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I’m heeya
Haven’t watched the matches yet…but I would like to note you passed a demonmail hauberk(didn’t even consider it) with an invisible stalker in your pile, and THEN complained about not having a sac outlet. Was the unbreathing horde in you zombie deck really THAT appealing.
Round 1 Match 2, you pinged yourself with your Noble. Just something that bothered me. Thanks for the video.
Geez. That second guy’s deck was just so good. Geez.
Round one, I’m not sure what exactly your opponent was thinking for most of the game. Apparently he didn’t want to cast Wild Hunger unless he was blowing you out, but it ended up just losing him the game.
In round 2, there was just no way to win, unless he got massively screwed. This is why I mainly avoid UB in DII. I honestly think it is the worst deck you can get, simply because it is so slow. All the other colors can do aggro stuff, but UB is the “control” archetype, and its just not where you want to be in this format. I’ve talked about watching matches and recording the results… UB comes in dead last in my list, with a mere 36% win ratio. It’s even worse than RW and RG.
Meanwhile, that guy had this sick BR deck that could put on plenty of early pressure, and then drop a lord or the 4/1 haste, and finish off a late game.
I mean, if it were me, and based on what I’ve seen in the format, I would have taken the Lich, and then tried to go into anything besides UB, and just splashed it if I could find the fixing. That is how bad UB really is. You would prefer to play a deck with a splash than a straight UB deck.
Really great video but didn’t like the eating
Hi, nice draft so far. Im still seeing first Round.
But it is realy a bit disgusting to hear you chrunch your Chips …
not sure if i like the Wolfy-thingy-equip picks over actual cards like griptide
I don’t have a problem with picking the Quiver however you decide to play two of them with only 13 creatures. With needing 5 mana to equip it seems better to drop one to play another creature even if it’s only a Fortress Crab.
Falkenrath Noble trigger, target…….myself.
You ran the marathon and you won Marshall.
You are the Dorando Pietri of Olympics 1908, google it =).
Its a stunning story involving exhaustion, a Queen, Umpires, spectators and an American runner.
Marshall – R1G2 – You attack with the armored skaab at 21:45 when you should probably just hold back. He can still deal 1 with the quiver, and you have the option of pinging a creature.
Crazy opp deck r2! However, I think you overvalue Quiver…a lot. Griptide is in my t5 for the new set. Especially in your deck which was pretty slow already, quiver just made your deck molasses slow. While Griptide is an excellent trick with multiple applications in control and tempo and even mill if you went that route (which you totally could have
) I think when drafting UB you need to commit pretty quickly to what kind of UB you’re going to play. Aggro/control/mill/self mill and I think you waited too long to decide and ended up with a not so self milly, self mill deck. I really think Mill Them was your best route but I understand that not everyone likes that archetype.
As always, I enjoyed the vid.
Yeah the chewing is pretty disrespectful
BTW, that was me ^^.
Hey Marshall. Loved the video (and the eating). It’s nice to see people that I regard highly in the magic realm lose sometimes. It helps when I end up in a bad run of things.
It seems like Dark Ascension really flattened out Limited. If you’re not just nabbing dudes and ways to make your dudes better, you’re going to lose. Everytime I’ve drafted G/R with a Wild Hunger in my pool, I’ve won. and 90% of the times I draft some sort of techy combo deck like you did, I go out in the 1st or second round. I’d be interested in everyone’s opinion, because maybe I’m missing something here, but it seems like mono-beatdown decks are what you have to draft to win.
screw the haters Marsh, you eat all you want to!
your gentle chewing is soothing to me
I love how fast you pick. I don’t see why everyone drones on and on about every card in the pack.
Great videos Marshall, but the eating is annoying.
LOL Round 2. Can we just say “the nuts”! At least those draws were nearly constructed playable.
Good videos, as usual. I don’t think it makes much difference in the end, but I think I keep your initial 7 in M2G2 every time, particularly against a deck like his. Black Cat can at least jump in front of something early and hopefully nab something good out of his hand, or maybe even make him reconsider attacking. Then if you hit an Island early-ish, you get the chance to build up your defenses even more with Armored Skaab, which hopefully slows him down enough for you to find some of your better cards. It’s hard to say how the game plays out from there, but I think keeping that hand at least gives you a chance.
jeez, Marshall… this was depressing.
I think it’s ok that you disliked the deck you were playing (and I did very much appreciate your laughter as you drew land after land after land), but c’mon… why post a video where you just ooze negativity? not every game or match of Magic is great, but I guess I don’t get why you would want to publicize this one..?
well, let me clarify…
I love that you provide these videos. Free, quality content should never be complained about. What I was trying to get at, was why post a video that you were so unhappy with? Were you making the point that not every draft is going to go the way you want?
If that’s the case, then how about some post-analysis of the draft… maybe a look back to see if there was ever a point where you could have switched colors?
It did seem like you picked up the Lich and just decided then and there that you were UB, even though you didn’t really want to be…
Would love to hear your behind-the-scenes thoughts about this one…
So… I didn’t even notice the eating. But I guess you gotta eat, right? Don’t want you starving and dropping dead away in the middle of a draft.
