Draft and Deckbuilding
DDD Draft, Round 1
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match 2 game 3: ping yourself with the quiver to go to 5, then cast gather and have ironwright active, you would have an army of 2/5′s and be eating his life total with the quiver next turn, seems good to me.
You took Gavony Ironwright over Burden of Guilt.
I normally watch all of your videos but I actually closed the window after typing this up -_-
M2G3 – I think it’s loose on T3 not to run the quiver out there. Next turn you want to drop the werewolf and then be able to equp the turn after. ADDENDUM: especially since on T5 you just wanted to pass to flip your werewolf… how much awesomer would this be if you could have been attached!
After that, it seems like you’re better off equipping to your wolf. Can’t you get in for 1 more damage with your niblis? Then you can block with wolf-y and shoot.
The turn where you play gather the townsfolk… you don’t talk about the AWESOME possibility of hitting yourself with the quiver so that you can get 5 2/5 townsfolk!!!!
Well, I didn’t close the window like Dude… but I do think Ironwright over burden seems highly suspect. As does fling over torch fiend.
Just a good ole’ classic double heavy muttock deck
Zach: Fling over torch fiend is correct, he already had one and plenty of other 2 drops at that point, and was extremely removal-light.
Also, I am not sure about the T3 quiver. One single reason: you do not want to allow your opponent to flip the scorned villager. It is extremely likely that he has one in hand (this became 100% obvious as the game went on), and that thing becomes real dangerous if its out early when you’re flooded. But that is a very particular scenario, and maybe it is best to have the quiver online to protect against villagers from showing up in future turns.
What I thought was loose was using the quiver twice each turn instead of just attacking with the niblis, when there was zero downside to doing so (no way that he could have flashed in a defender or anything of that sort). Seems like a waste of 5 mana, which is not likely to be relevant but has the possibility of being so (in appearance if nothing else).
Edit: When I said “have one”, I meant a predator ooze, which was the reason why a villager would have been so threatening.
2 mattocks was very strange, I think 3 pieces of equipment should be enough, even for such a token heavy deck; a 2nd fiend over a the 2nd mattock makes sense.
seriously… let me tell you for the ‘couple of people’ telling you to do triple DKA, there’s HEAPS of other people who took comfort in you saying you weren’t going to do one of these horrid triple sets.
Also seeing some good cards in a colour at 2nd-3rd pick pack 1 is NOT a signal nor means the colour is open.
Also, M2G3, when you had the gather the townsfolk, and was on 6 life, you probably should have shot yourself with the quiver and have fateful hour active, so that you will get three more humans out of the deal. Also the ironwrite would have become active, so instead of doing 1 gamage to him and getting two 1/1 dudes, you take 1 damage and get 5 2/5 dudes (plus pumping the rest of your team). Seems much better.
Good Job Marshall! Cannot play perfect all the time, but minimizing mistakes and learning is good too. I do like the lone commentary. The dual commentary of the past was not enjoyable to watch at all, unless it is Conley and someone else.
I enjoyed how your opponent complained about luck vs. skill match one, and you calmly demonstrated how to deal with mana screw and mana flood in match 2. Game three was a very loseable game if you did stupid things with your shaman. Nicely done.
I also questioned the Ironwright pick, but maybe 1/4s for three are better than I thought in this format.
not a complaint, more so just a comment when new sets come out:
since DDD is only available during the release window of the new set, it doesn’t really make sense to record a video of that format so late in the release window (or in this case, posted 3 days after the DDD drafts closed).
as with most people i’m sure, we use these videos to help gauge the the draft format, evaluate cards, and especially in DII, help navigate what to pick in the first DKA pack, and gain expectations for what’s possible in the next two ISD packs.
its still a great resource for general limited drafting and gameplay, but it doesn’t help in the same way that another DII draft could have.
Bio: But you weren’t worried about the villager at that point, because you’d be able to kill it if it flips, right? T3 play a spell, T4 you are guaranteed a spell, then your turn 5 even if you don’t have a spell you are attaching your quiver and then you can kill any iteration of the scorned villager even if it did flip.
Am I missing something here?
And yeah, I’m not being coy when I say it’s suspect (or highly suspect). It’s not the pick I would have made but I’m not sure it’s right. I value flings less than that and would expect to be able to get one later. He’s dude light (sorta. Not as light as he seems cuz he has sorceries that count as dudes) but the torch fiend seems better with the hellrider at this point.
