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No round 3? I can’t play round 3 says ‘png’ or something
This draft ends at Round 2. We keep the Round 3 button there to avoid spoiling viewers about the results of earlier matches.
That was just depressing. Fun to watch, but depressing.
You deck hates you, Marshall. Come on, you almost lost a match to mono-green Nicol Brolas.
Is there a reason you didn’t Mind Sculpt away the Vampire Nighthawk when the Beast Tracker put it on top of the deck?
Game 2 I definitely would’ve mind sculpted after he used beast tracker to search up nighthawk… Maybe it was already too late, but I was wondering why you didn’t do that. Thanks for the videos!
Nice video and draft. Very fun to watch.
Thank you Marshall.
When you redirected the Prey Upon, I think the possible best way would have been to have the timberpack wolf fight the Augur, since it wouldn’t have killed it.
Calling Divine Verdict a “trick” and thinking of it as a barely playable card?
Not only is it perfectly fine in every deck, it is at its absolute best in UW draw-go control, with Faerie Invaders, counterspells, Tomes etc., and Augurs of Bolas and Archaeomancers to hit and rebuy your spells.
Having two Mind Scuplts in a non-dedicated-mill deck is not good, even before taking into account that your opponent has maindeck Revive and Elixir of Immortality.
Nothing you could’ve done about those horrible floods and missing with Augurs so many times. You need better topdeck skills, man.
R1G1: “What in the heck is going on here… This deck is just embarrassing.” From the deck that had played two Mind Sculpts and then Redirects a Revive.
Maybe he was going for the ever-elusive Mono-Green/Bolas archetype. He did have the tech for your Mind Sculpts. Especially games 2 & 3. Entertaining games as always. Thanks for doing the videos.
M1G1: Why not redirecting to Ranger’s Path? Thins out his deck even further.
If there is one thing i learned about playing mind sculpt so far it’s that it’s no good without Vedalken Entrancers to stand guard (and help a serious hand).
Finally a draft of you without black, but hey, no highthawk or murder in first 2 picks
I was screaming for him to sculpt away the nighthawk.
Do you have the right to scold your opponent for maindeck Elixir when you have maindeck 2x Mind Sculpt with just Chandra and Archaeomancer for support?
I get the feeling once RTR hits, Marshall luck will pick up considerably……Just what the doctor ordered!
First, I do appreciate the videos, but it feels like your M13 drafts have not been nearly as good as your DII or triple INN drafts were. I’m not a huge fan of your card selection if most of your recent videos. This deck lacked card draw majorly. I know you didn’t have much come your way, but if you’re trying to play control I don’t understand how your decision on rummaging goblin was so automatic. Have to work with what you had, and you needed to be able to dig more. Second, you’re running 2 augurs, but only had 6 targets, 2 of which were mind sculpts. I do agree that sculpt is a good card in a control deck, but you’d rather be hitting better cards like innvocation, scatter, or unsummon with them. You also decided to not play negate which is fine as a 1 of in a control deck, so again the efficiency of augur drops more. In addition, your go to removal spells were ALL enchantments. You missed on 2 chandra’s fury that were passed to you and UR is freaking sweet with mancers and always get at least 1 creature, are excellent against exalted decks, and can push through those final few points of damage if needed. I stopped watching after the first 2 games, the deck just wasn’t that good. Better luck next time Marshall. Thanks for the vids man.
My eyes bled at the end when he didnt use mind sculpt :s
I agree with Adam on every point. Better luck next time Marsh, we still love you.
I get the feeling that Marshal was just worn out from either work or his cold when he recorded this. He wasn’t really into the game or having fun he was running on autopilot, mind you Marshals autopilot could still beat most peoples normal play.
He went in saying he wanted to make a control deck but then drafted a little bit back and forth like he forgot and the results were that deck which he even said was poor.
Yeah I’m going to blame his cold on this one too, just seemed a bit off. A note on Augur of Bolas – I know that everyone says it is good but it’s just a card I hate. I think it’s like mind sculpt, to get it to work consistently you have to craft the whole draft around it. What happened to Marshall is standard unless you really have your deck stacked with instants and sorceries. 6 targets just isn’t enough, particularly when 2 of them are mind sculpts. The best cards in the deck were the creatures and enchantments, and too often they were shuffled to the bottom.
I think your assessment of your first opponent’s deck as “embarrassing” is really unfair. He had really good green ramp with 2 farseeks and 2 visionaries. The 2 elixirs I imagine were to extend the game so he could get to nicol bolas and it just so happened it complete hoses your alternate win con. His deck was lacking in removal which really hurt his chances but who doesn’t want to force nicol bolas. I feel the primary reason you were able to get past round one was you had harbor servant and he had islands.
@robber99: I agree with your assessment of Augur in this particular deck, but I definitely do not agree with your assessment of the card. It’s an excellent card in a hard control deck, one of the best dig spells you can cast really, and I think the comparison to mind sculpt is narrow. Is Mogg Flunkies good outside of RG Aggro with tons of 1 and 3 drops to compliment it? No, but it’s still an awesome card that’s good when it’s in the correct deck. No different than Augur. I would gladly have 2 augurs in decks full of innvocations, scatters, spears, murders, sign in bloods or divinations. And those are just the premium cards that you would want in a control deck. Negates, unsum, blah blah blah….you get the idea. Drafting U/x control has been so much fun in this format. Mancers and Augur really make it tons of fun. It will be a shame to leave such an awesome limited format once RtR is here.
Thanks for the videos as always. It did seem like you made a lot more mistakes then usual. Small stuff, but it adds up. I’ll also blame that on the cold.
Your deck demonstrated why I don’t like UW control in this format – all of the good white removal are enchantments which can’t be Augured or Archaeomanced. Divine Verdict becomes a much better card when you’re playing those blue guys.
@Adam – that’s what I meant, you have to have your deck filled with spells like this. If you only have 6 or less instants / sorceries, it can in many cases just shuffle away cards you need. I don’t like casting it turn 2 either because many times you’ll need some of that land that will get put on the bottom. It can be a great effect mid to late game, but I just can’t see how this card gets picked highly.
To further clarify, I was trying to say that I think Augur of Bolas ONLY works in a hard control deck, like Mind Sculpt only works in a dedicated mill deck (not necessarily that mind sculpt and augur were similar in power level
Augur of Bolas never ‘shuffles away’ cards you need because it is just as likely to draw you closer to the cards you need (as it is to shuffle them away) even if you whiff with it. Of course, it may be worth waiting to play it until you know what sort of instant/sorc you’re looking for (presuming that you’re likely to find more than one in the top three), but you shouldn’t sandbag it just because you need land because that makes no sense.
As many have said, I too got the feeling in the first game that Marshall was just going autopilot, and he seemed way more sarcastic with a hint of dark humor, but I kinda liked it that way, to be honest. It wasnt’ a good “Marshall”-Draft, but I still had fun with the commentary. And the deck really didn’t cooperate with you this time.
Augur of bolas is a solid card, like Marshall was saying it is nearly worth it just for the body. If you have 8 targets in your deck odds are it will hit half the time, so with 6 targets you still have a decent chance of finding something. To miss that many times was definitely bad luck. Also, as PlanetWalls mentioned it makes no sense at all to avoid playing it because it will “shuffle away” your good cards.
I agree with most of the other commenters that there seemed to be more mistakes in drafting/deck building than usual. Rummaging goblin seems like it would have been very useful, and as others have said the mind sculpts were probably not worth it. Swapping out the sculpts for goblin and negate seemed like a much better plan, and probably adding in another mountain.