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I don’t understand why Rolling Temblor is in the main deck. It takes out every single creature you have except the Charmbreakers, and it is only really in there because of ragethrower. I think you should SB it in because it could be very easily dead against any flying-heavy deck, and will all too often be a dead card. Now to watch the rounds…
picking up the isolated chapel instead of the very reasonable pitchburn devils seems odd. pitchburn devil might very well actually be better in your deck than a random 4 power flier. even with a dual land, splashing for a creature is just bad most of the time. This is coming from a guy who once splashed a moon heron (that was a desperate draft!). But really, when faced with such a good card there’s no reason to be goofy.
stopped watching the instant you took jar of eyeballs over tower geist
When he momented the Pitchburn devils and you ping and geistflame it after your gohul dies instead of after first strike to kill his ghoul and gain 5 life I let out a little groan I have to admit:)
derp, you are so awesome and good at Magic, you don’t have time to watch videos made by people who do things that you wouldn’t. After all, there is not a chance in the world that somebody else with a different strategy in mind could use cards in ways you never considered. More so when they never ever win games of Magic, like Marshall or any of the MTGO Academy video team members. Cudos to you! You are now so good at this, you have nothing to learn! I’ll be watching to see how well you do at the next Pro Tour!
M1G1 you casually state that you have to wait for him to trigger his Manor Gargoyle in order to kill it with Tragic Slip. Note that -X/-X affects do kill indestructible creatures.
In some of the grindy games I felt like you kept equipping quiver to guy that you planned to just die, costing you some mana. Also felt like you couldve gotten more value out of the abattoir ghoul + quiver + mass removal to gain some life in race situations, or just gain off pings of things like doomed traveler.
There was also a time you coulve geistflamed a niblis of the mist at his EOT.
Overall tight play and nice 3-0. Boldly choosing jar over tower geists is not a play I think many would make but it worked out.
Marshall, I diggin’ the Quiver infatuation. I’m anxious to try it with Midnight Guard too. We only draft to live the dream! So with that, I am retiring Glint Hawk. It’s been a good run, but it’s time that I moved on!
Not a jerk: You are allowed to point out stuff like this, the comments aren’t just here to hump the legs of whoever made the video, that doesn’t help anyone. I politely remarked on a play mistake and how it made me feel and I don’t think that’s a rude thing to do so I think your overly sarcastic reply was a little uncalled for.
Game 1 Match 1 when he momented his Devils you could have pinged his devils and flashed back the flame after first strike instead of 2nd main phase so you blew him out instead of him blowing you out.
I believe the comment is aimed at derp, not you, Derp.
On your podcast you were ragging on BR and I was yelling at my ipod, clearly its because you’re drafting the archetype wrong. Its not a hyper aggressive deck like GW or GR. I’ve had a lot of success drafting BR decks that take over the late game with removal and morbid synergies. The deck in this video is a lot closer to how I normally draft BR. (You don’t normally get this much removal, but the deck can still come together if you know what to look for)
Derp – I don’t know if you are “derp” or not… Derp left a fine replay. “derp” did not. Also, there is a fine line between pointing out a mistake, and just outright being bitchy. If you are indeed “derp” as well as Derp – try to remember nobody owes you anything and people broadcast these videos out of good will. They are supporting you and the game you like. If what thery are doing is not your cup of tea, the least you can do is stay silent about it.
I wrote a long reply, then I saw thet there are Derps and derps, now I apologize to you “not a jerk” because I misread your comment.
@not a jerk First off it’s spelled kudos. Second off ask any single pro and I’ll lay you a thousand to one odds they would have always picked the tower geist. Third off kissing ass online isn’t going to get you anywhere. Fourth off you’re bitching about being bitchy, lol hypocrite much? Fifth off if people don’t point out obvious mistakes you never learn from then. Also if what I said was not, to quote you, “you’re cup of tea the least you can do is stay silent about it.” People who get their panties in a bunch over stuff online need to reconsider going online ever. Any further dumb statements you would like to make??
Why do you keep equipping Quiver to your Flayer which already has a tap ability?
