1. M2G2 why would you play the Artist after a Slip? If you’d have done it correctly you’d have stayed at 1 after the Loyalist blowout and had another drawstep. It wouldn’t have mattered because you drew Voice, but another Slip might have saved you, having 3/3s in the air.

  2. @kezzerdrix – a short explanation why would be nice. I was actualy quite happy with them

    @Alex – a mistake obviously, not the only one in this match :)

  3. Have you tried lotleth troll in the high priest slot? seems to fit the “resilient threat” theme of the deck much better, high priest just dies to everything and (only has value if he doesn’t die, and if a lot of other things are going right too).

  4. Really appreciate the content, always look forward to seeing your games and your stream on twitch. Cheers! :)