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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Limited Resources: Innistrad Draft #10”.
Round 1, Game 3 you could have won by just letting the Curse damage go to him and if he tried to -2 Liliana you could have Brimstone Volley’d his face for 5 and won.
Good matches though…I loved the deck.
Love the vids too! Go Team LR!
Marshall –
R3G2 – I believe you can corpse lunge a zombie at 9:27 and crack in for exactsies! (or, I’m an idiot)
M!G3 why would you give him the extra draw step? You correctly put him on flashing back silent departure to bounce your hound and then -2 Liliana to kill your mauraders. You then have active morbid and just dome him for 5 for the win. Seems pretty loose to give an extra draw step and potentially the game.
Easy to say after the fact, but you probably should have just gone mono red. You had brutal mana issues in at least half the games, and a lot of it came from trying to deal with double-red and double-black cards in an aggro deck.
Second round was against Josh Frankel from He records lots of draft, maybe he even recorded this one.
i’m yelling at my screen “MARSHALL!!! YOU”LL HAVE MORBID!!” at least M1G3 didn’t come back to bite you. just frustrating to hear you say the correct play, and then do the complete opposite. if i were in your oppoenents situation, i definitely would have gotten rid of the marauders with the liliana -2 ability after bouncing the hound. i could then swing for 4, and with the drawing of the 2nd departure, even level up the egg twice w/ two departures in yard.
definitely could’ve gotten out of control there, but MORBID TO THE FACE and he’s dead that turn.
Really wish you would have gone mono red. You let the black bomb blind you. I can’t see any justification for 7 swamps when you are only running 3 black cards… those games would have went a lot differently
Yes, M2G2 corpse lunge a zombie token FTW was correct, not what he did. Still won that game though
How do you explain that you can kill your opponent r1g3 if you curse him and he -2 Liliana so your Brimstone is Active, but you give him another turn by dealing the curse damage to Liliana….I guess i shouldn’t inhale smoke while watching you play……
Why do you give your opponents extra turns!?
R2G1 your opponent was tapped out at 7 life with 2 untapped zombie tokens for defense.
You have a 3/2, 3/1, and a 4/4(flier); you also have corpse lunge in hand with a 2/1 in your graveyard.
Why not corpse lunge 1 of his zombie tokens for 2 making him only being able to block one of your 3 power guys, thus dealing him lethal damage with your 4/4 and second 3 power guy?
Giving your opponent unnecessary drawsteps can be deadly in this game.
M2G1 you’re wondering why your opponent isn’t attacking with his Armored Skaab, yet at the same time you’re obliging his line of play by not attacking with your Kessig Wolf (even though first strike + flashback Geistflame would get past the skaab). One way for him to lose that game would have been taking a ton of damage from the wolf.
Like sidereal said… your mana was kinda bad, and though it wasn’t so horrible that you wouldn’t eventually draw out of it, the Reckless Waif deck doesn’t have the luxury to sit back. Bloodline Keeper is awesome, though. Tough call.
game 2 9:25 why not corpse lung and attack for game
You guys should take two seconds to read the comments before critiquing. Most of that stuff has already been said like 1847528 times.
M1G3 you could have just attacked with both the hound, and the falkenrath, hound will get blocked, something will die, and you can volley him, curse for the win.
You are hilarious! I laughed out load on the Bump in the NIght comment. [Looks at it] “That card it so bad! I want to play it.” Haha soo funny.