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After just watching the draft, I didn’t like several of your picks. Warcaller seemed really bad. The 8/8 is a house and should have been your pick. Honestly, I would have got into GUr and would have been rewarded in the 3rd pack with a lot of awesome Blue. But I like Blue more than most. But infect was just not there in pack 1 and you stuck to it to hard. And you guys undervalue the Mantis! 3/4 trample for 4 is amazing at that cc in the Dino deck. and the 2/1 infect arty is subpar at best. Time to watch the matches!
Not for nothing and no insult meant to you guys but pretty much all your opps decks were terrible and you guys said so at the end of the last vid.
At any rate, GJ!
I loved how everything came up Milhouse R1G2.
Near the very end of R3G3, you could’ve Blisterstuck your own Husked Perilous Myr, then moved the Flayer Husk off of the Myr and onto the Blisterstick Shaman to kill villain (for a classy kill-your-own-guy-as-state-based-effect-on-the-unequip play).
In Pack Three Pick 1, I think Replica is the right pick. The Lux is just too slow with no Proliferate (note that the card is much better with New Phyrexia). This decision would have allowed you to at least consider the Barrage Ogre on pick 3, which was completely ignored. Ogre turns Propogator from a so-so card to a 3-mana machine gun.
Match 2 Game 2-I got it
….Though it didn’t seem to make Marshall feel better about the sneeze.
That’s your ‘thank you wave’ Ryan!
Good stuff as always, but I really was confused with your picks in the middle of pack 1…
P1P4 and P1P5 – I just take the Mantis and then the Sabotage with these two picks. They are both solid playables and the odds of playing the digester and the shrike just seem really low.
P1P6 – Don’t get the blisterstick pick here. You’re only very loosely in red, gargoyle is better and is colorless, and divine offering is better as well IMO.
P1P8 – Again echoing what oma said, slagwurm is just a better card than wardriver unless you’re really aiming for R/W aggro or something, which you guys clearly weren’t doing.
I agree with the general criticisms of the Digester pick (though I understood the reasoning behind it), but I’m not sure I can agree with everyone who thinks they should’ve taken Quilled Slagwurm. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever faulted anyone for passing a vanilla 7-drop over something possibly relevant, no matter how good it is to have that vanilla 7-drop on your side of the board every once in a while.
I guess I hate losing games in MSS with big dumb creatures in my hand, which, even if they were to come down, wouldn’t interact with the board enough to quell the beats.
Haha, I was also recording in this draft, and these packs were just awful. I ended out in a terrible mono white deck, and I think I was one or two seats to your left. Fun seeing the successful side of things. Go LR clan.
M3G3: When you draw the blisterstick shaman you can just play it pinging your perilous myr and then move the flayer husk onto the shaman. The myr reverts to 1/1 and with 1 damage it dies and you win the game a couple of turns earlier.
Maybe I really should stop watching these videos without commentary. I guess it is less annoying to see the mistakes when the players themselves admit it immediately. But it was definitely a weird draft. The first packs in the second round were really great, with multiple good cards, Arc Trail as a 5th pick, if I remember well, and then four awesome infect guy in the next paxk. I really expected you to lose against a great infect deck, or a metalcraft deck. But indeed, the opposing decks were weak. And I agree with the others’ opinion about the Mantis and the Slagwurm.
I love this game.
Match 1, Game 2 you guys were trying to figure out what he might topdeck that could beat you and you couldn’t think of much, but actually you were dead to a Disperse, which is certainly a card he could have drawn. So I sat there looking at your board for a while, trying to figure out a play that doesn’t lose to that card, and almost gave up…but eventually I found one (I think).
Swing in with all but the Leaden Myr. No matter what he blocks (or if he doesn’t block) you’re fine with it. Postcombat, RSZ his already-Arrested dragon for 5. He can still possibly kill you with a cheap +2 power equipment (Bonesplitter or Piston Sledge, etc.) off the top, but as you said, there was nothing you would have been able to do about that. Failing that though, I think your hand and active-once-you-untap Lux Cannon could handle any card he could realistically play…even something like a Volition Reins.