Marshall – “I’ll play the quiver too, just in case that comes into play…” Sorry buddy, but I think a mandatory part of the resolution of playing an artifact is that it “comes into play.”
The flavor of using Tragic Slip on a Manor Gargoyle is so great.
I love this block.
@sean – I believe the idea was to let him use mana on the activation before removing it NOT that it couldn’t be removed until it wasn’t indestructible. This is what “nuts and bolts spike” is about, taking every single ounce of value from a situation. So you would want to give your opponent the opportunity to spend mana (yes even 1 mana is extra value) on an activation before you remove his creature because that one less of a resource for him. Double+ good or you.
No need to wait untill he activates his gargoyle… tragic slip gives -13/-13 which indestructability dont help squat against. Just FYI
Nevermind, i see i didn’t read all the comments.
@Nil: i get that, but he had a chance to do it at his EOT by saccing the torturer which would have let him swing i think, so i think he should atleast have debated the option.
M1G1 feels like watching a bad horror movie where you just scream at the characters on screen not to split up
Marshall: “I could take out the plains. I think I do wanna attack here, though”
Shaun: “Sure, but DO take out the plains FIRST. He could Moment… no, that doesn’t work. But he could have Skillful Lunge or Faith’s Shield or even another Burning Oil”
BrainBug: Taps plains
Shaun: “Oh no, here it comes!”
BrainBug: plays Moment to gift two additional life to Marshall
Shaun: “What the, why? Well, Marshall’s going to get rewarded for playing badly”
Marshall: let’s his Ghoul get killed
Shaun: “Oh no, he forgot his Geistflame”
Marshall: “At least we can finish him off”
Shaun: “Sure, why do it on time, let’s rather give your viewers a heart attack”
Marshall: “Are you not entertained? Is this not why you’re here?”
Shaun: “Yes, we are. Yes, it is. Thanks a bunch”
Gotta say, that P1P1 was eye opening (as it were). I have read Jar at least 25-30 (maybe more) times now but never been in a game where it was played. I just assume it was both a sac ability *and* a graveyard dump… queue stock line about assuming.
Honestly, I just don’t think you really think about your quiver targets. I mean, you do, but sometimes your choices are unfounded. your 3/1 lifelinker or 3/2 morbid zombie are just as good targets equipped as your 1/1, and your 1/1 is just as easy to kill as your 3/1. if he had removal in game one, he would have used it regardless, you just missed gaining life and gave away an easy victory. In the second match, you also pidgeon hole yourself into HAVING to draw removal by attacking with the torch fiend when you can shoot the 5/3 chappel gheist, sacrifice it to give torturer flying and block it to kill it; this leaves you with a ghoul to his empty board; if you had equipped the correct creature it would have left you an equipped creature to his literal nothing board, with more life.
There’s a huge difference between:
“stopped watching the instant you took jar of eyeballs over tower geist”
“I would have snap taken the Tower Geist P1P1 over the jar because [insert actual reasons here]. Can you elaborate on why you took the jar over a quality card like the Tower Geist?”
Or heck, don’t even include reasons. The point is, when you come in with “I stopped watching when…” comments, you are bringing nothing to the table other than saying, “I strongly disagree with your pick and am choosing to be a douche about it.”
Note that Marshall did give some reasons, indicating that it’s colorless so it keeps him open, but that ultimately he wanted to “have some fun.”
FWIW, I take the Tower Geist too, but I would put it more like this:
Hey Marsh,
The Tower Geist feels like the clear P1P1 to me, and you didn’t even mention it. It’s not colorless, but I think it actually goes in more decks than the jar does. It’s is an immediate 2-for-1 when it resolves; possibly 3:1 if you can ditch a flashback spell, and it develops your board with a relevant body.
I’ll play tower in any blue deck, and might splash it with good fixing, but I only want the jar in a long-game control deck, and even then it doesn’t feel that great: too conditional and clunky in practice. Can you speak to that pick? Do you think the jar is more likely to lead to a winning deck than the tower, or was it a try-the-rare pick? What would you pick from that pack in day 2 of a GP?
