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nice draft. probably would have splashed white though – passed a common bond early on, which would have gone well with the corpsejack. call of the conclave in pack 2 would have been a nice follow-up.
Round 2 loss again. I only watch 3-0 vids, sorry.
@Didn’t watch…
Really? You’re not interested in learning anything? I found this very educational. That’s a really closed-minded strategy.
Sad to see you forgot about the swampwalk in M2G3
Yeah think I would have slammed the Common Bond pick early on. Pretty easy to splash, sweet with corpsejack menace, and perilous shadow is just not a card you have to prioritize.
And I snap keep that hand in game 1, but I suck at mulliganing so take that FWIW.
Also, not looking forward to the new client. I know it’s still in beta, but they’ve just totally ignored the fact that the best thing about the old client (despite it’s flaws) was it’s simplicity.
I realy realy dislike the strategy you’ve chosen for M2G3. You need to be much more aggresive when you’re playin’ aggro deck.
Nice vid otherwise
M2G3 one miss with swampwalk 2 damage not playing imp before chorus 1 damage amount needed to win 3
Thanks for the draft even tho it’s with the new client. The constant resizing of battlefield and cards in it just to display the red zone is giving me a headache.
Aww, sad you didn’t make the final, Marshall! I think you got pretty unlucky after pack one, the general quality of Golgari cards was just a bit low in pack two and three. I agree with the other comments (and your own instincts!) that you played M2G3 far too safely and could have been much more aggressive with the decoy and chorus. Sure there’s always the chance his board may have not developed well and you could have got more advantage from those cards later… but I think it’s too big a risk when your deck isn’t super-powerful in the late game.
That said, always like to watch your drafts as you explain yourself well, don’t bitch and moan about the fact that sometimes (take note some other draft posters out there!) opponents will put good cards in their deck and then draw and use them on you!! (Why anyone whines on about this is beyond me, you put all the best cards you have in your deck and hope to draw them… sometimes you do. End of.) Also you don’t commit the other cardinal sin of getting angry because your opponent plays something you think is a bad/unplayable card. I hate this trend in MTG so SO much… if you think your opponent plays bad cards, BE HAPPY as you should win more! Other people are totally within their rights to rate a card differently and play it. If your opponent keeps upsetting you with a “bad” card, maybe its not such a bad unplayable card after all?! (I’m talking to you, controversial main-deck Dispel!!)
Also you speak clearly and don’t mumble: I appreciate good annunciation!
I agree with the other posters. I would’ve gotten more greedy with your picks. In pack 1, you passed a launch party for the deathtouch unleash dude and then followed it up by taking the shambler over the gatecreeper vine. One of the nice things about G/B is being able to sac creatures to launch party to blow up your opponent’s stuff. I also would’ve picked up the common bond early and the land that gives you the 8/8 vigilance later on. You could’ve had 2 promenades and a selesnya guildgate and 2 gatecreeper vines and those are just the picks where there was nothing else good available to you.
New Client is shitty ballz.
John Loucks is a smart guy, but he’s wrong about golgari. Golgari is a control deck, and it’s really weak unless you splash a third color.
Better luck next time, man.
Nice videos, yet there was more than 2 damage missed with the shambler in M2G3.
Overlooking the ability of the card in your hand affected how you played for 3 or more turns rather than missing one attack.
Important learning point would be you became so convinced that thrill kill with chorus of might was your route to victory you completely overlooked the shamblers swampwalk for several turns.
You cast Indrik and crocodile before the shambler, then missed an attack.
Assuming your opponent did not have the kill card, that was an extra 6 damage. Plus you could have used chorus of might on the shambler anyway.
I’m pretty sure you should have moved in on Sewer Shambler as soon as possible. It would have been a very different game (with him having to decide about killing the Shambler or Decoy). I think you missed at least 4 damage with the Shambler, but perhaps the game.
Nice draft.
I would have most certainly taken Common Bond over Perilous Shadow. I know you said you don’t want to go too deep into the “build around corpsejack menace” plan, but Common Bond, unlike Slitherhead, is a very solid card on it’s own, and really the splash is no strain at all, a gate + gatecreeper vine and you are good to go. I actualy had the oppertunity to play Common Bond + Corpsejack menace, and it’s really, REALLY good. Just think Travel Preparations ( a card I know you love) as a combat trick.
Draft was sweet, M2G3 not. Attacking earlier with the assassin and utilizing the trample+deathtouch plan would have given you a much better shot at not falling behind.
You talked about Grove of the Guardian being hard to splash because it is a colorless source itself. This is true in your draft because you didn’t have any gates yet, but in general I would splash it as an 18th land if I had a little fixing.
Pick up your game man..
M2G3 was painful. It was clear your opponent’s card quality was higher than yours. Devastating his board early with the lure/scavenge creature and pump spell was the way to go. That would have left you with 4 power on the board, that scavenge creature in the graveyard. and your opponent on a significant clock scrambling to stay alive. With the alternative being to let your opponent go through his deck at his leisure finding answers and threats, well…
“This is the line of play you are looking for.”
Marshall – great commentary as usual. I think people are forgetting when you played this game (after a layover and trip back from out east because of the storm named Sandy). Not at your peak obviously, but not too shabby. You continue to teach even when your plays aren’t stellar. Can’t wait to see you when you are smoking at RTR!
Great video thanks. Much much agree on the splashing of white. One thing that frustrates me is when people think they are geniuses when they comment a mistake you made THAT YOU YOURSELF ACKNOWLEDGE in the video that you made. Guys- He knows! haha.