Just thought a couple “nuts and bolts Spikes” might appreciate this little bit of analysis.
Also, big smiles for “Everything’s coming up Millhouse!”
The packs were pretty bad all around so that leads to a lot of bad decks and often people start jumping colors a lot and really really end up with bad decks. You guys did right and realized it was the pack quality and not a misread signal.
The hardest drafts to win are low pack quality drafts. I do disagree with the Tine Shrike main, that card is terrible in your deck and would be much better as just a random on color creature.
MTG, Comics, Movies, Gaming, and more –
“youre sooo good looking” = is a “classical” quote from Seinfeld isnt it ?
Noooooo. Blisterstick myr, move equipment to Blisterstick… win.
@several: Good call on the cast, ping, move equip play, we just missed it.
@many: I disagree with the pro-slagwurm people. The card is mediocre and significantly worse than the Molder Beasts and Tyrranaxes you can pick up in the SOM packs. I hate it when I have to run that slagwurm, although I have a couple of times when low on playables. In my ~65 MSS drafts, the only time a slagwurm has ever been a relevant factor in a win, either for or against me, is when my opponent accelerated it out with a Palladium Myr on turn five and I had a slow start. Also, when we passed it, we had only one green card in the rot wolf, two red cards, one of which would be played in any deck, and a Flayer Husk that is good in Rx aggro metal. The goblin has *way* more upside given what we’ve taken so far, particularly given that we might still bail on green completely at that point. The pick was definitely goblin or occulus, not slagwurm.
@milegyenanevem: I’ve seen at least three comments from you on videos around here where you say, “Maybe I really should stop watching these videos without commentary.” Yes, you really should. I appreciate that you watch our videos, support mtgoacademy, and take the time to comment, but it’s pretty insulting to be told, “I’m annoyed by your play mistakes and I disagree with your picks, but I don’t ever actually listen to what you have to say.”
And let me tell you, if viewing games with play mistakes annoys you so much that you have to mention it every time you comment, you should stop watching Magic videos of any kind, period. Turns out Magic is a hard game, and it’s even harder when recording your thought process while you play! LSV himself has missed on-board wins on video. Do you watch your own replays? I’m sure they are rife with mistakes as well, most of which you didn’t realize you made at the time.
@oma: The digester is definitely mediocre, but the mantis is not “amazing,” imo, it’s just a dude. P1P4 digester over Mantis was for signaling, as the upside of successfully signaling your infect intentions early in pack one is greater than the quality difference between the digester and the mantis.
@vis: I would have taken the Gargoyle P1P6 and given up on infect at that point, but I wasn’t driving.
@eric: thanks for the analysis
A couple things I spotted that no one has commented on yet,
M1G2: final couple turns – you should have used zenith on his drake instead of the untamed might during your attack, then he can’t draw any equip that would blow you out (you even mentioned piston sledge), and then you’d have cannon online for the next turn + untamed might to make any of your dorks lethal on the ground next turn. Way more safe that way.
M2G3: your last turn threw the game away by not blister stick’ing their intimidate guy, followed by blocks on the molder beast (you still likely would lose, but it gives you a turn to draw a RSZ or something that could have won it). I also think getting the molder beast with the lux was probably a better choice since the beast/ogre combo is just insane. Two ogres gives him removal for your landwalker but they also run out of ammo quicker and then become vanilla dudes that would be much easier to deal with by any of your bigger bodies you might draw.
Overall though good playing and great video, just offering those comments as learning points not so much criticism
In general, I also don’t like the Mantis much, mostly because when I play it, it doesn’t face down well against an Infect deck’s 4-drops and then I have wait for my 5 or 6 drops to deal with them, so I might as well pick early drops instead the Mantis. And when I play Dinos, I always play against 2 or 3 infect decks.
That being said, I would have picked the Mantis too, the digester is just that bad. :-/