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Just in case you haven’t checked yet: he cannot activate the torch because sacrificing the torch (a permanent that he does not control) is part of the cost of the ability, which he cannot pay — according to some official ruling.
Interested in that ruling on the act of treason on the creature with the torch. Really like the videos keep it up.
I don’t know if you were mispeaking or confused but when you were attacking with the orchard spirit you were wondering if he was going to trade the crossway for it and later i think you were wondering if he was going to chump with another ground creature, maybe just a lapse of mind that the orchard spirit can’t be blocked by ground creatures
I didn’t realize before the end of the video: I thought the front page said this was going to be your “last Innistrad draft … with MTGO Academy” which would be sad. Have a great new year, am looking forward to more isd drafts..
Blegh what a lame loss, I feel you lost to 2 nut draws :S
Trading off the Thraben Sentry was a bad play. 4/4 vigilance is way better than his 3/2 durdle, and once anything died it would be 7/6 trample and a chance of winning you the game.
Also, you kept not bringing in the Spidery Grasp vs losing to fliers — the pitchfork should have come out for that in an instant.
What shdwcat said…
Marshall –
P1P5 you snap take the urgent exorcism over the ashmouth hound. In my mind it’s still early enough that taking the better card is worth it over the sideboard here. Anything could happen still to put you into red.
R1G1 – at about 2:20 you attack with the voiceless spirit over the elder cathar. I think this is the wrong play because I think you’re still ok if he trades with the cathar (even though you only get 1 counter on your shepard) and then he can’t attack back with his spirits. He didn’t end up attacking, but NUTS AND BOLTS.
Is it at all possible to have a link to these vids in a rar/zip file for download? They don’t want to download for me (im using an android tablet). Conversly, would one kind soul be willing to upload them in a rar and share the link?
That aside, great vid, found you guys via limited resources, I will return
I agree with shdwcat. The spirit attacking made sense. The sentry seemed a bit loose. Trading a guy that could flip, or could have counters added to it with the Cathar in your hand seemed like bad trade. If you’d been able to flip it, it would have been unstoppable. The race had you loosing by one turn, and trading a 4/4 for a 3/2 did not seem to be the way to win that race. You kept talking about the Orchard Spirit trading with the Vampire (which was impossible), and didn’t stop to consider the Sentry trading with the vamp. I think you were worried about needing to start bashing back that you skipped over the full consideration of the blocks. That’s uncharacteristic of you (although I do it all the time).
Later on, it would have been a decent way to soak up damage from the Ridgewolf (if needed), but he would probably hesitate to attack with the Ridgewolf into a Doomed Traveler + Cathar if you have a Sentry standing buy threatening to get all tramply.
My mistake. The race had you winning by a turn. All you had to do was hold the ground.
You bash for 4, take him from 18 -> 14
He bashes for 2, and you go from 9 -> 7
You bash 4: 14 -> 10
He bash 2: 7 -> 5
You bash 4: 10 -> 6
He bash 2: 5 -> 3
You bash 4: 6 -> 2
He bash 2: 3 -> 1
You bash 4: 2 -> dead
Oh, and I love how I misspelled “by” in my first post. Awesome spelling FTW.
Can’t get enough of these vids, so rewatching from the beginning. It’s fun to see how you’ve evolved as a player throughout some of these older formats. Man, your Cube skills have come a long way…
I digress, however. I mainly wanted to express my disappointment in you not beating face on someone who would respond to a solid play with “gay”. People are the worst. Can’t really fault you; it just wasn’t in the cards. I just thought this sort of idiocy should be highlighted and disparaged at every turn.
Keep churning out the wonderful content! I’m quickly running out of backlogged vids…