and MODO is sitting at the ‘Choose attackers’ step. You should know exactly what you plan to do for the whole turn before going to attacks and then you adjust if they play instants or make unexpected blocks.
^ vis is a dick lol
I don’t think that “vis is a dick” at all. He made a completely polite criticism that was intended to help Marshall improve. I think that Marshall would be the first to admit that he has a weakness of going to attackers before thinking through his whole turn, especially when he is drafting tired,
I was calling out Vis, hadn’t refreshed my browser for hours lololol.
I don’t think vis is a dick either. A bit harsh, but not a dick. It was painful to watch Marshall not straight up notice the interaction with Cathar’s Crusade and the Herald and for him to go into Combat before examining everything, but we do make mistakes sometimes and it is even harsher on MTGO when you don’t notice something before you click on through.
I love the way some people are reacting to Marshall’s mistakes. Even while watching you can hear he is aware of making the errors. You have to give the guy some credit for publishing and not just trashing the draft and recording a different one.
Maybe my standard is vastly inferior to others but I still learn just as much from watching a non perfect draft as I do a flawless one.
^ Marshall has a great attitude about mistakes. He has spoken about the learning power of analyzing mistakes at length on his podcast. Once a player can surrender pride and analyze a bad beat from an objective perspective, a lot of progress can be made.
He publishes not out of selfish pride, but to elevate the game by cultivating better players at all levels. I don’t get the impression that he considers himself to be an authority…in all of his communications he comes across as more of a teammate. His desire to promote the game comes from a vested interest in seeing everyone do better.