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Hey Marshall, if you’re reading the comments…
Can we hope for a nice, long, card-by-card evaluation of Innistrad from you and Jon?
Also: You guys are based in Seattle, right? Are you going to any pre-release events? I wanna get an autographed Marsh Casualties!
I’m happy you showed some love for the big spider! When I saw the o-ring over spider pick I was kind of upset, but now that I’ve played a lot of m12 drafts and feel like a know the format a bit better I’m quite sure that the o-ring pick was not wrong… nice draft anyway!
Let’s keep on winning boosters for the clan, we’re almost there! 2k to go and we’ll be in the top5 clans
I like how Arachnus Spinner is like a ghost that haunts your M12 Drafts on this site.
Also a couple of random notes: You mention in the first pack that Elixir is unplayable and that Lure is too dangerous to play because of the blowout potential. While I certainly agree with you in general, in one matchup I played against a UG Mill deck in Round 3 of an 8-4, and he had Jace and Mind Unbound. He ran an Elixir to avoid dying to his own decking cards and Mind Unbound, and it saved him in Game 2. In one of the games, I boarded in Lure to get around his board stall and kill his Jace, and it was the right decision, so definitely take a Lure if there’s nothing else and keep an eye on it for its sideboard potential. Same thing for Elixir. Rarely is it good, but it can certainly do that one thing you need in a very particular archetype.
@Mike Absolutely you will be getting the full LR set review show treatment for Innistrad, I know Jon and I are both excited for that one
And yes I will be pre-releasing in Seattle area. Either at my local World of Collections, or at Card Kingdom or maybe a night event at Mugu Games in Everett. Or all of them lol.
@fiffo416 Ya I was happy to get to run big spidey in the deck on the videos, I do love that guy. Was also pretty stoked to pick up a Web as he is playable without but so much less awesome.
@AJ Ya that spider seems to hang around my drafts on here lol. Regarding your other points: Both are totally valid edge cases and I would have made the same play. I tend to speak in generalities on the podcast and the videos here as the main message I want to get through is that you shouldn’t be playing these cards. But I also tend to not mention as often that there *are* in fact valid cases in which to run them, as you have outlined here.
I find that people in Magic discussions tend to spend more time talking about the exception than the rule, and I think I overcompensate sometimes by just not mentioning the valid edge cases, like the ones you mentioned.
I’ll work on it
Nice draft, finally some green love
In the game against the serra, why didn`t you web it in his end step so you could attack with aegiss, and have your spider untapped?
As far as i know the web stays on during your turn.
Would have ended things a lot faster
“Maybe he’ll concede by accident” keeping it optimistic till the end in game one
also a line of play you didn’t consider during that big board stall game round one was to use the aegis angle’s ability on an arachnis web after attaching it to the serra, as the webs conditional trigger says destroy not sacrifice (as I assumed it did for awhile). it’s a little risky but you may have been able to beat the stall that way too.
Always look forward to these, much love for the vids and podcasts! You should get kenji on the podcast again, maybe even for innistrad set review!
You should notice that you can use the spider ability eot so it will only drop next end step.
Hey, great vids
In game one, any thought to playing the angel making the stormfront indestructible so then you have the angel out and a great blocker?
I really dont like activating the spider on his turn on the angel, but i guess if you are that scared of a trick its good.
Interesting decision on the last two cuts.
I definitely keep Hunter’s Insight in due to double Cudgel Troll. That combo is a pretty nasty beating as nobody ever blocks the first swing of a Troll.
However the last two cuts I make with your deck are Arbalest Elite and Alabaster Mage. The reason has nothing to do with power level, as they’re obviously better cards than some of the green guys- it’s the fact that they are mana intensive as all get-out and rarely get activated in a fast format.
Game 3 I would’ve preferred taking out the 7 drop wurm over the 3 drop Benalish Veteran. Otherwise a very nice draft, deck was pretty sweet.
Why did you take pegasus over a 3rd giant spider?
In match two, game 2: You could have been using Arachnus Spinner during his end step, allowing you to swing in and leave Spinner up.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Ya apparently passing that Spinner a few videos ago has caught up to me as I failed to recognize the “at beginning of end step” vs “at end of turn” thing. I am not sure how much it would have changed my line of play had I seen it, but I’m sure it would have.
@Disco – I like your logic there for sure. Especially on the already mana-intensive Arbalest Elite. I really like the Alabaster Mage in green decks since activating it once is pretty easy and can be 4+ life.
@Steve – I agree, I saw it when I watched the video later and while the Wurm is a fine finisher vs an aggro deck, the trick is being alive at that point which usually means not holding 7-drops in hand all game
@apricio – I can’t remember the exact spot you are referring to but probably to diversify a bit, and for curve reasons.
Hi Marshall, for somebody with such analytical play style you surely suck at math ;P (hinting at the awkward overrun calculation.) imho it should be clear it was enough, but if you don’t see such things immediately at least don;t use the worst method possible to work it out.
You added the + 3 to each creature individually out loud, then tried to add them up. Instead start with: “ok I have 10 (or 11) creatures, that is 30 (33) + 4+3+4+5+5+ etc etc