modern horizons

Top lists were from prerelease. lists below are from Grand Prix.

Modern Horizons Pool AJ

White (12)
Blue (13)
Black (15)
Red (14)
Green (15)
Multi (5)
Colorless (7)
Lands (9)
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Modern Horizons Grand Prix Pool AJ

White (14)
Blue (13)
Black (16)
Red (13)
Green (17)
Multi (7)
Colorless (2)
Lands (9)
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Every game I boarded in a second Cave of Temptation for the Mountain. I boarded Nature’s Chant against a guy who drew his goddamned Squirrel Nest all three games. I boarded in Dead of Winter a couple times, but as I mentioned, it seemed bad. Recruit the Worthy I boarded in once against a guy with a lot of one toughness guys, but I didn’t see it that game. (I did Crypt Rats his guys, though, and Shelter the Rats.) Reprobation didn’t seem good because all my opponents had sac effects, ninjas, or blink effects that would’ve made it super-suck. I never boarded in Segovian Angel because I never really wanted a 20-turn clock on the board.

Blue doesn’t seem as bad as I remember. This would’ve been so much more consistent, but also it just doesn’t look as powerful.


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