Limited Resources: M14 Draft #8

You can follow Marshall on Twitter @Marshall_LR
or check out the Limited Resources podcast at

  1. I’ve actually completely switched over to the beta about a month ago. At first, I just didn’t trade or build decks anymore, any hardly played any commander (which I normally like) because of the slowness of the program. I did find the playing experience preferable though (especially binding the shortcuts to my preference, love that). This week I tried the collection screen again for deckbuilding and trade binder building, and it actually performed fine! I then joined some 4-player commander games and they went smooth too, even a couple in a row (which always caused lag on the current version). For me, the beta now does everything it needs to do. Ready for the switch!

    Oh and Marshall, love all the content you put on the internet! I follow everything but the twitter.

  2. A handful of picks I didn’t agree with (Tenacious Dead seemed like a windmill slam in this deck) but you got there! Got great job.

  3. Yay for RB sacrifice drafting 8)

    The few picks where I would’ve gone different:
    Child of Night over Festering Newt: Neither are great cards but especially in this deck I feel the newt has more upsides if either ends up in the deck.
    Mark of the Vampire over Tenacious Dead: I personally dont want any other card more in this type of deck than the Tenacious D, even with the lackluster sac outlets you had at that point.
    Marauding Maulhorn over Academy Raider: Looting feels so important to this deck that I’d probably pick the Raider over Maulhorn. Also it has just impressed me a lot more than Maulhorn (outside of RG decks featuring several Advocates).
    Chandras Outrage over Bubbling Cauldron: Tough pick, but given your deck until it came to this I would have made the same choice, although it would really sting.
    Shivan Dragon over Young Pyromancer: Felt like the hardest choice to me, because passing a Shivan feels so bad, but then again YP works great in these decks and sometimes makes your opponent do unreasonable things to get rid of it. I’d probably end up making a last second decision by gut feeling alone and be happy with either one, so its not a huge deal after all. :)

    On to watching the games!

  4. The deck in R3 didn’t look good but your opponent didn’t do himself any favors by keeping one land type hands in a 3 color deck… And he didn’t even have plays in the one color! And he did this both games! This is a slow format, but those hands are basically never keepable. Even worse decision in Game 2 when you know your opponent is capable of aggressive starts.

  5. At first I thought Kezzerdrix must have had some sort of lifechanging experience…

    Loved this draft Marshall, BR sac is a fun archetype. I did however kinda scream at you for picking the Vampiric Embrace over the Tenacious Dead. Anyone got any thoughts about that pick? I just think, even without the Gnawing Zombie, T-D with Barrage or Blood Bairn is fantastic.

  6. Nice games, Shivan Dragon did some work :)

    Short question about match 1, game 2: When you flames the Charging Griffin, is there any merit to “freerolling” the attack with Blood Bairn beforehand, so you can potentionally get a 2for1 out of the Flames?
    Also later on that game I would not have run out the Shivan again due to fear of Cleansing and our board + hand being lethal anyway.

    Other than that I liked your plays in match2.
    The finals were most unimpressive :<

  7. In game two you shot the Minotaur with the stolen devils. I think killing the Tusker was more important (its a beast) but he still had a baloth so the point was moot.

  8. In match 2 you had the option to shock the tusker after declare attacks and then block with the just made elemental token. Did that play go through your mind?

    Thanks for the content. Just donated to the LR kickstarter… Other commenters– you should check out Marshall’s kickstarter for limited resources.

  9. I dont wana be that guy, but you played round 2 terrible.

    Also you upped your regen shield to 2 for no reason.
    Then when plummeted your sengir vampire before combat you didnt use the REGEN shield!!!
    Ya KNOW in the situation where it is actually relevant!

  10. There was nothing about those plays that was “terrible”. He didn’t up the shield to 2 for no reason, he had to up it to 2 in order to sac the Devils, it’s not like there was a barrage in play or something. The first shield didn’t matter, but as he pointed out there’s no reason not to sac the creature, and do you honestly think it’s better to not up the shield to 2 and no sac the Devils?

    And the regen shield in the second case wasn’t really relevant as he wasn’t attacking with the Warlord. It was very much like the first situation, it’s an almost entirely irrelevant choice. Yes it is usually better to just sac the creature, but when it’s irrelevant that choice doesn’t really matter and not using it certainly doesn’t count as a “terrible” play.

  11. I actually saw one relevant likely-misplay in R2; he attacked a Child of Night into a green deck with 4 mana up, saying there wasn’t anything to punish him for it. Briarpack Alpha’s not a card to mess around with in this format. Though he didn’t have it anyway.

  12. Nice draft man.

    Your videos are so good for novice drafters, with the constant explanation of all your actions. You and Simon are the main reasons I check the site everyday. There’s other good content to be had, but you guys are the best at what you do. You might not always make the right plays, but then, who does? It’s certainly a higher percentage than most, I would argue.

    It would’ve been nice to get a decent 3rd round in though. I really wanted to see that combo go off again. Mana-screw = bore^2.

  13. after the first picks i thought ‘finally he’s gonna make a fun deck’ but you just couldn’t commit could you ? you could have had couldron and 2 newts, but no you had to pick something moronic like mark of the vampire over them… go figure. The worst thing is you get rewarded for this mispicks…

  14. Yeah, I don’t think the regen shield sequence was bad either, it just didn’t seem like it really mattered to sac the plummet target, but the flier was dead anyway. The only thing I disagree with (that others have already pointed out) is tusker was a better target for pitchburn devils 3 damage when advocate of the beast is a possibility.

    Good video and thanks for posting these :)

  15. No thats not what happened.

    The opponent First main phased a plummet.
    Marshall did not sac the target to up the regen shield.
    Keep in mind that this is pre-combat on the opponents turn where he could have attacked.

  16. Nice draft making a subobtimal BR sacrifice deck work – it was one of the best archetypes in M14.

    I guess the good players have moved on from M14 (you weren’t playing this on a Monday when everyone else was in Modern Masters were you?) – these opponents were awful.

    I much prefer seeing you in good matchups against worthy opponents – much tighter play is needed! Of course this is from someone who only plays Swiss because I don’t like one and done due to mana issues!

    Congrats on meeting your Kickstarter goals so quickly. Looking forward to all 200 issues of your podcast!


  17. To the people talking about picking tenaciousD over mark. Mark is clearly the better card in your average deck, where tD is kinda unplayable. It is true that tD is stronger for the sac. deck, but at that point Marshall only had two sac outlets still and no way of knowing that the sac. deck would come together.

    I’m not saying you can’t argue that tD was the pick. But that pick would be more of a “architect” style drafting, where you consciously take on a risk to force an archetype. Marshall is very much a “gardener” drafter as he tries to take cards that are simply generally good. That is what LR is all about – the spike way. To reiterate – picking tD at that point was at the risk of wasting a pick. Something spiky drafters are loath to do, when they haven’t got an abundance of playables already. To be honest, the deck was pretty shaky looking at that point.