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i would have taken the 3/3 regenerate troll for 4 instead of the 5 mana removal, that is i think the weakest removal of all the available removals in red / black
Hello vaarsuvius,
I agree that it was a tough choice. I really like the Sedge Troll but ultimately went for the removal. I think taking the Troll there is perfectly reasonable and might be the better pick. The only thing that kept me from taking it is that he is lacking any form of evasion.
I played a monored deck in draft with 3 1/1 goblins, 2 2/1 and 6 3/2′s… also got a general late pack 3; got 2 lava flow but only one rockslide ambush. Also tried out the landenchantments, got 2 of each in the deck. Won match one easy then in match 2 got the unavoidable manaflow… Like the idea, first set since i play online that allows a creaturetypedraft it seems.
Why no love from the Cyclopean Mummy? It’s exactly the same card as Goblin Bully in an environment with no graveyard manipulation. You took Warp Artifact over two of them
I just tried this archetype on MODO, and went 2-0,split in an 8-4. You’re right when you say people get upset about being beaten by “crappy” little things.
My build didn’t contain Howl, such a pity, but Dark Ritual was AMAZING.
T1: Mountain, Gobllin Firestarter
Opp: Island
T2: Swamp, Ritual, Ogre Taskmaster
Opp: “sack”
… in the end, I top-decked another Firestarter for the kill.
He was not happy.
@Mize I do not remember when I passed the Mummy but maybe I already had the slot filled and did not need more 2 drops?
5 mana removal over sedge troll was god awful. ‘it doesn’t have evasion’ muwaaaa its a 3/3 regen for 3 in a format full of awful creatures and removal that can’t touch it. guy is actually a bomb in red/black.
I would hardly consider Sedge Troll a bomb. Not unless you consider the commons that block him easily such as Yotian Soldier or Giant Tortoise very strong cards, too. Five mana is pretty easy to get and unconditional removal is not so easy to find. Still, I can understand the appeal.
Also note that the premiere kill card at common in Terror, and Gravebind is a common maindeck card in Black decks as a draw spell. Both make Sedge Troll less impressive. I played a near mono-Black deck that spashed red for Sedge, and it rarely survived until the end of the turn I played it.
The only pick I have a problem with was P3P1 weakness over ogre taskmaster. Taskmaster seems like a perfect fit in your deck, gets better in multiples, and is still an early drop in this format (in my experience), while weakness is really only half a removal spell. Sure, sometimes you get to eat their Talas Researcher, but it looks a lot less hot when you’re facing a board of brass man, giant tortoise and yotian soldier.