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Sick deck! I always enjoy your videos, Marshall.
pick two, pack 2… I think that the real pick is feeling of dread… I’ve drafted UW quite a bit and the card is nuts… It’s really hard to lose with a good curve and a couple of those in your deck.
I’m famous now! Good games Marshall, lingering souls, very nice.
That last game was very interesting. Well played match by both of you guys. Marshall finding the theoretical win on that board state was awesome. But I think we all knew he had to have a removal spell. Great Limited Resources this week.
The thing I love most about this format is that games are usually nail-biters. I don’t remember a format where games were consistently this close. Decks seem to be doing very different things but still interacting a lot.
In m1g1 when you fiend hunter’d his villagers, you argued that doing nothing was an option but you didn’t want to gamble that he wouldn’t to flip his guy, but if you did nothing his villagers would flip anyway.
9:23, third round: you miss an on board win. Equip the vigilance-equipment to the priest, it becomes a 2/x and you are now bashing with two 2/x’s. During the attack phase, tap down the rig. He will block one of the two guys, and then he will die since he’s at 2! What if the card on the top of his library was something crazy? Watch out!
- hes saying something in the chat here, says he got Huntmaster
- (low pitched mumble) I got Bellringer
Priceless =)
M1G2 you mention him possibly having Brimstone Volley.
Seems unlikely when you’re on <5 and he has a Dawntreader Elk which has G: Morbid.
M1G1 you also don't mention (although I'm not saying it's the play) the fact that if you *do* just pass turn into his Human Werewolf it stops being a human, and becomes a valid target for the priest.
Love the videos though, keep 'em coming and keep being awesome
The fact, that you did not tap anything in response to the Fires in the last game, last turn… almost killed me. That would give you one more turn, as after you chump with all your creatures, you’d be at 1 life
haha… i love how your first line after the intro is: “i just had dinner”… no more chewing in the mic! yay!
Having watched the finals, that Brain Weevil play makes more sense.
I assume the plan was to next turn go Undying Weevil (heh) and make you discard 4.
hello Marshall,
Great video and nice 2 decks for the LR clan.
The last match at about 4o min, you could have bought yourself another turn, but I do not think it would change the out come. In response to fires of undeath tap down the neonate. chump the fox to the nearheath and chump the spirit to the pitchburn. Then hope to top deck a fiend hunter.
M1G2 if he had Brimstone Volley blocking is pointless because he could just activate and sacrifice his Dawntreader Elk and burn you for five with the morbid Volley. You have a tendency to way over-think things sir : )
Marshal like always love your vids, the comment “they hang out on weekends and catch a baseball game!” made me laugh. I normally agree with most of your choices, but cutting slip when you are so removal light made me cringe little. Thanks for the vids!
Sigh, end of world is nigh when people are firstpicking (and rightfully so) uncommon over what would pass for bomb rare in every other format. P1P3 for me would probably be caress over captain (but i am on conservative side). I commend you for P1P5 wilds though – in 8-4 its usually better to pick fixing early in pack 1, as people are trying to make their greedy decks work out and its harder to get good mana fixing in later packs.
You made one sad High Priest cry, all forgotten. Also Forbidden Alchemy and Delver: works for flipping, really!
great vids again, thanks a lot!
I’m sorry since this is kind of nooby but please bear with me, considering I’m a relatively new player.
My mind was BLOWN by that Fiend Hunter + Saving Grasp play. Great job, Marshall!
@MOBZ – Thanks and thanks again
@fiffo416 – I think that pick was *very* close and I would have felt just fine about taking the Feeling of Dread there.
@Bookstax – ggs sir, wp all around
@Disco – I agree, that game was awesome. That decision on the loot was very tough. I had to really work through to find the path to victory there. It’s interesting that when you are being beaten down, sometimes pitching removal is actually correct. I actually didn’t think he had the removal spell and I suspect he topdecked it. Wouldn’t he have used it prior? There are definitely cases where he sandbags it, but I felt like he would have killed our tapper earlier. Maybe he can let us know? Re: this format. totally! I love that aspect too.
@Matt – Ha, I’ll re-watch but that sounds pretty funny.
@fiffo416 – I haven’t re-watched that far (spoiler!) but I’ll be pretty tilted when I do and see that you are right
@Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – lol
@Pixie – Ya, I think I may have follow-up mentioned that? Sometimes when I am talking its like stream-of-consciousness and I sorta figure it out as I go.. Same with that other one, I have some stuff in my head but never get around to actually saying it in order to keep the pace going. Also sometimes I just miss stuff. It’s like a mystery novel.
@marcinS – Huh, I’m surprised I didn’t do that. I thought I was just dead I think. That said, I don’t have any outs here in these colors, but it’s not a reason to get sloppy.
@dasMetzger – lol that was for all the people last week
@Pixie – It does in retrospect. Also: Undying Weevil, awesome.
@wyldcat – Yes that was pointed out and I just missed it probably because I knew I had no outs, and was bummed about him getting the removal spell. Like I said above, those are poor reasons to get sloppy but even a Fiend Hunter does nothing there right? Cast, equip, still die I think?