Thanks for the entertaining video.
It’s also interesting, derp, that you stop by just long enough to tell us what pick caused you to stop watching, yet apparently monitor the comments afterwards. Smells like a bridge-dweller to me.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, though, and assume you are just under 25 and smarter than most of your peers, which has filled you with a misguided youthful arrogance that has been compounded by internet anonymity. You’ll be fine with a little more time, and the grown-up world will be waiting for you when you’re ready.
I find it hilarious how often people come in here with hypocritical statements over and over. Your entire tone is of arrogance. That you know more of the world than me. That you are part of the “grown up world” while I am not. You should listen to yourself sometime. Once again I’m not wrong in my statement that jar of eyeballs = wrong tower geist = correct so I fail to see the problem. You can say I’m a troll all you want but fact of the matter remains I’m right.
I felt when he blocked with Pitchburn and pumped the right play was to Flame and ping with Quiver. I just paused it right there to get it down. However, I like the deck so far and I like the early Jar pick for “value”. It’s def a card that sets you into a more control direction.
Oh plus “it’s colorless so it keeps me open” is not a valid reason in this format. It was when everybody was drafting scars but not since then. Especially not with a card as narrow as jar of eyeballs vs a card as good as tower geist that goes well in the best limited strategy for this current draft format.
derp, being right, doesn’t justify being rude. If, while consuming someone’s Magic content, you come across something that invalidates that content in your mind, consider leaving silently, or engaging in civil Magic discourse if you decide to comment.
You did neither, and it led to some people being a jerk to the jerk here. It’s too bad you didn’t open with that last post, which contains insightful reasoning to back your dissenting opinion. Then we’d all just be chatting about Magic strategy…
It’s not rude. It’s a simple statement. People on the internet just get their panties in a bunch and want to argue. If I was like “lol you’re a dipshit that was the wrong pick you dumbass” yes that would be rude. Saying I stopped watching after that pick only speaks to how incredibly wrong that pick was.
I’m hoping MTGOAcademy also moves over to Facebook comments. It’s weeded out most of the “derps” from the other sites using them.
Duly noted, Kuriboh.
intergrating facebook made channelfireball take forever to load (in comparison to other sites)
P1P1 jar of eyeballs is awful. can all the nuthuggers relax. online comments are always curt and offensive. thats just the internet.
the real discussion (for me at least) was seakite over tower geist. I would have appreciated that analysis over taking some random durdley slow rare. I am happy to concede tower geist is better than kite but it would have been nice to discuss. as it comes up a lot.
i also have NO IDEA why marshall is discussing taking blue and green cards halfway through pack 2. your deck is BR. incredibly confused as to why you think you can still switch colours. “back from the brink is fine but not really what I am looking for here.” It’s pick 6 of pack2 and you have no blue cards. Why is a double casting cost do nothing enchantment not even in your colour a consideration?
I really felt let down by the quality of these draft picks which is a shame because I have respect for your game.
@Kuriboh: We have no plans to use FB comments but will rather use other means to encourage constructive comments and discussion. I don’t mind heated debates as long as it doesn’t end in ad hominem slugfests.
Hmm. What are the chances that FRIFGIWUER is not also derp?
Re: Facebook: I really like the idea. It’s the best way I’ve seen to discourage trolling. It doesn’t always work, because people on Facebook can still be “derp”s, but it does make things a little bit more sensible. But that’s up to MTGOacademy, and I wouldn’t presume to tell them what to do. They have to make their own decision based on their own information.
@biosxenikos – I don’t remember my exact thinking but I like cards like Rolling Temblor in decks with Ragethrower in them. I can usually set up a situation where I at least 1:1 my Temblor and occasionally you just completely blow them out with it.
@Carrotus – I think that’s a fair assessment. I like to mix it up sometimes and did here. I think Pitchburn is probably the more solid pick though.
