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I almost messaged you during this draft to excitedly tell you how i had just won a match by sacrificing all my creatures to my bloodthrone vampire, then casting faith’s reward when my griffin protector went unblocked. Best value I’ve ever gotten from those cards.
I was waiting for this video so much
I won 5 games in a swiss draft with 3 mind sculpts and 1 entrancer too, assisted by 2 fog banks (and 2 murders and a Rise from the Grave –> great with mind sculpts)… perhaps you should consider playing this strategy once.
I also started a draft by picking 2 wolves hoping to get to 5-6 but although it’s a common it always stops at 2 (until now).
I’m glad you got your mistake ingame so i don’t have to write it down here :), so well observed !
Can you play more than 4 of a card in limited?
Great videos, as always, Marshall.
yes you can, i remember a draft with those black 1/1 allies that can’t block… no one wanted them but they gave each other +1/+1 so i got like 8 of them and beat the crap out of the oponents
OK that second deck is one of the most brutal control decks I’ve ever seen on m13. I mean every neat trick in the book was jammed in there and a Liliana to boot. Just sick.
in coldsnap people ran like 15 of the same card in their decks.
Would have been a sweet Red Green Deck …….
I’m glad you gave due credit to the Mind Sculpt deck afterward. I’ve been having a much better rate of success in M13 draft since I started moving in on the blue control cards. It doesn’t even take crazy cards like Invocation or Jace or whatever, although of course those help. You can just get there with counterspells and common removal, and then, like you said, the win condition can be Mind Sculpt or whatever.
In fact, that deck type has been so reliable for me, I wouldn’t even cast it as a fringe archetype or a crazy fun deck or anything. It’s just one of the best things you can be doing in this format, as long as blue remains underdrafted.
That play around on faith’s reward was insane. Great catch and great casting!
Love watching your videos and commentary. Please post more often. I look forward to getting the site and seeing your new video up.
that murder pick there has ruined it a bit… you picked that over the primadox, wich would have comboed nicely with the better part of your deck