@Asmodan – Ya like I said above I just talk out every thought that is going through my head, sometimes I don’t revisit when I should. Talking coherently while playing is challenging, and if sometimes I say too much I’m ok with that.
@wooterman – Ha, I always imagine cards being friends outside the game like people are friends outside of work
I said my logic on the Tragic Slip decision, and stand by it quite strongly. I’m not sure which deck you were looking at, but I had tons of removal. 2x Claustrophobia, 2x Silent Departure, 2x Fiend Hunter, Priest of Avacyn plus a Feeling of Dread makes for an excellent removal suite. Tragic slip is a card that I have to compromise my mana base further for, and just doesn’t synergize well with my other removal cards as I have none that actually kill the creature. This was part of why the Priest didn’t make it in. Also that I forgot about him
@Private_Dream – Ya that card is format warping for sure in limited. Such an insane thing if you get to flash it back too.. I feel like the Wilds was the correct if tough pick there. Wilds is so good for fixing too, love it.
@Michiel Schneider – Ya I think I sort of dismissed him anyway because my removal could not actually trigger him in any case. Poor guy, dismissed and forgotten
@Govnovalj90 – Ha that’s great! I try to make the videos accessible and useful for players of all skill levels, and a play like that is a good example of one that some know but others do not. Thanks for chiming in, I appreciate hearing from the newer players too!
Very nice vid and much better to learn things from than most vids out there! Ty! I liked the theoretical win in the last game as well, despite him having a removal spell. Makes me think I give up games too easy sometimes.
Wasn’t it better though to mulligan your hand in the last game? I felt you ran too fast out of gas, starting with 5 lands and a Saving Grasp making the landdraws later on pretty much dead cards. I’ve been mulligan a lot more hands lately, and getting better results for it.
Second pick tragic slip, first pick pack 2 high priest… and then not play them…seems like a horrible waste
You wondered about the pick 7 av. priest; i did m12 draft today where i got Primordial hydra pick 3 and then in pack 2 pick 3 Dungrove Elder… was no one playing green ???
@knx, Marshall explained both during the draft and after in comments that the marginal upshot of those two cards wasn’t worth the bad things it does to the mana base.
And without a single card in the entire deck that can turn on morbid except for turning dudes sideways and hoping, neither is really as amazing as the cards are in the deck that actually does want to play them.
From the little I do actually know about limited, it seems the self restraint and ability to recognise when a good mana base is more important than playing “the best cards” is what really sets apart the pros from the not-quite-pros.
And to Marshall, if you don’t at some point wind up drafting the Undying Weevil deck, I shall be sad.
If you do, though, it might just make my life
Always enjoy the show and drafts. I do have a criticism. You tend to ‘hate’ on certain cards. You have been against Mindshrieker since before the set was released. In this draft, you were begging for a 2 drop, a flyer, and a spirit and you passed on the Mindshrieker. (the prettiest foil I ever saw BTW). You don’t ‘like’ the card, but it was exactly what you were begging for. Is it over-rated? Who cares. Has one ever hit a board, with removal in hand and it was left alive to ‘do its thing?’ That card can win a game all by itself WITH MANA-SCREW. You did not pick it because you don’t like it. That would be like…I need a left handed pitcher who throws side-arm at over 100 miles per hour and who is 6’6″ and Randy Johnson is available, but I just don’t like him…something about his adam’s apple sticking out too far. I’ll finish watching the draft…but seriously…remain open. Perhaps do a draft where you pick all of those cards which you have a ‘thing’ against or bring in Jon to throw in his two cents. If I ever see you live…you’ll be signing a foil Mindshrieker…but on the back because that card is just too pretty.
M2G3, there was a point where you just looted with the civilized schoolar and was debating what card to throw away. To me it seemed like the best (and most aggresive) line of play was to pitch the niblis of the mist, which transforms the scholar, and then play swamp, cast feeling of dread targeting his feral ridgewolf, bash with all your guys for 8 damage (half of his remaining life points!). then, at the second main phase, you play the makeshift mauler.
True, he might have (and actualy did have) something along the lines of nightbirds cluthes, but with you having all those superior creatures, a feeling of dread waiting to be flsashed back, you are definitley the aggressor and he probably has to sit back on his haunches and wait to try and block your guys… Seems like you could have ended the game far quicker than you did.
As always, the draft itself was awesome and the games well played
M3G1 you could have killed him a turn sooner after he tapped out for rig by moving the collar across to priest and tapping after you attack, he was tapped out so no risk
M3G3… did I miss something? Nobody else has mentioned this, but I watched it several times to double check: it looked like you were F6′d and so were not able to respond to his removal spell by tapping something down with the priest. If you do you can double chump and survive (at 1) if he attacks all out, but doing so is very dangerous since you could crack back for lethal with an equiped scholar, so 1-2 creatures have to stay back (becaue of the unsummon in the ‘yard), meaning you would actually be left at 5. A top decked fiend hunter might get it done from there. Unlikely but I was surprised by you losing to the shortcut after grinding out the math.
Yes, he topdecked that removal but you can’t f6 there!
Otherwise, excellent as always. Catch you at CK sometime.
Someone owes a card a podcast apology? If I remember correctly it seemed like you were thinking this card was below playable? :0)