@zac – Hm that seems good to me now that you mention it
@Dude – Yes I did. I think it was a close pick, could have gone either way. In my experience in triple DKA, you get as many Burden of Guilts as you want. And I typically want 2, or maybe 3. At the time I had only 6 creatures. 2 of which were non-human 1/1s. With Hellrider in my deck I am putting a premium on picking creatures, (I want ~17 playable guys by the end of the draft) and with a Heavy Mattock potentially in the deck I also am putting a premium on Humans. Ironwright fits into both of these ideals quite well. I think it’s a close pick, but I wanted to start building up my creature base so I went with the Ironwright.
I really think that it’s incorrect to stop watching a video after the pilot makes one decision you disagree with by the way. Every pick one makes in a draft is debatable, but there is usually something to be learned from each one regardless of if you disagree with the pick or not. Thanks for normally watching the videos though
@Zach – I’ll check that game out, I haven’t had a chance to review it yet but it sounds right what you are saying. I just didn’t see the ping myself play, still getting used to Fateful Hour I guess. I explained my logic on the Ironwright pick, and I think Fling is a pretty easy choice over the Torch Fiend. I can get as many Torch Fiends as I want in the draft, but not true of Fling.
@Carrotus – Ya it pretty much did end up being that hahah. Clunky, but effective!
@biosxenikos – I’ll have to review that portion to see what I was thinking. Sometimes what I was thinking at the time doesn’t jive with what I should have been thinking, but I’ll figure it out either way. I think that equipping and pinging is unblockable and leaves up the ping where attacking means that I can get my guy removed and not get the damage in? I’ll have to look but I think that was my reasoning. I had nothing else to do with my mana anyway.
@UGH – Ya, I can’t please everyone. I like to mix it up a bit so I jumped into one of these for the people wanting it. I’ll be doing a regular one next week though!
@also – huh?
@Carrotus – This has been covered twice in the comments already
@azortex – Thanks! Ya I am always looking to improve my game, and have a way to go before I feel like I am really where I want to be. Also, noted about the 2 commentator thing. A group of my viewers really enjoy them so I’ll probably do them again in the future, but it won’t be too often.
@Malthes – Thanks. Appreciate the kind comment (I get a lot of “You should have done X” comments so a nice one is welcomed every once in a while
) I think the mentality about complaining on luck holds a lot of players back. I explained the Ironwright pick above too if you want to check it out. It was close, maybe not even the correct pick but I think it was.
@dasMetzger – Good feedback, thanks for taking the time. It’s tough because the window that we have for these is so short, and there is a delay in getting the video up so it can be processed and such. I wasn’t planning on doing one of these, but got a considerable amount of requests for one, so I went with it. Your points are all valid though and I’ll take them into consideration in the future. The good thing is that we’ll be doing DII drafts for a nice stretch here.
I definitely disagree with just playing Gather the Townsfolk M3G3.
As soon as you said that I thought it was a mistake. My instinct was that he had 0 outs to an alpha strike and after thinking about it a little bit more I feel like I’m right. I would amend it to say that the Collar should be played and equipped to the Guard before attacks.
I won’t bore you with all the other possible lines of play but let’s just say no other combination of plays short of Briarpack Alpha leaves him with anything but 0 outs.
If he does have Briarpack Alpha the odds are still greatly against him. When he plays it he goes to 6, he would then pump his 4/4 to a 6/6 and block all 3 of your creatures. You would then fling your 5/5 putting him to 1 and losing your board but gaining 2 1/1 fliers. He then must deal with your 2 fliers with his 2 cards (Spider, which you haven’t seen, and removal), and also deal with your potential to make more fliers with the must block humans of Gather + Collar in the future.
I guess what I’m saying is I will take those odds any day.
Oh and before someone says something about Favor the Woods. It’s not an out because this guy is in the finals so he didn’t play it and he didn’t board it in.
@OSUBeavBane – I actually think in situations like that game, playing catiously might be better. there might be an interaction you fail to see as a player, or an out you did not remember. However if you just sit back and develop your board (while your opponent really can’t do that without getting killed by the magehunter) knowing that you can either fling for 5 damage at will or alpha strike when you are more comfortably out of danger of being blown out