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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Meh, Magic – SCG Invitational *Top 4* Part 1”.
Nice report of your experience at the tourney. Hopefully we hear more from you in the future.
As i don’t play any officil events it is always nice to get an inside for those events!
To sum this article: I didn’t test and I thought UGx was the best deck to play so I played Valakut. Valakut is really like good and stuff. I made top 4. Kthnxbye.
Sorry but where is the meat? What was the purpose in this article? I don’t feel like you really explained anything beside a few card choice that in truth are pretty standard fair for the deck. The lists that run Oracle and Raging Ravine are terrible and just allow the opponent more chances to get value out of their SB cards (Like Ruinblasters which are normally pretty bad against valakut).
I appreciate the attempt but it really feels like you ended the article abruptly with no real points made. Felt like a long set up and then just ended.
My feelings on standard are this:
Tier 1: Valakut and U/B (The only deck able to reasonably fight Valakut, control, and aggro decks)
Tier 1.5: RUG
Tier 2: BUG, BR-vamps, U/W, Elves, Boros
Gimmicky Jank: WUG, Quest, Steel, and Genesis Wave
Really if you want to have a shot to win an event you need to be playing Valakuts or Memoricides
ACP- Sorry, I should have added that a second part is coming (with that meat you are looking for). Fixing excerpt now.
Obviously Andrew is just a stone cold ringer and doesn’t need to practice, OR watching netflix makes you good at magic. One, or both, of these things must be true.
I appreciate the in depth discussion of individual card choices, some Tournament happenings would’ve been sweet to read about also, though…
I think his point was that in light of not being able to test, the deck choice really matters. So he chose a very powerful, straight forward, and consistent archetype that rewards you if you mulligan correctly and isn’t as punishing if you get exhausted over the course of a whole day of magic.
As far as the list- not running ravines and oracle may not be obvious to most players— and looking at current MTGO dailies, I see many people still running 2-3 of them.
Agreed though, that I would be interested in Andrew’s thoughts of his list vs. Gerry’s-
1 Inferno Titan
4 Cultivate
4 Primeval Titan
11 Mountain
5 Forest
3 Pyroclasm
4 Harrow
4 Overgrown Battlement
3 Evolving Wilds
3 Terramorphic Expanse
2 Avenger of Zendikar
4 Explore
1 Khalni Garden
4 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
2 Summoning Trap
4 Khalni Heart Expedition
1 Verdant Catacombs
2 Obstinate Baloth
1 Pyroclasm
3 Acidic Slime
2 Koth of the Hammer
1 Ratchet Bomb
2 Lightning Bolt
1 Terastodon
1 Rampaging Baloths
2 Summoning Trap
Also, we need a list of the good netflix streaming shows