M:tG Cribbs: Updated GW Blink in Standard

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  1. I didn’t see the previous version of this deck, but why no Borderland Ranger at 3-drop instead of Centaur Healer (which might be a better sideboard card)? Ranger is ramp, a decent early body, works with blink, and thins your deck. The deck is pretty cool.

  2. In game 4 there were a couple of instances where you had resto angel and centaur healer on the board and chose to blink the centaur healer. Wouldn’t blinking resto angel be better? You still will get another blink effect from the angel so that you can blink the centaur healer and get 3 life and you get both creatures untapped. In the grand scheme of things it didn’t matter, but there was one attack where you blocked with centaur and blinked to save it, when you could have just blinked angel, got 3 life, and killed the token that you were trying to block.

  3. Thanks for the comments everyone. I think you are right Derelict about Borderland Ranger. I should try them out as they do help me get to five mana and the centaurs aren’t always necessary. And about not blinking Restoration Angel, I probably missed because I am used to not being able to blink angels and I also did think about not just blinking the centaur first.

  4. When you have a resto angel and a closet out, always target your angel, you get to flicker that and THEN flicker the centaur or whatever!

  5. I think you underestimated the effectiveness of your land destruction, I’d leave it in for everything but rdw

  6. This deck represents the worst that Magic has to offer and says the same about those who would run it.

  7. I love this deck and have been testing a similar build. I see the sideboard is geared pretty heavily against aggro, particularly RDW. What about the matchup against control? I’ve been toying around with Yeva, Nature’s Herald. Casting it after a board wipe or after an EOT Sphinx’s Revelation gives you that extra attack to try to kill their walkers.

  8. I think you are right burt about how effective the land destruction is against everyone. Some games I can get an opponent to two lands and they just won’t be able to play spells. And thanks Macray for what I will have to take as a compliment because I have always loved destroying and Magic unfun for my opponents for years. Chris, my plan for control is focus completely on Mana denial. Yeva does sound sweet but she would be better in a more aggressive deck with cards such as Loxodon Smiter. I don’t know if it would be effective enough in my build against control to warrant sideboard slots.

  9. I have been thinking of building a GW blink deck for a while with a similar theme, have you considered Roaring Primadox at all? I know it’s not quite as strong, but still a 4/4 body and will bounce some stuff….

  10. Roaring Primadox does seem like it has potential but the only problem it is too easy to get behind because of it. A well timed removal spell can force you into a situation where you have to bounce a creature you don’t want to or even the Primadox itself. Also it’s a little too awkward even in the best case scenario. Lets say we go turn 1 Pilgrim, turn 2 Centaur Healer, then turn 3 Primadox. On turn 4 we bounce the Healer. If we have our forth Land then we will usually have a five drop that we would rather cast other the Healer. Now the healer is stuck in out hand and next turn it just gets even more awkward.

  11. I’ve been trying out this deck lately and its really hit or miss. I moved 2 Bramblecrushes to the main board because of how often I side it in. The only matchup where its worthless is against mono red decks. Also, it gives you a good 4 mana play when you can’t ramp to a 5 mana turn 3 play (since you wanna save your angel till after you make a 5 drop usually anyways). I relegated all Fiend hunters to the sideboard. They just weren’t doing enough for me. I’m rarely playing them on early turns because I want to ramp to 5 mana asap. Also, it sucks when they get so easily killed and they just get their guy back. I usually don’t want to waste resources protecting them from spot removal because I would rather be blinking my 5 mana + creatures.

    Anyway, I know you’ve already done two articles about this deck, but I would love to see you play more matches with this deck.

  12. Also, I added 2 Keyrunes to the mainboard to help with the ramp and because they help with matchups vs sweeper heavy decks.

  13. I really like the your idea of adding Keyrunes to the deck. Having another ramp spell that isn’t a mana guy is always very helpful. I would like to make more videos for this deck eventually after Gatecrash comes out. Making the deck Naya and more focused on land destruction with Frenzied Tilling seems awesome.