Match 1
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Match 2
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Match 3
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Match 4
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Testing video downloads and a few other things, comments welcome
Love the video keep it coming.
Check out my blog that links to a lot of other video content at
Still having problems with vids, I can get them to play on Google Chrome but none of the other browser will play them. So thanks for putting up the mp4 files as well. Nice to see some more limited play seems like it has been a little lacking of late.
downloadable content =D
Thank you for staying up til round 4 Chris
Your deck looks pretty good… I thought that you could have ran it with
only 16 lands…
Your card pool was amazing Double Skinrender is soo good. lol
+ 2 super good limited bombs
i can now watch this on my ipod
It’s my favorite thing that your two biggest bombs had bomby activated abilities that Necrotic Ooze could take advantage of.
Round 1, would it not have been correct to shatter the Tumble Magnet when he blocked? Metalcraft would’ve been turned off
Your tired voice makes me tired
But nice vids so far. Hope to see more. Also: no major missplays.
I made myself tired talking too, eXXa. Hope you aren’t at work (or worse, at the gym with 300 lbs dangling over your rigid muscle mass).
@kuriboh: Your suggestion would have been a better play.
Thanks for pointing it out!
I guess I am going to go to GP Nashville, so I will probably participate in a lot of Scars Limited (and sprinkle it throughout the weeks). I am unsure if I will do any live play videos though- have to stay focused while playing, no time for story telling! A personal goal: playing events during the day so I have a slight increase in energy (and hopefully less “ummmmmm”s)!
That was great man. I’m not proud about it but I’ve been goaded into silly verbal exchanges on MTGO in the past but it’s just so much fun when your opp starts crying.
I downloaded Chrome and it worked great. Keep em coming!!
Yeah I actually watched this at work. I’m writing most of the stuff I’m posting here at work.
Yes, my job is that boring, but well, coffee’s free. This also explains why I tend to write weird stuff sometimes. Anyways, do more content
oh no bro dont go to gp nashville you might run into joby HAHAHAHAHAHA
Hmmmm … love the videos but playing the neurok over the sylvok replica … just the sort of mistake I often make at prereleases … I start playing and after the first round I tell myself why didn’t I play that card!!!
Unsurprisingly Joby looks straight douche.
Unsurprisingly, I also look like a straight dbag.
Thanks for the research, Countrytime!
@Michael, I guess that the off, off chance (one green mana) that I activate the Sylvok Replica is better than the guaranteed +1 toughness?
Are there any extremely underrated cards that I should look out for in sealed? I noticed (watching the deck building) that I had double Glint Hawk and double Necrogen Censer… bad oversight on my part.
Woo! Videos are now working for me. Thanks for getting that fixed guys.
Downloads work great. Its nice to see a site that responds to feedback. Looked like a 4-0 deck, but thems the breaks sometimes. Good luck in GP Nashville, actually go to the PT if you qualify so that you don’t look like a prick like Jobe, I went to high school with him…wasn’t the most interesting guy in the world back then either…
Initial impressions on the build:
I absolutely would have cut the dross hopper and played 2 plains, I would also have straight up cut the neurok and kept the auriok in mind for the SB.
R2G1: You should be attacking with your first skinrender earlier. He cannot afford to let you imprint it on the Vat or you just dominate him. If he blocks it with the perilous, well, thats pretty spicy with the Vat too. By not attacking with it earlier you put yourself behind the 8-ball. You ripped out of it with the timely second ‘render, but that same isn’t close if you don’t get stuck in the “must have a flyer in the vat” line of thinking.
You discuss most other mistakes/judgment calls yourself.
Final impressions: The straight RB build is almost certainly better than splashing white. I probably overestimated the need for any more removal. The Arrest should probably have been a SB option for something you couldn’t deal with easily (opposing Dragons/demons).
Given the power of your pool you didn’t need to worry about to many cute tricks (Hawks + Censer etc.) but there are a lot of powerful oblique engines in this format – identify them earlier and profit in the first few weeks of draft while others are exploring the more obvious (read: keyworded) synergies.
I really hate passively threatening MTGO e-thugs. “Ohh I can’t wait to meet you in person. I really hope that happens.” Like he’s going to actually do something more than smack talk? I’m just glad you beat him, and I’m happy that everyone who saw that video dislikes him as well.
I must admit that I get greedy with myrs running around in this format, I like taking chances with one off splashes of a myr for a great effect like the sylvok but I’m not saying its the right play cause your point of the extra one toughness is certainly worth considering.
Must say that I love the format because you’ve got so many options and choices to make. Like I said keep the videos coming!!!
Ps. for underrated cards I would submit the Blight Mamba, I’ll play it when I’m in green even when it’s the only poison creature as a regenerating wall with extra’s. I notice people passing them cause they’re not playing heavy poison. (Also fun interaction with proliferate.)
I really think Dross Hopper (or Chrome Steed) should have gone out, and you splashed Sylvok Replica, its good solid removal and a dude, or even splash white for arrest (less good since you have mimic vat to attempt to abuse)