Limited Resources: Innistrad Draft #4

Draft and Deckbuilding

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Innistrad Draft, Round 1

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  1. I’ve seen Cobbled Wings do some serious work in R/B aggro with Bloodcrazed Neonates, Rakish Heirs, Rotting Fensnakes, Markov Patricians, etc. It seems clunky but in certain matchups it can be a beating.

  2. Clone over Test Subject is highly debatable. And I would’ve taken the Subject. I mean, the evil twin is utility and nice and such, but Test Subject just wins games. :|
    Also, you didn’t play that good. But that’s fine, it was funny and all. :)

  3. My honest opinion is that you guys talk too much during your own turns, bicker between each other on pretty obvious plays, and say the same thing twice when bouncing ideas off of eachother. You guys should streamline your own turns and save the talking for the dead time, instead of causing the dead time on non-decisions. Still like the video though

  4. Marshall, you need Kenji.

    It just seems like you went Andre the Giant style beast mode in M12, but Innistrad seems to be outside your comfort level.

    By the way I told Kenji to help you and tell you there is more than GW in ISD.

  5. Really enjoy the videos and the conversation. I’m pretty new to this, so its good learning about different strategies and approaches. I liked that you both looked at things differently.

  6. Don’t listen to any of those people!!! These videos rocked! Loved the debate, think clone was the right pick, think you played well and Jon is a troll, but the good kind. The cute cuddly kind that pushes children on the swings on the playground so they can go higher. And not in a pedo-way.

  7. Good draft, entertaining. But sometimes you cover a point ad nauseum. Especially when there are 2 people.

  8. Ok… Ghoulraiser also returns Stitched Drakes and Armored Skaabs. It was better than Marshall gives it credit for.

  9. Anti-Kudos for not picking burning Vengeance. I was like: yeah this is gonna be so awesome and he’s gonna kill people with it, and then u picked that lameO depravation. I was sad.

  10. Evil Twin suicide was the most awesome tech play I’ve seen in a while.
    There was a bit too much discussion for my taste.

  11. I wish we had been able to hear your conversation about whether or not to play following Round One. There’s no downside to running the tape a bit longer and talking it out, and any recap in Round Two eats away your time. Besides, it’s much more interesting to see the decision process in action than to just hear the justification afterwards.

  12. Because of the nature of how you convey stuff – good conversations around individual cards and all the other stuff that belongs to a draft-format/block: I really think your style is better served with Retro-Comment draft Vids, which you did some of earlier. Live Vids put such a stress-factor on both game-play (25 mts clock) and the conversation around it (which really is the “show of the show”). Its like we “only get 80 percent” of your capabilities in both those areas when you try combine both at same time.

    Looking at the game-play factor alone, which IS the most fundamental part of MtG play, you know how stupidly relevant even the smallest things can be – and keeping that area 99.99 percent happy(noone is perfect) must be pretty darn hard when you are an extra guy participating in conversation.

    Yes Ive seen some of Simon Goertzens draft vids and think he runs pretty good monologues, but his(and LSVs, PVs, CWoods*s) vids do still NOT beat the draft-vids were used to from LimResources, also the live ones.But as I said I just think your style is better served with Retro-Drafts.

    But, Keep em comming (no matter what kind of vids they are) =).

  13. FINALLY some Loucks!

    I’ve been waiting forever for a vid featuring LR proper, and man did this ever deliver! The more discussion the better! Also, Loucks you are god damn funny.

    It’s crabberin’ time.

  14. I was surprised to hear you guys not even mention Runechanter’s Pike in pack 1, pick 3. The packs weren’t great for the plan, as it turns out, but in the blue decks particularly it’s typically at least +2/+0 and first strike, and sometimes it just goes huge. It might not be the pick over Interloper but it’s at least in the discussion.

  15. Also, it’s worth pointing out that your deck ends up with something like a half-dozen targets for Ghoulraiser, and when you saw the first one you knew that it probably would – given that most of the good blue creatures (Skaab, Mauler, Stitched Drake) are Zombies, either Ghoulraiser will be pretty decent or your deck will likely be horrible anyway. You couldn’t _know_ that you were going to pick up multiple Skaabs, but it was actually pretty likely.