Please don’t eat while recording. I couldn’t watch the videos because of it.
Sorry guys about the food, I got home late and needed something to eat. I normally just have water with my vids but when I get really hungry I can’t think straight, so ya.
I won’t do that again
I want to say to beardo some of us like to see it doesn’t only happen to us
, we had this discussion some weeks ago and i like the result of these videos being shown.
Have to tell this : yesterday did m12 draft, first time ever i opened a mythic in every pack : Gideon jura, chandra the firebrand, Bloodlord of Vaasgoth. Went RW with (as my companion of years said) the best m12-draft-deck he’s ever seen, with fast creatures (arsonist, elite vanguard), 3 shocks, 2 outrages, a dragon, pacifisms, tappers… just to end up playing a guy who dropped Jace in every game to lose 1-2 on cards every time…
To everyone complaining about the chewing. I get it. But ask yourself. How much did you pay to watch this video? … That’s what I thought.
Thanks for all the free entertainment every week, Marshall. Big fan here.
To the people complaining about the negativity – its an instruction in how not to draft this format, which is just as valuable as posting the drafting of a good deck to probably half the viewer base out there. Plus we got to see someone live the dream of the insane vampires tribal deck. You can’t tell me you don’t wish you could draft that.
Other conclusion – eating whilst recording lowers your drafting win ratio, but generates a heap of comments in a very short time space (more hits for MTGOAcademy! :P).
People should eat when they’re hungry.
Its a pure joy watching your videos, thank you.
it IS always great watching marshall’s vid’s, but the chewing/eating has been a problem in the past.
as for the awkward negativity towards the end, that’s something i’ve not seen much from marshall in these vids. and kind of alarming. he reminded me a bit too much of myself when i’m playing and losing in a mediocre draft.
looking back at match 2… marshall did get flooded with a total of ZERO good draws during the match… but look at his opponent… he obviously started with a pretty awesome hand, and drew nothing but spells. notice on turn 6 and 7 he top decks the captains.
but yea, the overall sentiment of a pretty weak draft deck after opening a bomb in the lich is accurate… aggro wins. control loses. lich is a control player’s bomby bomb. doesn’t really do anything until turn 6 or later, is very mana intensive, thereby requiring you to have a dominant board state in order to fully take advantage of it. i’ve seen him in draft a couple times and he can absolutely wreck an opponent, but they were splashing other colors to get those important early drops like forge devil and ashmouth hound. i’ll rewatch the draft itself and see if i would’ve done anything differently. (like not drafting the incredibly slow quiver).
better luck next week
I have questions:
Why Jar of Eyeballs over something that develops the board immediately (like Fortress Crab)? I guess this question is actually “what makes Jar playable?”.
Do you not like One-Eyed Scarecrow? I have developed an affinity for him and his muddiness to the game state. I noticed you took a second Armored Skaab over one and Unburial Rites over one (when it seemed like you had no intention on playing the plains for Rites).
Not sure I am going to ever feel comfortable with this format :]
How not to win at DII: slow decks.
How to win at DII: Draft two lords.
Is there something wrong with the vid player? Takes forever to start, or doesn’t start??
I think the biggest downfall of this draft was picking cards way too quickly and not giving enough thought to every aspect of the draft, from signalling to curve considerations to synergies and everything else. You just autopilot-clicked on most of your picks and never stepped back and reflected on what you had until the very end. Drafting slower = drafting with more thought.
If you count the Rakish Heir as a lord, that’s three. And he could’ve had even more in his deck.
I’ve watched a lot of your videos, and this one seemed really odd for you. You immediately decided on UB control from a P1P1. While Lich can dominate, it felt like you didn’t put any deeper thoughts into any other picks, and just forced UB. Also, you picked more 5-6 cost spells in the first 5 picks than you normally ever have in your deck.
Maybe I’m wrong and this was the right path, but it just felt like it was out of character for your normal draft style.
Man, it looked like you really rushed through that one. With the unburial rites, lich and lab maniac I think you could have drafted something pretty sweet it you had stopped a bit and thought about your picks more.
I know you really like the agressive decks but you don’t allways have to be super agressive. Self-mill combo is still viable and even though you kind of picked cards at random through the last pack you still ended up with a lot of cool pieces.
I guess I want to hear less “uhh I guess I take x” and more “Doing it!”
I honestly didn’t care about the chewing that much. Slower pick choices would have been nice, but you did end up with some good cards (Lich, Nobles, etc.) and you had a lot of really bad draws. Enjoyed it nonetheless.
“Slower pick choices would have been nice”
You slow bro?
The pick bothering me the most is the second quiver over the first black cat. In slow durdly decks the cat is very valuable especially with cards like ghoulraiser and to a lesser exctend the lich (almost everything is good with the lich) the second quiver is however yet another slow card and drawning two quivers is almost like a mulligan. So i think you should have considered what your deck were more likely to need; another slow card or an early blocker. I would def go with the blocker!