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Looks like a sweet deck, and you played it well. Looking forward to seeing more from you.
The deck might need another basic.
Glad to see you on mtgoacademy. Love your stream.
MiM’s everywhere… now I’m afraid to open the fridge.
Good job mate
Content is looking pretty sweet – going to watch it once!
realy lucky with your affinity opponent last turn played Hellkite instead of plating and bash
as im watching this bloody zoo i can see that Relic of Progenitus its really good against it . 4 Kor 4 shamans 4 goyf flashback of souls .
why you are using this WB sword ?
Welcome to the site! It’s good to have some more Modern content around here—I’m looking forward to the videos.
M2G2 I think you’ve made a small misplay. Instead of immediately blowing Batterskull with Pridemage and attacking with both Hellkite and Shaman for 6 you should’ve kept Pridemage and Shaman at bay while attacking only with Hellkite. This way you’re still getting in for 6 (because of exalted) and you have a free Shaman activation left in case something unexpected happens – you could destroy Batterskull anytime, no need to rush it.
I know, you were winning anyway, but it’s still worth mentioning just for learning purposes.
Is it possible that we see Domri make its appareance in this deck. Should give you a lot of cardadvantage. The lingering souls are a little less good, but with a creatures count of 21 and maybe playing a couple of more utillity creatures it might work?
Thanks to everyone for welcoming me and for the thumbs up!
@Spike: i preferred to just get rid of batterskull as he had no way to win rly. While killing a cut out opponent under blood moon, I’m sometimes careless though i admit.
@Pedzaca Maszyna – WB sword – i explained it in introduction. It gets dorks and pridemages back from gy, protections are probly best against removal, and deck takes a lot of pain so +3 life is not irrelevant. It’s good against bad matchups: monoRed and white decks (tokens, martyr). I just don’t see any othe sword being better.
@Marc – i don’t like Domri Rade here i think. Deck is aggresive, Domri is not. i might try 2 out tho.
R1G1 you had Ghost Quarter in hand so on turn2 you should have tapped the land for mana, play ghost quarter and fetch a forest, exile one land with Shaman and play Blood Moon. That way you have 1 less and but you have green mana and 2 more lands in the graveyard to exile with Shaman.
I only watched R1 and it was yesterday so I don’t remember everything but there were a few other suboptimal plays. However this was the most relevant one.
Also if Blood Moon is the reason to play the deck, how can you afford to play just 2/1? I would expect at least something like 3/1 or 2/2.
Just watched 2 more rounds and R3G2 was horrendous. You took way too much damage when you didn’t need to from your own lands, you justified blocking with Goyf and not blocking with Knight with the same arguments (clearly you shouldn’t have blocked with Goyf), you took 3 damage to attack with Ravine instead of attacking for more with Knight.
You really need to focus more on the games because you are missing obvious plays and making some weird decisions.
Hi Guilhao, thanks for the opinions!
First let me start with saying that the matches you described had opponent devastating hate cards in them on the level where we had a lesser than 5% chance of losing. As a grinder i tend to play more loose in those games, as I would go crazy focusing on every play in every match, playing over a 100 of them in dailies over a course of the week. I do agree that in a recorded daily plays should be optimal. So:
I do agree with shaman/forest play. It was definitely better to have that and both lands in gy, with my line game was going to get longer and it might lead to him drawing that one of forest.
As to monoRed game i disagree it was horrendous. I had a leyline already out, i fetched t1 because i hoped for more fetchlands to play reliquary as a 4/4 – 5/5 out of burn range. As to ravine activation he had 0 cards in hand, i had safe life (around 10), it was better to grow a reliquary more and just kill him as soon as possible. So we don’t have an agreement here.
The goyf block was debatable, but compared to the reliquary situation the argument and the situation wasn’t the same. While blocking with goyf i still had more cards in hand, he was also full on cards. I prefered not to risk (maybe it wasn’t the right call). With reliquary i didn’t have anything else, and risking to lose a growing only creature would be just dumb.
Nevertheless once more thanks for the comments, i look forward to receiving more with my next dailies.
Sure, I mean all this in a good way. I think we should always play as well as possible but specially while recording there’s even more reasons to not lose focus. But I also know that while recording it’s harder to play perfectly because you don’t just have to focus on the match.
I’ll have to say I exagerated when I said horrendous.
, it just felt that overall you added several small mistakes. The blocking with goyf and not blocking with knight thing, my main problem is you justifying both different plays with the same argument. I still think not blocking with goyf is better but that is up for debate.