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From what I’ve read/watched from other writers and professional players on SCG and ChannelFireball, I think you went a bit too much out of your way to resolve your Elspeths in the mirror match. If you tap out to defend her, there is a great risk you just get her Sphere’d or Glared. So if your opponent counters it in a way that does not Exile it, IMO you should be happy with that.
For reference,
According to this, bottoming lands is often a mistake too. Anyway, I’m not saying that your play was worse (or better) than what others are advocating, but I wouldn’t mind hearing why you defended Elspeth and scryed away lands in the mirror so I can make more informed decisions once I pick up another UWx deck my self.
Because I always play UWx…
Do you think Brimaz would’ve been more effective than Jace for Hexproof? It seems -1/0 to one 8/8 creature\a four mana FoF does very little in that matchup.
this joker has no idea what he’s trying to do
stupid to watch magic players who can’t think two turns ahead
There are no jokers in magic. You’re thinking poker.
Thank you everyone for the comments. To Anthony, I do think Brimaz would have been better than Jace versus hexproof. In the second game, my opponent never got any of his creatures bigger than a 3/3, so Brimaz would have been able to stabalize if he weren’t mana screwed. To ramela, I may very well have been playing with Elspeth very wrong in the mirror. I was under the impression that the only things that matter in the mirror, especially Game 1, are the win conditions. This is because there are so few and you have so many dead cards. And because of all the dead cards, I am more willing to bottom lands because you have to get to the relevant cards before your opponent does. I lean on getting there with the Divinations, Jaces, and Revelations to make my land drops. But I might be putting too much trust in them and I’m just too greedy. But in the side boarded games with my list in particular, I have a lot more proactive win conditions, so I won’t access to them as quickly as possible. But I don’t think being more conservative with lands is wrong at all.