@derp – You apparently caused a bit of an uproar with your dismissive and somewhat useless comments. My viewers tend to get a bit rabid when people make senseless statements like yours. Speaking to your point: Yes I know that Jar is worse than Tower Geist, but early in a set (and on videos) I like to take interesting rares to see how they work. I know what Tower Geist does, I have less experience with Jar of Eyeballs and this seems like a good place to get that experience.
@Derp – I don’t remember that part of the games so I can’t comment but I’ll just assume you were right.
@Not a Jerk – I tried to warn him about my viewers
@Sean – Right, I think I was thinking that if I can make him use up the 1 mana to activate it’s better than just killing it, but I also might have just missed it and forgot. Thanks for pointing it out either way.
@Physics – Thanks for the input. It’s hard for me to address your points without exact times of the match, but I do appreciate the feedback either way. Ya I think going for Jar is fine, even if it’s not as good in a vacuum as a Tower Geist. Card can do some work (in the right deck).
@ChrisKool – May he rest in peace for eternity, with an artifact.
@Canellum – I’ll check that play out once I can look back at the video. Thanks!
@Mook – This.
@Dave C – I’ll try that archetype out Dave, thanks for suggesting it. I normally think of BR as Neonate/Furor style, but maybe its just a grindy control deck at heart.
@derp(again) – Your method of communication is pretty poor. You are dismissive and accusative and have no regard for why or how people approach formats. Low on value.
@Juzaba – I forget, but probably just because I wasn’t going to use it’s tap ability.
@Felix – lol “BECOMES A FACTOR”
@Brockcity – I do too!
@Nil – Hey you saw it too, I mentioned this in a previous reply as well.
@CP – I don’t remember the spot exactly but you are right if I didn’t consider that play.
@shaun – I have to confess I’m a bit confused here, but I laughed so there’s that.
@Robin – Ya I’m glad I took Jar here. I think that Tower Geist is a very known quantity to me where Jar is not. I do think Tower Geist is a better card (as it should be for 4 mana instead of 3 and for colored mana as well.)
@kriz – I’ll have to go back and check those spots, but it sounds like you have it pretty well sussed out.
@miles – I have mentioned it above, but I think the Geist is the easy pick at a GP. The Jar pick here was to try it out and see what it can really do. I like Jar quite a bit, but it’s admittedly clunky. I should have spoken more about it but on the video for sure.
@oma – I haven’t had a chance to look at that play but I think you aren’t the only one who mentioned it so I probably just missed something. And I agree 100% about Jar being a value card for controlling decks. (now that I have played it)
@derp – You seem hung up on what pick is 10000% correct. There are different reasons to take different cards. In a vacuum I agree Tower Geist is better, but there are other factors at play. Also, staying open is something that I value highly even if you do not.
@Ryan <3
@Kuriboh – The sad thing is that he is just hung up on some point that he can't let go of. Yes we all understand that Tower Geist is the best card here, but Jar of Eyeballs is relatively unexplored, colorless, and interesting. Hopefully he can see that at some point. Also I totally don't believe that he stopped watching
@vispaste – Online comments are absolutely *not* always curt and offensive. We have stimulating discourse on the comments of my videos every week with the regulars that watch them. I am happy to engage in them as well and consider them part of the value of tuning in.
Re: talking about off color cards during a video. I have to speak to many different audiences. You probably just assume that everyone in the audience is you, but they are not. I take the time to call out some rares and such because there are viewers who wonder what type of rare is worth leaving your color for. It's not like I am actually considering taking the card, but I like to give a picture of what I am thinking about. As you quoted, I clearly was not taking the card when I said "it's not what I'm looking for here." I was perfectly happy with how the draft portion went FWIW. I have no regrets at all about what I picked and my method for doing so. I do wish I would have spoken about why I would take a card like Jar over Geist for example, but I apparently got a little rushed and didn't speak to it. Thanks for watching the videos either way and for taking the time to comment.
@frifgiwuer – I AGREE!
@oray – agreed.
P1P2 – I don’t think you can sac the Mindcrusher to Skirsdag Flayer
cool beans marshall thanks for taking the time to respond. look forward to more drafts in the future.
also it was actually nice to see jar in action and it did change my opinion of the card somewhat.