Limited Resources: Innistrad Draft #3

Draft and Deckbuilding

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Innistrad Draft, Round 1

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  1. match 3 game 1 I don’t know that you could have won that game anyway, but I think if you considered him trying to flip his guy on his turn the play was definitely to pass and then altar’s reap at the end of his turn so he couldn’t get the 5/5

  2. Do not despair that those miss-clicks you have made during drafting were completely wasted. You have made me and likely many other people deathly afraid to do the same and thus extremely careful while drafting.

  3. (match 3, minute 14) it might still not have been the play (in fact i think you were pretty much dead here) but to prevent him from gaining life you could still swing with the team and sacrifice for altar’s reap the creature who’s been blocked by the markov patrician so that patrician doesn’t deal damage and he doesn’t gain any life.

  4. (Match1, Round3, Your Turn 5) I am wondering about playing out the pilgrim in 1st main phase so you can pump either elder or mystic to fake a lethal attack on the mauler (the extra pump from the pilgrim via elder) .

  5. In Round 2 Game 3, you knew he didn’t have a Bellringer. He had only 1 card in hand the previous turn and it wasn’t a Bellringer, since he would have played it to trade for your Cagebreakers. It also wasn’t an Elder Cathar because he would have played that too. So he just drew the Elder Cathar, meaning he doesn’t have a Bellringer. In fact, he doesn’t have anything he could cast for 3 mana, because he would have cast it. You can conclude that it was an effective blank.

  6. I questioned your Bat p1p3 at the time, and after watching the whole draft, it looks like that was a major turning point. I think you slightly overrated the bat, I could’ve seen taking the Tribute, or especially the Ambush Viper there, and it would’ve kept you really open for the draft. I don’t think the bat is really better then Ambush Viper, and the Tribute would be a reasonable splash. Nothing makes me rage harder then misclicking during drafting like that, good work on keeping cool and carrying on afterwards, that’s not something everyone can do. Keep up the good work!

  7. haha, that misclick was amazing. It was great to hang out with you in Seattle, I’ll definitely make sure to come back here to see any new videos you put up.

  8. I hate how in conventional formats people just play the hindsight genius schtick. I applaud anyone who puts their own time into something, despite the armchair pundits who, outside of the context of the moment, wane the professional.

    You people make me f^(%ing sick.

  9. Hey…just started watching. I’m glad you mentioned the Ghostly Possession on Geist of Saint Traft play. I did that also and had a Stitcher’s Apprentice in play to sack the Angel token and keep a Homunculus token. Good times :)

  10. I’m glad you mentioned the Ghostly Possession on Geist of Saint Traft play. I did that also and had a Stitcher’s Apprentice in play to sack the Angel token and keep a Homunculus token. Good times :)

    It was a tough draft overall. 2nd place was great, under the circumstances. It never feels right when you keep to your colors and the best cards seem to always be in anything but yours. At least you didn’t face the Balefire Dragon.

  11. @Fred Fredrickson I will have to go back and look at that one. Preventing werewolves from flipping is definitely a key strategy in Innistrad, changing everything from gameplay to card evaluation.

    @tokamak If you are getting better at drafting because of my misclicks, believe me I am a happy man :) Now if my regular mouse would just get back from being repaired..

    @fiffo416 True, and I agree I still lose but it’s worth noting there. Thanks.

    @freedorn Shoot I will have to look back as I can’t remember the board state at that time :( I will when I have some more time though, thanks for the suggestion.

    @steve Vote tallied. I can totally do it, it’s not the best deck in the format but I do have a good feel for the ratio’s and trap cards now. I’ll try to fit one in like that :)

    @Random Scrub Hard to argue there, thanks for noting it :)

    @georgie porgie Standard.

    @jordan I think I do value the bat higher than most, but I think it’s legitimately one of the best black creatures. The misclick was annoying but you just gotta get your head back in the game asap :)

    @adam Ya, misclicks are embarassing and lame, but the are part of MTGO so I figure I’ll show the reality of it all :) Thanks, and I’ll see you around!

    @liquidnation I’m not sure exactly what you are referring to, but thanks for leaving the comment either way.

    @gunho You sir, are welcome. Thanks for saying so, appreciate it!

    @zippersurly Ha ya I had to mention that. Pretty sweet! Ya no balefire at least? That guy is tough to beat..