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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “LoadingReadyRun Draft #28: Going for Gold in GTC!”.
I have a suspicion that you didn’t notice the two white guildgates before submitting xD
M2, G1: You had the opportunity more than once to attack with both the Ruination Wurm and Trufire Paladin, leaving open the mana to either pump him if blocked by one of the Basilica Guards, or give him first strike if blocked by one of the smaller guys with 2 power. That threat of activation is what makes him so good.
more forests! easy way
New Rule! : “You cant get mad at James.”, its a rule now, its a rule for this draft…
@Maestro – truefire is far too good to trade with a basillica guards, that would be a really bad attack
Not even going to comment on the deck, the building, or the play!
However, Dragon’s Maze ideas for the future:
1. Open the Maze, grab every Guild Gate, and try to win at least once with Maze (obviously)!
2. Gold Card Draft – should be much better in the full Ravnica block – I would prioritize gates over the gold cards, especially in Pack 1!
3. Gate Draft – you could also go for a grab every gate in the Dragon’s Maze pack, then grab the 2/4 Gate guys from DM and all the bonus cards for Gates from RtR and GC – especially Hold the Gates and Crackling Perimeter and Ogre and such!
I actually did a Hold the Gates deck in a 4-pack Gatecrash sealed – I had gotten a Hold the Gates and played about 6 gates – when it was out, it was amazing as I could freely attack and my guys had some big, big butts!
4. To be a complete contrarian, go Mono-Colored with the Ravnica Block draft – see which color works (if any at all) – my guess would be black with all the removal it has – maybe red aggro – the others probably pretty lackluster!
Would have been fun to watch if you actually paid attention when you were adding lands…
We are all fully aware this is a fun draft, and we all come here to watch one.
However the fun part comes to make the best out of the mess you draft, not someone who goes ‘oh whatever, sure ill loose anyways, who cares, this deck is horrible, SUBMIT’.
@Maestro If he attacked with the paladin the guards would’ve double blocked trading a guard for a paladin or a combat trick for the paladin. I think he played correctly in that situation.
I don’t think so – his opponent was at 5 life the first turn the Paladin could attack. Trading it off would remove another extorter, forcing him to chump the Wurm with his Gutter Skulk, bringing him down to one creature. Until he drew a way to kill the Wurm, he’d be on auto-chump from then on with any creatures he could get down.
when playing 5 colors and 2 verdant havens (and the untapguys) ALWAYS have at least 8 green mana sources !!!
I usually love the LRR videos, but this one was kind of unenjoyable. For one, making up rules and ignoring the theme of a theme draft kind of defeats the purpose. For another, commenting the whole time about how horrible the deck is and how you have no chance is simply not fun to watch. We love seeing you go up against impossible odds and at least having fun and doing interesting things even if we all know you can’t win. And finally, I’m no MtG expert, but even I had several “What is he thinking?” moments during these videos.
There were so many times during draft when I was shouting ‘Pick the prism’. In a 5-color deck, a prism will do so much more work than any one guildgate.
I agree with whoever else said it wasn’t that fun to watch – these videos need Graham’s style of not caring about the quality of the deck as much as the amusing result of the ridiculous rules put in place and just having a good time with it. James makes it too clear that he’s in it to win it rather than to give us what we came to watch: entertainingly-made decks with amusing commentary.
James, you seem like a pretty cool guy, but I’m going to level with you: You really phoned this one in. When you’re co-commentating with Graham, you usually have some constructive comments or try and make the deck have a good shot at winning. You knew going into this the deck was going to have difficult mana, yet you did not even try to optimize your land colors prior to starting. You would have been able to at least cast some spells more often if you had bothered to take a few of the minutes given to you by the client and really crunch out a good mana base in terms of basic lands.
You can do better. I’ve seen you do it.
I appreciate you taking fixing and attempting to make a playable deck rather than a pile of unsynergistic cards.